Buchnera americana L.
The name B. floridana can be applied to plants with smaller features (leaf blade not conspicuously 3-veined, calyx 4.5-5.5 mm long, corolla lobes 2-5 mm long) and plants with larger features referred to as B. americana s.str. (Pennell 1935; Philcox 1965; Sorrie in FNA, vol. 17). Some have considered the two synonymous (Musselman & Mann 1977), and others have recognized two species while noting intermediacy between the two (Pennell 1935; Radford et al. 1968: 954). Following Pennell (1935), B. americana s.str. is only known in Florida from the DeFuniak Springs area. Buchnera longifolia Kunth apparently does not occur in south Florida (Philcox 1965; Sorrie in FNA, vol. 17), plants of which have been incorrectly referred to as B. elongata Sw., nom. illeg. (=B. palustris (Aubl.) Spreng.) (Pennell 1935; Long & Lakela 1972).
BUCHNERA AMERICANA Linnaeus, Sp. Pl. 630. 1753.
VIRGINIA: Without data, Clayton 142 (lectotype: BM). Lectotypified by Pennell, Torreya 19: 235. 1919.
Species Distribution Map
Based on vouchered plant specimens from wild populations. Cultivated occurrences are not mapped. Click on a county to display its name.
Specimens and Distribution
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Counties listed:
Range of years during which specimens were collected: