Family Name | Fabaceae |
Currently Accepted Name | Orbexilum lupinellus (Michx.) Isely - Determined By: B. F. Hansen, 1991 |
Determination History |
Psoralea lupinellus Michx.
- Determined By: R. F. Daubenmire, 1988
Locality | USA. Florida , Lake Co. : 2 mi. w of Alexander Springs. |
Reproductive State | Flower |
Collector |
R. F. Daubenmire
with J. Daubenmire |
Collection Date | 15 Aug 1988 |
Accession Number | 201623 |
Image | 201623.jpg |
Plant Atlas Link | Plant Atlas Citation |
Family Name | Fabaceae |
Currently Accepted Name | Orbexilum lupinellus (Michx.) Isely - Determined By: B. F. Hansen, 1991 |
Determination History |
Psoralea lupinellus Michx.
Locality | USA. Florida , Hillsborough Co. : Tampa. University of South Florida campus. 27° 56' 51" N 82° 27' 30" W |
Reproductive State | Flower |
Collector | [Without Collector] |
Collection Date | May 1968 |
Accession Number | 83839 |
Image | 83839.jpg |
Plant Atlas Link | Plant Atlas Citation |
Family Name | Fabaceae |
Currently Accepted Name | Orbexilum lupinellus (Michx.) Isely - Determined By: B. F. Hansen, 1991 |
Determination History |
Psoralea lupinellus Michx.
- Determined By: Lakela, 1961
Locality | USA. Florida , Hillsborough Co. : N of Tampa, University of South Florida Campus. E of 50th Street, just off University of South Florida campus 0.5 mi. N of Fowler Avenue. 27° 56' 51" N 82° 27' 30" W |
Description | Colony compact; flowers bright blue. |
Habitat | Seasonally moist pineland in marginal area between open longleaf pine [Pinus palustris] - turkey oak [Quercus laevis] sandhill ridge and secondary cypress [Taxodium] swamp; Serenoa repens rather common. |
Reproductive State | Flower Immature Fruit |
Collector | O. K. Lakela 24137 |
Collection Date | 17 May 1961 |
Accession Number | 35375 |
Image | 35375.jpg |
Plant Atlas Link | Plant Atlas Citation |
Family Name | Fabaceae |
Currently Accepted Name | Orbexilum lupinellus (Michx.) Isely - Determined By: B. F. Hansen, 1991 |
Determination History |
Psoralea lupinellus Michx.
Locality | USA. Florida , Hillsborough Co. : 122nd Street. |
Habitat | Remnant woods. |
Reproductive State | Flower Immature Fruit |
Collector | D. Lundy 4 |
Collection Date | 30 May 1977 |
Accession Number | 130680 |
Image | 130680.jpg |
Plant Atlas Link | Plant Atlas Citation |
Family Name | Fabaceae |
Currently Accepted Name | Orbexilum lupinellus (Michx.) Isely - Determined By: Orzell, 1991 |
Locality | USA. Florida , Suwannee Co. : Suwannee River State Park. Along sandhills trail on E side of park entrance road, ca. 0.4 mi. N of US 90 at a point ca. 0.8 mi. E of Suwannee River bridge and Madison County line at Ellaville. T1S, R11E, Sec. 24, NE¼ of SE¼. 30° 22' 60" N 83° 10' 0" W |
Habitat | Open longleaf pine [Pinus palustris] sandhill savanna. Soils: Blanton (Grossarenic Paleudults). |
Reproductive State | Flower Immature Fruit |
Elevation | 70 to ft |
Collector |
S. L. Orzell 17040
with E.L. Bridges |
Collection Date | 27 May 1991 |
Accession Number | 216425 |
Image | 216425.jpg |
Plant Atlas Link | Plant Atlas Citation |
Family Name | Fabaceae |
Currently Accepted Name | Orbexilum lupinellus (Michx.) Isely - Determined By: B. F. Hansen, 1991 |
Determination History |
Psoralea lupinellus Michx.
