Aster petiolaris
| Aster petiolaris (Aiton) Kuntze, Revis. Gen. Pl. 1: 318. 1891. | BASIONYM: Solidago petiolaris Aiton 1789. | |
Solidago milleriana
| Solidago milleriana Mackenzie, in Small, Man. S.E. Fl. 1350, 1509. 1933. | | TYPE: "Fla. to Ala. and N. C.", |
Aster lindheimerianus
| Aster lindheimerianus (Scheele) Kuntze, Revis. Gen. Pl. 1: 318. 1891. | BASIONYM: Solidago lindheimeriana Scheele 1848. | |
Solidago angusta
| Solidago angusta Torrey & A. Gray, Fl. N. Amer. 2: 204. 1842. | | TYPE: LOUISIANA: Rapides Par.: Alexandria, s.d., Hale s.n. (lectotype: NY). Lectotypified by C. E. S. Taylor & R. J. Taylor, Sida 10: 238. 1984. |
Solidago harperi
| Solidago harperi Mackenzie, in Small, Man. Fl. S.E. U.S. 1352, 1509. 1933. | | TYPE: GEORGIA: Randolph Co.: Near Grier's Cave, 23 Oct 1902, Harper 1778 (holotype: NY). |
Solidago lindheimeriana
| Solidago lindheimeriana Scheele, Linnaea 21: 599. 1848. | | TYPE: TEXAS: Bejar/Comal Cos.: Between New Braunfels and San Antonio, Oct 1848, Lindheimer 417 (holotype: ?; isotypes: GH, US). |
Solidago petiolaris var. angusta
| Solidago petiolaris Aiton, var. angusta (Torrey & A. Gray) A. Gray, Proc. Amer. Acad. Arts 17: 189. 1882. | BASIONYM: Solidago angusta Torrey & A. Gray 1842. | |
Solidago petiolaris var. squarrulosa
| Solidago petiolaris Aiton, var. squarrulosa Torrey & A. Gray, Fl. N. Amer. 2: 203. 1842. | BASIONYM: Solidago squarrosa Nuttall 1834, non Nuttall 1818. | |
Solidago petiolaris var. wardii
| Solidago petiolaris Aiton, var. wardii (Britton) Fernald, Rhodora 10: 87. 1908. | BASIONYM: Solidago wardii Britton 1901. | |
Solidago squarrosa
| Solidago squarrosa Nuttall, J. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia 7: 102. 1834, non Nuttall 1818. | | |
Solidago squarrulosa
| Solidago squarrulosa (Torrey & A. Gray) A. W. Wood, Class-Book Bot., ed. 1861. 431. 1861. | BASIONYM: Solidago petiolaris Aiton, var. squarrulosa Torrey & A. Gray 1842; Solidago squarrosa Nuttall 1834, non Nuttall 1818. | |
Solidago wardii
| Solidago wardii Britton, Man. Fl. N. States 935. 1901. | | TYPE: KANSAS: Clark Co.: 8 mi. W of Ashland, 2 Oct 1897, Ward s.n. (holotype: NY; isotype: GH). |