Agrostis scabra

Species:Agrostis scabra Willd.
Status:Native, FAC (NWPL)
Specimen: View details of USF Herbarium specimens

** Not applicable or data not available.


Sub Class
Genus Agrostis
Species Agrostis scabra Willd. - TICKLEGRASS


Citation AGROSTIS SCABRA Willdenow, Sp. Pl. 1: 370. 1797.
Basionym: **
Type: **

** Not applicable or data not available.


CountyHerbariaLiterature Citation (If Applicable)
Alachua USF  
Bradford USF  
Calhoun FSU  
Franklin FSU  
Gadsden FSU  
Hamilton FSU  
Holmes FSU  
Jefferson USF  
Leon FSU  
Liberty FSU  
Putnam USF  
St. Johns FSU  
Taylor FSU  
Wakulla USF  


– Denotes synonyms that are applicable to the state. Show these synonyms only

SynonymFull CitationBasionymType
Agrostis hyemalis var. scabra Agrostis hyemalis (Walter) Britton et al., var. scabra (Willdenow) H. Blomquist, Grasses N. Carolina 82. 1948.BASIONYM: Agrostis scabra Willdenow 1797. 
Agrostis laxiflora var. scabra Agrostis laxiflora Richardson, var. scabra (Willdenow) Torrey, Fl. New York 2: 442. 1843.BASIONYM: Agrostis scabra Willdenow 1797. 
Trichodium scabrum Trichodium scabrum (Willdenow) Muhlenberg, Cat. Pl. Amer. Sept. 10. 1813.BASIONYM: Agrostis scabra Willdenow 1797. 
Vilfa scabra Vilfa scabra (Willdenow) Palisot de Beauvois, Ess. Agrostogr. 16, 182. 1812.BASIONYM: Agrostis scabra Willdenow 1797. 
Agrostis geminata Agrostis geminata Trinius, Gram. Unifl. Sesquifl. 207. 1824. TYPE: ALASKA: Unalaska Island, s.d., Eschcholtz s.n. (holotype: LE).
Agrostis geminata forma exaristata Agrostis geminata Trinius, forma exaristata Fernald, Rhodora 35: 211. 1933. TYPE: CANADA: Quebec: Gaspé Co.: Small lake back of North Fork Camp, North Fork of Madeleine River, 12 Aug 1923, Fernald et al. 25485 (holotype: GH).
Agrostis hyemalis forma exaristata Agrostis hyemalis (Linnaeus) Britton et al., forma exaristata (Fernald) Scoggan, Fl. Canada 1: 51. 1978.BASIONYM: Agrostis geminata Trinius, forma exaristata Fernald 1933. 
Agrostis hyemalis forma tuckermanii Agrostis hyemalis (Walter) Britton et al., forma tuckermanii (Fernald) Scoggan, Fl. Canada 1: 51. 1978.BASIONYM: Agrostis scabra Willdenow, forma tuckermanii Fernald 1933. 
Agrostis hyemalis var. geminata Agrostis hyemalis (Walter) Britton et al., var. geminata (Trinius) Hitchcock, Bull. Bur. Pl. Industr., U.S.D.A. 68: 44. 1905.BASIONYM: Agrostis geminata Trinius 1824. 
Agrostis hyemalis var. keweenawensis Agrostis hyemalis (Walter) Britton et al., var. keweenawensis Farwell, Rep. Michigan Acad. Sci. 6: 203. 1904. TYPE: MICHIGAN: Keweenaw Co.: Shore of Lake Superior, 1 Jul 1895, Farwell 600c (holotype: BLH).
Agrostis hyemalis var. nutkaensis Agrostis hyemalis (Walter) Britton et al., var. nutkaensis (Kunth) Lamson-Scribner & Merrill, Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 13: 56. 1910.BASIONYM: Agrostis nutkaensis Kunth 1830; Trichodium album J. Presl 1830. 
Agrostis hyemalis var. oreophila Agrostis hyemalis (Walter) Britton et al., var. oreophila (Trinius) Farwell, Rep. (Annual) Michigan Acad. Sci. 6: 202. 1904, nom. illegit.BASIONYM: Agrostis laxiflora Richardson, var. montana (Torrey) Tuckerman 1843; Agrostis oreophila Trinius 1841; Trichodium montanum Torrey 1823. 
Agrostis hyemalis var. tenuis Agrostis hyemalis (Walter) Britton et al., var. tenuis (Tuckerman) Gleason, Phytologia 4: 21. 1952.BASIONYM: Agrostis scabra Willdenow, var. tenuis Tuckerman 1843. 
