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Plant species within the INDIGOFERA genus are shown below. For quick access to genus details, visit our INDIGOFERA genus page.
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Record Format
Scientific NameCommon NameFamilyGenus Herbarium

Accepted Name Indigofera caroliniana CAROLINA INDIGO FABACEAE Indigofera
Accepted Name Indigofera colutea RUSTY INDIGO FABACEAE Indigofera
Accepted Name Indigofera hirsuta HAIRY INDIGO FABACEAE Indigofera
Accepted Name Indigofera miniata COASTAL INDIGO FABACEAE Indigofera
Accepted Name Indigofera pilosa SOFTHAIRY INDIGO FABACEAE Indigofera
Accepted Name Indigofera spicata TRAILING INDIGO FABACEAE Indigofera
Accepted Name Indigofera suffruticosa ANIL DE PASTO FABACEAE Indigofera
Accepted Name Indigofera tinctoria TRUE INDIGO FABACEAE Indigofera
Accepted Name Indigofera trita subsp. scabra FLORIDA KEYS INDIGO FABACEAE Indigofera
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