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Plant species within the CAMPANULACEAE family are shown below. For quick access to family details, visit our CAMPANULACEAE family page.
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Record Format
Scientific NameCommon NameFamilyGenus Herbarium

Accepted Name Campanula americana AMERICAN BELLFLOWER CAMPANULACEAE Campanula
Accepted Name Campanula floridana FLORIDA BELLFLOWER CAMPANULACEAE Campanula
Accepted Name Hippobroma longiflora MADAMFATE CAMPANULACEAE Hippobroma
Accepted Name Lobelia amoena SOUTHERN LOBELIA CAMPANULACEAE Lobelia
Accepted Name Lobelia apalachicolensis APALACHICOLA LOBELIA CAMPANULACEAE Lobelia
Accepted Name Lobelia boykinii BOYKIN'S LOBELIA CAMPANULACEAE Lobelia
Accepted Name Lobelia brevifolia SHORTLEAF LOBELIA CAMPANULACEAE Lobelia
Accepted Name Lobelia cardinalis CARDINALFLOWER CAMPANULACEAE Lobelia
Accepted Name Lobelia feayana BAY LOBELIA CAMPANULACEAE Lobelia
Accepted Name Lobelia flaccidifolia FOLDEAR LOBELIA CAMPANULACEAE Lobelia
Accepted Name Lobelia floridana FLORIDA LOBELIA CAMPANULACEAE Lobelia
Accepted Name Lobelia georgiana SOUTHERN LOBELIA CAMPANULACEAE Lobelia
Accepted Name Lobelia glandulosa GLADE LOBELIA CAMPANULACEAE Lobelia
Accepted Name Lobelia homophylla PINELAND LOBELIA CAMPANULACEAE Lobelia
Accepted Name Lobelia nuttallii NUTTALL'S LOBELIA CAMPANULACEAE Lobelia
Accepted Name Lobelia paludosa WHITE LOBELIA CAMPANULACEAE Lobelia
Accepted Name Lobelia puberula DOWNY LOBELIA CAMPANULACEAE Lobelia
Accepted Name Lobelia rogersii MCVAUGH'S LOBELIA CAMPANULACEAE Lobelia
Accepted Name Triodanis biflora SMALL VENUS' LOOKING-GLASS CAMPANULACEAE Triodanis
Accepted Name Triodanis perfoliata CLASPING VENUS' LOOKING-GLASS CAMPANULACEAE Triodanis
Accepted Name Wahlenbergia linarioides TUFFYBELLS CAMPANULACEAE Wahlenbergia
Accepted Name Wahlenbergia marginata SOUTHERN ROCKBELL CAMPANULACEAE Wahlenbergia
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