Contains 33 genera and 69 accepted taxa overall.
This family is completely databased for all specimens.
Genus | Common Name | Taxa Count | Herbarium Specimens | Photos |
Borreria | 5 | |||
Casasia | CASASIA | 1 | ||
Catesbaea | LILYTHORN | 1 | ||
Cephalanthus | BUTTONBUSH | 1 | ||
Chiococca | MILKBERRY | 3 | ||
Coccocypselum | COCCOCYPSELUM | 1 | ||
Diodia | BUTTONWEED | 1 | ||
Edrastima | 1 | |||
Erithalis | BLACKTORCH | 1 | ||
Ernodea | ERNODEA | 2 | ||
Exostema | EXOSTEMA | 1 | ||
Galium | BEDSTRAW | 8 | ||
Guettarda | VELVETSEED | 2 | ||
Hamelia | HAMELIA | 1 | ||
Hexasepalum | 1 | |||
Houstonia | BLUETS | 7 | ||
Ixora | JUNGLEFLAME | 2 | ||
Mitchella | MITCHELLA | 1 | ||
Mitracarpus | GIRDLEPOD | 1 | ||
Morinda | MORINDA | 2 | ||
Nauclea | GUINEA PEACH | 1 | ||
Oldenlandia | OLDENLANDIA | 3 | ||
Oldenlandiopsis | OLDENLANDIOPSIS | 1 | ||
Paederia | SEWER VINE | 2 | ||
Pentas | PENTAS | 1 | ||
Pentodon | PENTODON | 1 | ||
Pinckneya | PINCKNEYA | 1 | ||
Psychotria | WILD COFFEE | 4 | ||
Randia | INDIGOBERRY | 1 | ||
Richardia | MEXICAN CLOVER | 4 | ||
Sherardia | SHERARDIA | 1 | ||
Spermacoce | FALSE BUTTONWEED | 5 | ||
Strumpfia | STRUMPFIA | 1 |
Identification Key
1. Herbs, sometimes suffrutescent or vine-like; leaf blades 0.1-3 cm wide
1. Woody vines, subshrubs, shrubs, or trees; leaf blades 0.1-25 cm wide
1. (Key A) Leaves whorled, 4-8 per node
1. Leaves opposite, 2 per node
2. Inflorescence axillary or terminal, pedunculate or flowers pedicellate
2. Inflorescence terminal with sessile flowers subtended by a whorl of leaves
3. Leaf blades 1-5 mm long
3. Leaf blades (3)5-50 mm long
4. Flowers pedicellate, pedicel (2)3-15 mm long
4. Flowers sessile to subessile, pedicel 0-3 mm long
5. Calyx lobes, corolla lobes, and stamens usually 5
5. Calyx lobes, corolla lobes, and stamens 4
6. Seeds crateriform (with a ventral depression and a linear hilar ridge within or a ventral subglobose cavity lacking a hilar ridge), or if noncrateriform then leaves linear
6. Seeds noncrateriform (leaves linear-lanceolate, elliptic, to ovate)
7. Leaves distinctly petiolate, the petiole 2-10 mm long, the blade 1.3-5 times as long as the petiole; fruit a drupe or berry
7. Leaves sessile or subsessile, the petiole 0-3 mm long, the blade 10 times or more the length of the petiole; fruit a capsule
8. Leaf blade 2-6.5 cm long; inflorescence of separate flowers, the ovaries not fused; fruit blue or purplish, with the remant of one calyx and one corolla scar
8. Leaf blade 0.8-2 cm long; inflorescence a pair of flowers with the ovaries fused; fruit red, with remnants of 2 calyces and 2 corolla scars
9. Leaf blade lacking conspicuous secondary veins
9. Leaf blade with conspicuous lateral veins
10. Carpels with 2 or more seeds
10. Carpels 1-seeded
11. Stipules with inconspicuous marginal teeth to 2 mm long; leaves ovate to elliptic, 3-11 mm wide; flowers both axillary and terminal
11. Stipules with conspicuous marginal teeth to 5 mm long; leaves linear to narrowly elliptic, 1-3(5) mm wide; flowers all axillary
12. Fruit not separating into 2 parts
12. Fruit separating into 2 parts
13. Stipular bristles flattened-linear, to 5 mm long, shorter than the flower and fruit; corolla lobe upper surface hirsute; fruit 5-9 mm long
13. Stipular bristles filiform, to 8 mm long, longer than the flower and fruit; corolla lobe upper surface glabrous; fruit 2-3(4.5) mm long
14. Inflorescence sessile or pedunculate, <6 flowers in the inflorescence; fruit separating into 2 parts
14. Inflorescence sessile with 6-50 sessile flowers densely clustered at one stem node (only one or some flowers may be open at a time); fruit not separating into 2 parts
15. Calyx and corolla lobes 4 or 5-6
15. Calyx and corolla lobes 4
16. Stem or leaf base frequently hispid or pilose; calyx lobes to 2 mm long, conspicuously exserted; carpels opening transversely
16. Stem or leaf base glabrate, pubescent, hispid, or pilose; calyx lobes to 1.5 mm long, conspicuously exserted or not; carpels opening longitudinally
1. (Key B) Flowers sessile in dense heads
1. Flowers pedicellate
2. Leaves opposite or whorled; fruit dry
2. Leaves opposite; fruit fleshy
3. Only a few flowers open simultaneously; style short-exserted; stigma bilobed, the lobes strap-like; mature fruit white to yellow
3. All or nearly all flowers open simultaneously; style long-exserted; stigma conic or cylindric; mature fruit brown to red
4. Fruit a capsule
4. Fruit a berry
5. Inflorescence with some sepals petaloid and greatly enlarged, white to pink to reddish
5. Sepals green, not petaloid, not enlarged
6. Plant glabrous or glabrate
6. Plant hirsute, villous, or pilose, especially on younger parts
7. Leaves 1-10 mm wide with inconspicuous lateral veins or the lateral veins extending to the leaf apex, margins revoluate or plane
7. Leaves 3-150 mm wide, usually with conspicuous lateral veins extending to the margin or evanescent, the margins usually plane
8. Scrambling shrub or vine-like; internodes mostly >7 mm long, leaves distributed along the stem
8. Erect shrub; internodes <7 mm long, leaves often densely clustered at the stem apex
9. Axillary spines present or absent; mature main stems usually axillary fascicles of leaves or with short shoots of a scarcely elongated stem of densely clustered nodes where the leaves arise
9. Axillary spines absent; stems lacking short shoots
10. Leaves 3-10 mm long; corolla lobes 4; fruit 2-4 mm long
10. Leaves 5-50 mm long; corolla lobes 5; fruit 6-13 mm long
11. Inflorescence axillary
11. Inflorescence terminal, new stems sometimes produced laterally below the inflorescence and well exserted beyond the inflorescence
12. Stipules 5-12 mm long; leaves 6-15 cm long; fruit 5-8 cm long
12. Stpules 0.5-8 mm long; leaves 1-17 cm long; fruit 0.3-1 cm long
13. Leaves with a fetid or unpleasant odor; base of the corolla lobes and inside of the tube pink to purple; fruit orangeish, brown, or blackish
13. Leaves with an insignificant or neutral odor; corolla lobes and tube white, yellow, to green inside; fruit white or red
14. Sprawling or vine-like, sometimes shrubby; stems and leaves glabrous to glabrate; inflorescence of elongate racemes or panicles; fruit white
14. Shrubs or trees, rarely sprawling; stems and leaves pubescent; inflorescence a pedunculate capitate cyme; fruit red
15. Leaves opposite or whorled; inflorescence racemose; corolla yellow to reddish orange, the outer surface pubescent
15. Leaves opposite; inflorescence subcaptiate; corolla white to greenish, the outer surface glabrous
16. Stipules usually stiff-pointed or spinose; corolla tube 6-45 mm long
16. Stipules chartaceous or coriaceous, rounded to acute; corolla tube 1-4 mm long
17. Leaf blade secondary veins plane, not impressed; stigma with 5-10 lobes, the ovary of 5-10(22) locules; fruit with 5-10 seeds
17. Leaf blade secondary veins often impressed with the blade tissue raised between the veins; stigma with 2 lobes, the ovary of 2 carpels; fruit with 2 seeds