Passiflora suberosa L.
Within this group, some treatments recognize two species: P. pallida (hypanthium 2.8-4.1 mm wide, inner coronal filaments < 1.4 mm long), native to Florida, Texas, West Indies, Mexico, Central America, and Venezuela, and P. suberosa s.str. (hypanthium usually 4.0-8.8 mm wide, inner coronal filaments > 1.4 mm long) native to the West Indies, Mexico, Central and South America, with both introduced in the Old World tropics (Porter-Utley 2003, 2014). Based on an ITS phylogeny, a cultivated specimen (Porter-Utley P-65, FLAS) identified as P. pallida with provenance putatively from the Everglades fell within a strongly supported monophyletic clade of P. pallida + P. suberosa with pallida aff., while the specimen identified as "P. suberosa with pallida aff." was from Sarasota Co. (Abbott 14284, FLAS) and had four different ITS copies falling in multiple clades (Porter-Utley 2014). The use of P. suberosa is similar to other treatments (Long & Lakela 1971; Adams 1972; Correll & Correll 1982; Proctor 1984; Bornstein in Howard 1989).
Native UPL (NWPL)
Passiflora suberosa L. - CORKYSTEM PASSIONFLOWER
PASSIFLORA SUBEROSA Linnaeus, Sp. Pl. 958. 1753.
"DOMINICA", probably Hispaniola: Without data (lectotype: LINN 1070.21). Lectotypified by Wijnands, Bot. Commelins 171. 1983.
Species Distribution Map

Based on vouchered plant specimens from wild populations. Cultivated occurrences are not mapped. Click on a county to display its name.

Specimens and Distribution

Click on an Accession Number to view additional details about the specimen.

Counties listed:

Range of years during which specimens were collected: