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Plant species within the TEPHROSIA genus are shown below. For quick access to genus details, visit our TEPHROSIA genus page.
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Record Format
Scientific NameCommon NameFamilyGenus Herbarium

Accepted Name Tephrosia angustissima var. angustissima NARROWLEAF HOARYPEA FABACEAE Tephrosia
Accepted Name Tephrosia angustissima var. corallicola CORAL HOARYPEA FABACEAE Tephrosia
Accepted Name Tephrosia angustissima var. curtissii CURTISS' HOARYPEA FABACEAE Tephrosia
Accepted Name Tephrosia chrysophylla SCURF HOARYPEA FABACEAE Tephrosia
Accepted Name Tephrosia cinerea ASHEN HOARYPEA FABACEAE Tephrosia
Accepted Name Tephrosia florida FLORIDA HOARYPEA FABACEAE Tephrosia
Accepted Name Tephrosia hispidula SPRAWLING HOARYPEA FABACEAE Tephrosia
Accepted Name Tephrosia mysteriosa SANDHILL TIPPITOES FABACEAE Tephrosia
Accepted Name Tephrosia rugelii RUGEL'S HOARYPEA FABACEAE Tephrosia
Accepted Name Tephrosia spicata SPIKED HOARYPEA FABACEAE Tephrosia
Accepted Name Tephrosia virginiana GOAT'S RUE FABACEAE Tephrosia
Accepted Name Tephrosia x intermedia   FABACEAE Tephrosia
Accepted Name Tephrosia x varioforma   FABACEAE Tephrosia
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