Crataegus flava

Species:Crataegus flava Aiton
Plant Notes:According to Phipps (1988), C. flava is rare or extinct, described from cultivation in the UK and otherwise known from few collections, e.g. Sargent collections from Augusta and Chattahoochee (at K). It has been described as having 20 stamens (Phipps 1988), 10 stamens (Phipps & Dvorsky 2007), or 13-16 stamens (FNA, vol. 9). Ward (2009) treats C. flava as frequent in the panhandle and northern Florida (with C. pulcherrima in synonymy).
Status:Native, FAC (NWPL)
Specimen: View details of USF Herbarium specimens

** Not applicable or data not available.


Sub Class
Genus Crataegus


Citation CRATAEGUS FLAVA Aiton, Hort. Kew. 2: 169. 1789.
Basionym: **
Type: Without data, 1781, Herb. Bishop Goodenough 1781 (lectotype: K). Lectotypified by J. B. Phipps, Taxon 37: 108. 1988.

** Not applicable or data not available.


CountyHerbariaLiterature Citation (If Applicable)
Alachua FLAS  
Calhoun FSU  
Gadsden US  
Holmes UWC  
Jackson USF  
Jefferson FSU  
Lafayette USF  
Leon USF  
Liberty FSU  
Madison FSU  
Wakulla FSU  
Washington FSU  


– Denotes synonyms that are applicable to the state. Show these synonyms only

SynonymFull CitationBasionymType
Anthomeles flava Anthomeles flava (Aiton) M. Roemer, Fam. Nat. Syn. Monogr. 3: 142. 1847.BASIONYM: Crataegus flava Aiton 1789. 
Crataegus abstrusa Crataegus abstrusa Beadle, Biltmore Bot. Stud. 1: 66. 1902. TYPE: FLORIDA: Leon Co.: Near Tallahassee, 29 Aug 1901, Harbison H4958 [= H4059/2] (lectotype: US). Lectotypified by J. B. Phipps et al., Sida 28: 990. 2006.
Crataegus assimilis Crataegus assimilis Beadle, Biltmore Bot. Stud. 1: 68. 1902. TYPE: FLORIDA: Jackson Co.: Near Chattahoochee, 8 Apr 1901, Harbison H4096 (lectotype: US). Lectotypified by J. B. Phipps et al., Sida 28: 979. 2006.
Crataegus concinna Crataegus concinna Beadle, Biltmore Bot. Stud. 1: 70. 1902. TYPE: FLORIDA: Liberty Co.: Near Bristol, 2 Apr 1901, Harbison H4040 (lectotype: US). Lectotypified by J. B. Phipps et al., Sida 28: 996. 2006.
Crataegus contrita Crataegus contrita Beadle, Biltmore Bot. Stud. 1: 61. 1902. TYPE: FLORIDA: Gadsden Co.: River Junction, 3 Apr 1900, Beadle 2078 (lectotype: US). Lectotypified by J. B. Phipps et al., Sida 28: 990. 2006.
Crataegus gilva Crataegus gilva Beadle, Biltmore Bot. Stud. 1: 60. 1902. TYPE: ALABAMA: Marshall Co.: Without locality, Apr 1901, Harbison 4374 (lectotype: A). Lectotypified by J. B. Phipps et al., Sida 28: 979. 2006.
Crataegus incilis Crataegus incilis Beadle, Biltmore Bot. Stud. 1: 41. 1901. TYPE: ALABAMA: Autauga Co.: Evergreen, 12 Apr 1900, Beadle 2143 (lectotype: US). Lectotypified by J. B. Phipps et al., Sida 28: 996. 2006.
Crataegus mendosa Crataegus mendosa Beadle, Biltmore Bot. Stud. 1: 65. 1902. TYPE: ALABAMA: Near Albertville, 18 Oct 1901, Harbison 5129 (= 4336/2) (lectotype: US). Lectotypified by J. B. Phipps et al., Sida 28: 981. 2006.
Crataegus opima Crataegus opima Beadle, Biltmore Bot. Stud. 1: 40. 1901. TYPE: ALABAMA: Butler Co.: Greenville, 2 Oct 1900, Beadle 2159/2 (lectotype: US). ALABAMA: Butler Co.: Greenville, 2 Oct 1900, Beadle 2159 (epitype: NY). Lecto- and epitypified by J. B. Phipps et al., Sida 28: 990. 2006.
Crataegus pulcherrima Crataegus pulcherrima Ashe, J. Elisha Mitchell Sci. Soc. 16: 77. 1900. TYPE: FLORIDA: Gadsden Co.: River Junction, 10-11 Aug 1895, Nash 2377 (lectotype: DOV; isolectotype: US). Lectotypified by J. B. Phipps et al., Sida 22: 983. 2006.
Crataegus pulcherrima var. incilis Crataegus pulcherrima Ashe, var. incilis (Beadle) Lance, Phytoneuron 2011(3): 7. 2011.BASIONYM: Crataegus incilis Beadle 1901. 
Crataegus pulcherrima var. opima Crataegus pulcherrima Ashe, var. opima (Beadle) Lance, Phytoneuron 2011(3): 7. 2011.BASIONYM: Crataegus opima Beadle 1901. 
Crataegus robur Crataegus robur Beadle, Biltmore Bot. Stud. 1: 69. 1902. TYPE: FLORIDA: Leon Co.: Tallahassee, 18 Sep 1901, Beadle 2051 (lectotype: A). Lectotypified by J. B. Phipps et al., Sida 28: 985. 2006.
Crataegus robur forma megacarpa Crataegus robur Beadle, forma megacarpa Murrill, Castanea 7: 27. 1942. TYPE: FLORIDA: Alachua Co.: Plum Woods, near Gainesville, 4 Aug 1939, Murrill 34452 (holotype: FLAS).
Crataegus robur forma sulphurea Crataegus robur Beadle, forma sulphurea Murrill, Castanea 7: 27. 1942. TYPE: FLORIDA: Alachua Co.: Hill W of Buzzard's Roost, 19 Jul 1940, Murrill 34453 (holotype: FLAS).
Crataegus sargentii Crataegus sargentii Beadle, Bot. Gaz. 28: 407. 1899. ALABAMA: DeKalb Co.: Valley Head, 20 Sep 1899, Beadle 1289 (lectotype: US; isolectotype: US). Lectotypified by J. B. Phipps et al., Sida 28: 979. 2006.
Crataegus sargentii var. gilva Crataegus sargentii Beadle, var. gilva (Beadle) Lance, Phytoneuron 2011(3): 8. 2011.BASIONYM: Crataegus gilva Beadle 1902. 
