Arundinaria gigantea (Walter)Walter ex Muhl.
Arundinaria tecta is here provisionally included within A. gigantea (Radford et al. 1968; Godfrey 1988). Arundinaria tecta is characterized by a shorter height (usually < 2.5 m), air canals in the rhizome, 2-4 compressed basal internodes on primary branches, and terete internodes, while A. gigantea s.s. may be taller (usually > 2m, to 10 m) with rhizomes without air canals, 0-1 compressed internodes on primary branches, and internodes sulcate proximally (Triplett et al. 2006). The AFLP study by Triplett et al. (2010) showed that A. tecta from Atlantic coastal populations in GA, NC, SC, and VA is distinct from Appalachian and Gulf coastal populations of A. gigantea. In that study only a few populations of A. gigantea from the Florida panhandle were included, while no samples from peninsular Florida were included. Hall (2018) indicated A. gigantea was restricted to the panhandle in Florida, while A. tecta occurred in the central peninsula.
ARUNDINARIA GIGANTEA (Walter) Walter ex Muhlenberg, Cat. Pl. 13. 1813.
Arundo gigantea Walter 1788.
SOUTH CAROLINA: Without data, Walter s.n. (neotype: BM). Neotypified by McClure, Smithsonian Contr. Bot. 9: 126. 1973; D. B. Ward, J. Bor. Res. Inst. Texas 1: 410. 2007. EPITYPE: SOUTH CAROLINA: Edgefield Co.: Sumter National Forest, 23 Jun 1993, Hill 25111 (epitype: GH). Epitypified by D. B. Ward, Castanea 74: 193. 2009.
Species Distribution Map
Based on vouchered plant specimens from wild populations. Cultivated occurrences are not mapped. Click on a county to display its name.
Specimens and Distribution
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Counties listed:
Range of years during which specimens were collected: