Tara vesicaria (L.)Molinari et al.
Previously placed in Caesalpinia s.l., this species now belongs in Tara (Gagnon et al. 2016).
Not Native

TARA VESICARIA (Linnaeus) Molinari-Novoa et al., in Molinari-Novoa & Sánchez Ocharan, Weberbauerella 1(8): 5. 2016.
Caesalpinia vesicaria Linnaeus 1753.
JAMAICA: Without data (lectotype: Sloane, Voy. Jamaica 2: t. 181(2, 3). 1725). Lectotypified by Thulin, in Turland & C. E. Jarvis, Taxon 46: 466. 1997.
Species Distribution Map
Based on vouchered plant specimens from wild populations. Cultivated occurrences are not mapped. Click on a county to display its name.
Specimens and Distribution
Click on an Accession Number to view additional details about the specimen.
Counties listed:
Range of years during which specimens were collected: