Monotropa uniflora L.
This achlorophyllous mycoheterotrophic species is mainly linked with ectomycorrhizal species of Russulaceae (Bidartondo & Bruns 2001; Kong et al. 2015). A recent study provides support for the recognition of M. brittonii, possibly endemic to Florida, with tapered filaments (apical width 0.55-0.85 times the basal width), larger petals, stamens, and ovaries, hairier petals and filaments, nectar spurs divergent (ca. 50-110 degree angle), largely confined to scrubby habitats, and mycorrhizal with species of the Lactifluus deceptivus complex (perhaps L. arcuatus, L. caeruleitinctus) (Keesling 2020).
Native FACU (NWPL)
Monotropa uniflora L. - INDIANPIPE
MONOTROPA UNIFLORA Linnaeus, Sp. Pl. 387. 1753.
VIRGINIA: Without data, Kalm s.n. (lectotype: LINN 551.3). Lectotypified by Reveal, Huntia 7: 228. 1987.
Species Distribution Map

Based on vouchered plant specimens from wild populations. Cultivated occurrences are not mapped. Click on a county to display its name.

Specimens and Distribution

Click on an Accession Number to view additional details about the specimen.

Counties listed:

Range of years during which specimens were collected: