Herbarium Specimen Details

Abelia sp.
Family Name Caprifoliaceae
Currently Accepted Name Abelia sp.
Locality USA. Florida , Alachua Co. : Garden of Dr. E. L. "Roy" Hunt, 2743 SW 4th Place, Gainesville.
Description Cv. 'Canyon Creek', which is an open-pollinated hybrid seedling of Abelia chinensis R.Br. (other parent unknown) from Michael Dirr's Breeding program at the University of Georgia, released in 2002. Shrub 4 ft. tall with arching branches; flowers with a mild sweet fragrance, the sepals pale pink, persistent and becoming pale green after anthesis, the corolla pinkish white.
Habitat Residential landscape.
Reproductive State Flower
Collector M. S. Frank
Collection Date 25 Aug 2016
Accession Number 302359
Image 302359.jpg