Crataegus tecta Crataegus tecta Beadle, Biltmore Bot. Stud. 1: 26. 1901. TYPE: ALABAMA: Marshall Co.: Near Albertville, 7 May 1900, Harbison 2205 (lectotype: US). Lectotypified by J. B. Phipps et al., Sida 28: 993. 2006.
Crataegus venusta Crataegus venusta Beadle, Bot. Gaz. 30: 338. 1900. TYPE: ALABAMA: Jefferson Co.: Birmingham, Sep-Oct (?) 1900, Beadle 2187/2 (lectotype: US). ALABAMA: Jefferson Co.: Birmingham, 20 Apr 1900, Beadle 2187 (epitype: US). Lecto- and epitypified by J. B. Phipps et al., Sida 28: 988. 2006.
Mespilus flava Mespilus flava (Aiton) Dumont de Courset, Bot. Cult. 3: 328. 1802.BASIONYM: Crataegus flava Aiton 1789. 
Crataegus alma Crataegus alma Beadle, Biltmore Bot. Stud. 1: 64. 1902. TYPE: MISSISSIPPI: Lauderdale Co.: Meridian, s.d., Harbison H5147 (lectotype: US). Lectotypified by J. B. Phipps et al., Sida 28: 990. 2006.
Crataegus ancisa Crataegus ancisa Beadle, Biltmore Bot. Stud. 1: 63. 1902. TYPE: MISSISSIPPI: Lauderdale Co.: Meridian, 16 Sep 1901, Harbison H5092 (lectotype: US). Lectotypified by J. B. Phipps et al., Sida 28: 995. 2006.
Crataegus austrina Crataegus austrina Beadle, Biltmore Bot. Stud. 1: 59. 1902. TYPE: ALABAMA: Butler Co.: Greenville, s.d., Beadle 2151 (lectotype: US). Lectotypified by J. B. Phipps et al., Sida 28: 993. 2006.
Crataegus eximia Crataegus eximia Beadle, Biltmore Bot. Stud. 1: 62. 1902. TYPE: ALABAMA: Jackson Co.: Sand Mountain, near Pisgah, 6 May 1900, Harbison 4448 (lectotype: A). Lectotypified by J. B. Phipps et al., Sida 28: 998. 2006.
Crataegus illustris Crataegus illustris Beadle, Biltmore Bot. Stud. 1: 68. 1902. TYPE: MISSISSIPPI: Lauderdale Co.: Near Meridian, Sep 1901, Harbison H5082 [= 4200/2] (lectotype: US). Lectotypified by J. B. Phipps et al., Sida 28: 990. 2006.
Crataegus inanis Crataegus inanis Beadle, Biltmore Bot. Stud. 1: 62. 1902. TYPE: ALABAMA: Marshall Co.: Near Albertville, 8 May 1901, Harbison H4306 (lectotype: US). Lectotypified by J. B. Phipps et al., Sida 28: 991. 2006.
Crataegus lenis Crataegus lenis Beadle, Biltmore Bot. Stud. 1: 67. 1902. TYPE: ALABAMA: Butler Co.: Greenville, s.d., Beadle 2153/2 (lectotype: US). Lectotypified by J. B. Phipps et al., Sida 28: 991. 2006.
Crataegus macilenta Crataegus macilenta Beadle, Biltmore Bot. Stud. 1: 64. 1902. TYPE: ALABAMA: Marshall Co.: Albertville, 7 Oct 1901, Harbison H5203 [= H4283/2] (lectotype: US). Lectotypified by J. B. Phipps et al., Sida 28: 995. 2006.
Crataegus pallens Crataegus pallens Beadle, Biltmore Bot. Stud. 1: 28. 1901. TYPE: NORTH CAROLINA: Buncombe Co.: Biltmore, 14 May 1900, Biltmore Herb. BC2 (lectotype: US). Lectotypified by J. B. Phipps et al., Sida 28: 990. 2006.
Crataegus pinetorum Crataegus pinetorum Beadle, Bot. Gaz. 30: 343. 1900. TYPE: ALABAMA: DeKalb Co.: De Soto State Park, 25 Sep 2001, Lance 2174 (neotype: UWO; isoneotypes: UNC, JSU). Neotypified by J. B. Phipps et al., Sida 28: 987. 2006.
Crataegus sargentii var. pallens Crataegus sargentii Beadle, var. pallens (Beadle) Lance, Phytoneuron 2011(3): 8. 2011.BASIONYM: Crataegus pallens Beadle 1901. 


Country State County Date Specimen Notes Image
USA Florida Alachua Co. 18 May 2001 W. S. Judd 8003
USA Florida Jackson Co. 01 Apr 1982 D. S. Correll 53541
USA Florida Leon Co. 16 Mar 1955 R. K. Godfrey 53022
USA Florida Lafayette Co. 27 Sep 2014 A. R. Franck 3502
USA Mississippi Lauderdale Co. 11 Jun 1957 J. D. Ray, Jr. 5274
USA Mississippi Lauderdale Co. 18 Mar 1955 G. R. Cooley 3174
USA Mississippi Lauderdale Co. 19 Jul 1956 J. D. Ray, Jr. 7087
USA Mississippi Lauderdale Co. 18 Mar 1955 G. R. Cooley 3174
USA Alabama Lowndes Co. 28 Jun 2007 A. R. Diamond 17755A
USA South Carolina Oconee Co. 11 May 1993 S. R. Hill 25007
USA Georgia Bulloch Co. 13 Apr 1996 S. R. Hill 27674
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