Locality | USA. Florida , Hillsborough Co. : Tampa. Along 122nd Street and Florida Avenue. 27° 56' 51" N 82° 27' 30" W |
Habitat | Remnant slash pine [Pinus elliottii] and oak woods. |
Reproductive State | Flower |
Collector | D. Lundy 4 |
Collection Date | 01 May 1977 |
Accession Number | 127071 |
Image | 127071.jpg |
Plant Atlas Link | Plant Atlas Citation |
Family Name | Fabaceae |
Currently Accepted Name | Orbexilum lupinellus (Michx.) Isely - Determined By: Orzell, 1991 |
Locality | USA. Florida , Madison Co. : On N side of dirt road. 0.2 mi. E of C-255 at a point 1.5 mi. N of its junction with FL 6, 5.3 mi. N of the junction with US 90 at Lee, 8.2 mi. N of the junction with I-10. T1N, R10E, Sec. 11, SE¼ of SW¼ of SW¼. 30° 29' 42" N 83° 17' 46" W |
Habitat | Burned, open, typic upland longleaf pine [Pinus palustris] forest. Soils: Blanton (Grossarenic Paleudults). |
Reproductive State | Flower |
Elevation | 90 to 100 ft |
Collector |
S. L. Orzell 16678
with E.L. Bridges |
Collection Date | 18 May 1991 |
Accession Number | 214611 |
Image | 214611.jpg |
Plant Atlas Link | Plant Atlas Citation |
Family Name | Fabaceae |
Currently Accepted Name | Orbexilum lupinellus (Michx.) Isely - Determined By: B. F. Hansen, 1994 |
Determination History |
Psoralea lupinellus Michx.
- Determined By: B. J. Herring, 1992
Locality | USA. Florida , Suwannee Co. : Ichetucknee Springs State Park. 6 mi. NW of Fort White off of C-238. Ca. 3.2 mi. SW of N Entrance in W portion of section 2F; N of powerlines and S of planted pines, parallel to fencerow. T6S, R15E, Sec. 14. |
Description | Herb; leaves finely dissected; flowers deep purple. |
Habitat | Ruderal edge of sandhill, with Baptisis lecontei. Aristida beyrichiana [A. stricta var. beyrichiana], and Quercus laevis. |
Reproductive State | Bud Flower |
Collector |
B. J. Herring 762
with D. Herring |
Collection Date | 23 May 1992 |
Accession Number | 210317 |
Image | 210317.jpg |
Plant Atlas Link | Plant Atlas Citation |
Family Name | Fabaceae |
Currently Accepted Name | Orbexilum lupinellus (Michx.) Isely - Determined By: B. F. Hansen, 1991 |
Determination History |
Psoralea lupinellus Michx.
- Determined By: Lakela, 1962
Locality | USA. Florida , Polk Co. : Ca. 3 mi. S of Haynes City, off US 27. 30° 52' 0" N 84° 57' 0" W |
Description | Plants in fruit. |
Habitat | In understory of Quercus laevis, Q. incana, sandy ridge, overlooking exsiccating lake bed. |
Reproductive State | Immature Fruit Fruit |
Collector | O. K. Lakela 25130 |
Collection Date | 15 Jun 1962 |
Accession Number | 47752 |
Image | 47752.jpg |
Plant Atlas Link | Plant Atlas Citation |
Family Name | Fabaceae |
Currently Accepted Name | Orbexilum lupinellus (Michx.) Isely - Determined By: B. F. Hansen, 1991 |
Determination History |
Psoralea lupinellus Michx.
Locality | USA. Florida , Hernando Co. : Withlacoochee State Forest. Headquarters Tract; ca. 2 mi. S of Citrus County line on US 41 N. 30° 13' 60" N 84° 40' 0" W |
Habitat | Slash pine [Pinus elliottii] - turkey oak [Quercus laevis] woods. |
Reproductive State | Flower Fruit |
Collector |
S. Petty
with C. vanHoek |
Collection Date | 31 May 1991 |
Accession Number | 202276 |
Image | 202276.jpg |
Plant Atlas Link | Plant Atlas Citation |
Family Name | Fabaceae |
Currently Accepted Name | Orbexilum lupinellus (Michx.) Isely - Determined By: B. F. Hansen, 1991 |
Determination History |
Psoralea lupinellus Michx.
