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Plant species within the DICERANDRA genus are shown below. For quick access to genus details, visit our DICERANDRA genus page.
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Record Format
Scientific NameCommon NameFamilyGenus Herbarium

Accepted Name Dicerandra christmanii LAKE WALES BALM; CHRISTMAN'S MINT LAMIACEAE Dicerandra
Accepted Name Dicerandra cornutissima LONGSPUR BALM; ROBIN'S MINT LAMIACEAE Dicerandra
Accepted Name Dicerandra densiflora FLORIDA BALM LAMIACEAE Dicerandra
Accepted Name Dicerandra frutescens SCRUB BALM; LLOYD'S MINT LAMIACEAE Dicerandra
Accepted Name Dicerandra fumella SMOKY BALM LAMIACEAE Dicerandra
Accepted Name Dicerandra immaculata var. immaculata LAKELA'S BALM; OLGA'S MINT LAMIACEAE Dicerandra
Accepted Name Dicerandra immaculata var. savannarum SAVANNA BALM; DICERANDRA-OF-THE-SAVANNAS LAMIACEAE Dicerandra
Accepted Name Dicerandra linearifolia var. robustior COASTALPLAIN BALM LAMIACEAE Dicerandra
Accepted Name Dicerandra modesta BLUSHING SCRUB BALM LAMIACEAE Dicerandra
Accepted Name Dicerandra thinicola TITUSVILLE BALM LAMIACEAE Dicerandra
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