Croton michauxii

Family Name | Euphorbiaceae |
Currently Accepted Name | Croton michauxii G. L. Webster |
Locality | USA. Florida , Duval Co. : Sawmill Slough Preserve. 30° 16' 36" N 81° 30' 58" W |
Description | Uncommon annual herb to ca. 10 cm [?; specimen is 3 dm] tall; stem semi-woody, pubescent with reddish trichomes; leaves alternate, linear-elliptic, upper surface with short pubescence, the trichomes stellate, not overlapping; fruit indehiscent, one seeded. |
Habitat | Along a mesic flatwood edge, beneath saw palmetto [Serenoa repens]; other associates include Pinus elliottii, agalinis filifolia, Quercus geminata, and Aristida stricta var. beyrichiana. |
Reproductive State | Fertile |
Elevation | 39 to ft |
Collector | J. McGregor 5 |
Collection Date | Sep 2011 |
Accession Number | 261243 |
Image | 261243.jpg |
Plant Atlas Link | Plant Atlas Citation |