- Determined By: R. L. Mears, 1991
Locality | USA. Florida , Wakulla Co. : 1.2 mi. N of Panacea (city limit sign) on W side of US 98. 30° 2' 15" N 84° 23' 16" W |
Habitat | Turkey oak [Quercus laevis] - pine. |
Reproductive State | Bud |
Collector | R. Mears |
Collection Date | 20 Apr 1991 |
Accession Number | 202453 |
Image | 202453.jpg |
Plant Atlas Link | Plant Atlas Citation |
Family Name | Fabaceae |
Currently Accepted Name | Orbexilum lupinellus (Michx.) Isely - Determined By: J. M. Kunzer, 2005 |
Locality | USA. Florida , Clay Co. : Ca. 3.5 mi. ENE of the junction of FL 100 and FL 21, ca. 0.25 mi. SSE of Silver Sands Lake (Ten Mile Pond), N side of Overlook Terrace, E of Silver Sands Lake Drive. T8S, R23E, Sec. 14, SW¼. 27° 55' 35" N 82° 30' 54" W |
Description | Corollas blue with blue/black throat. |
Habitat | Relatively undisturbed sandhill with interrupted (discontinued) fire cycle; sporadic residences nearby. |
Reproductive State | Flower Immature Fruit |
Collector | J. M. Kunzer 1078 |
Collection Date | 03 Jun 2005 |
Accession Number | 240635 |
Image | 240635.jpg |
Plant Atlas Link | Plant Atlas Citation |
Family Name | Fabaceae |
Currently Accepted Name | Orbexilum lupinellus (Michx.) Isely - Determined By: B. F. Hansen, 2005 |
Locality | USA. Florida , Gilchrist Co. : Ca 4 mi. N of Bell. T8S, R15E, Sec. 7, NW¼. 29° 48' 11" N 85° 50' 58" W |
Habitat | Former sandhill site cleared for improved pasture; this plant collected at fence line between pasture and agricultural field. |
Reproductive State | Fruit |
Collector | T. B. Gunter |
Collection Date | 26 Aug 2005 |
Accession Number | 241410 |
Image | 241410.jpg |
Plant Atlas Link | Plant Atlas Citation |
Family Name | Fabaceae |
Currently Accepted Name | Orbexilum lupinellus (Michx.) Isely |
Locality | USA. Florida , Jackson Co. : T7N, R8W, Sec. 32, SE¼. 30° 57' 27" N 85° 2' 49" W |
Description | Ca. 20 plants present. |
Habitat | Former Pinus palustris sandhill, now planted Pinus elliottii, burned every 2-3 years. |
Reproductive State | Flower Immature Fruit |
Collector | G. Anglin |
Collection Date | 13 Jun 2016 |
Accession Number | 286383 |
Image | 286383.JPG |
Plant Atlas Link | Plant Atlas Citation |
Family Name | Fabaceae |
Currently Accepted Name | Orbexilum lupinellus (Michx.) Isely - Determined By: B. F. Hansen, 1991 |
Determination History |
Psoralea lupinellus Michx.
Locality | USA. Georgia , Pulaski Co. : 1 mi. ESE of Hawkinsville; Costal Plain Province. |
Description | Corolla almost white and bluish-purple; stems weak. |
Habitat | Scrub-oak-pine sandhill. |
Reproductive State | Flower Immature Fruit |
Collector |
W. H. Duncan
with R.M. Harper, W.F. Humphrey |
Collection Date | 31 Jul 1953 |
Accession Number | 2918 |
Image | 2918.jpg |
Plant Atlas Link | Plant Atlas Citation |
Family Name | Fabaceae |
Currently Accepted Name | Orbexilum lupinellus (Michx.) Isely |
Locality | USA. Alabama , Pike Co. : Pike County Pocosin Nature Preserve; 0.33 mi. E of Clayhill Road. 31° 47' 23" N |
Habitat | Xeric sandy soil of pine plantation. |
Reproductive State | |
Elevation | 545 to ft |
Collector |
A. R. Diamond
with M. Woods |
Collection Date | 16 Aug 2008 |
Accession Number | 271091 |
Image | 271091.jpg |
Plant Atlas Link | Plant Atlas Citation |
Family Name | Fabaceae |
Currently Accepted Name | Orbexilum lupinellus (Michx.) D. Isley - Determined By: B. F. Hansen, 1991 |
Determination History |
Psoralea lupinellus Michx.
- Determined By: Wilbur, 1958
Locality | USA. North Carolina , Scotland Co. : 1.9 mi. S of Hoke-Scotland County line on US 15-501. |
Habitat | Sany pine-oak woods. |
Reproductive State | Flower |
Collector |
H. E. Ahles
with J. Haesloop |
Collection Date | 20 Jun 1957 |
Accession Number | 13996 |
Image | 13996.jpg |
Plant Atlas Link | Plant Atlas Citation |
Family Name | Fabaceae |
Currently Accepted Name | Orbexilum lupinellus (Michx.) Isely |
Locality | USA. Florida , Citrus Co. : Withlacoochee State Forest. Citrus Tract. 28° 44' 1" N 82° 29' 34" W |
Habitat | Sandhill, in open sunny area with mature longleaf pine [Pinus palustris], gopher apple [Geobalanus oblongifolius], and wiregrass [Aristida stricta]. |
Reproductive State | Flower |
Collector |
C. Werner
with J. Hock |
Collection Date | 22 Aug 2019 |
Accession Number | 302529 |
Image | 302529.jpg |
Plant Atlas Link | Plant Atlas Citation |