Agrostis laxiflora var. caespitosa Agrostis laxiflora Richardson, var. caespitosa Torrey, Fl. New York 2: 442. 1843, nom. illegit.BASIONYM: Agrostis laxiflora Richardson, var. montana (Torrey) Tuckerman 1843; Trichodium montanum Torrey 1823. 
Agrostis laxiflora var. montana Agrostis laxiflora Richardson, var. montana (Torrey) Tuckerman, Amer. J. Sci. Arts 45: 43. 1843.BASIONYM: Trichodium montanum Torrey 1823. 
Agrostis laxiflora var. tenuis Agrostis laxiflora Richardson, var. tenuis (Tuckerman) Torrey, Fl. New York 2: 442. 1843.BASIONYM: Agrostis scabra Willdenow, var. tenuis Tuckerman 1843. 
Agrostis nutkaensis Agrostis nutkaensis Kunth, Revis. Gramin., Suppl. 17. 1830.BASIONYM: Trichodium album J. Presl 1830. 
Agrostis oreophila Agrostis oreophila Trinius, Mém. Acad. Imp. Sci. Saint-Pétersbourg, Ser. 6, Sci. Math., Seconde Pt. Sci. Nat. 6: 323. 1841.BASIONYM: Trichodium montanum Torrey 1823. 
Agrostis peckii Agrostis peckii House, Amer. Midl. Naturalist 7: 126. 1921, nom. illegit.BASIONYM: Agrostis oreophila Trinius 1841; Trichodium montanum Torrey 1823. 
Agrostis scabra forma exaristata Agrostis scabra Willdenow, forma exaristata (Fernald) Hultén, Acta Univ. Lund 38: 156. 1942.BASIONYM: Agrostis geminata Trinius, forma exaristata Fernald 1933. 
Agrostis scabra forma setigera Agrostis scabra Willdenow, forma setigera Fernald, Rhodora 35: 210. 1933. TYPE: CANADA: Newfoundland: Near Sand Bank, W of Burgeo, 9 Sep 1926, Fernald et al. 79 (holotype: GH).
Agrostis scabra forma tuckermanii Agrostis scabra Willdenow, forma tuckermanii Fernald, Rhodora 35: 207. 1933. TYPE: MASSACHUSETTS: Norfolk Co.: Monatiquoit River above Union Street, Braintree, 1 Jul 1911, Churchill s.n. (holotype: GH).
Agrostis scabra subsp. septentrionalis Agrostis scabra Willdenow, subsp. septentrionalis (Fernald) Á. Löve & D. Löve, Bot. Not. 128: 504. 1976 ("1975").BASIONYM: Agrostis scabra Willdenow, var. septentrionalis Fernald 1933. 
Agrostis scabra var. aristata Agrostis scabra Willdenow, var. aristata Hulten, Acta Univ. Lund 38: 156. 1942. TYPE: ALASKA:
Agrostis scabra var. geminata Agrostis scabra Willdenow, var. geminata (Trinius) Swallen, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash. 54: 45. 1941.BASIONYM: Agrostis geminata Trinius 1824. 
Agrostis scabra var. keweenawensis Agrostis scabra Willdenow, var. keweenawensis (Farwell) Farwell, Pap. Michigan Acad. Sci. 23: 125. 1938.BASIONYM: Agrostis hyemalis (Walter) Britton et al., var. keweenawensis Farwell 1904. 
Agrostis scabra var. montana Agrostis scabra Willdenow, var. montana (Torrey) Fernald, Proc. Portland Soc. Nat. Hist. 2: 91. 1895.BASIONYM: Trichodium montanum Torrey 1823. 
Agrostis scabra var. oreophila Agrostis scabra Willdenow, var. oreophila (Trinius) A. W. Wood, Class-Book Bot., ed. 1861. 774. 1861, nom. illegit.BASIONYM: Agrostis laxiflora Richardson, var. montana (Torrey) Tuckerman 1843; Agrostis oreophila Trinius 1841; Trichodium montanum Torrey 1823. 
Agrostis scabra var. septentrionalis Agrostis scabra Willdenow, var. septentrionalis Fernald, Rhodora 35: 209. 1933. TYPE: CANADA: Newfoundland: Near Winterhouse Brook, Bonne Day, 8 Aug 1929, Fernald et al. 1310 (holotype: GH).
Agrostis scabra var. tenuis Agrostis scabra Willdenow, var. tenuis Tuckerman, Amer. J. Sci. Arts 45: 45. 1 843. TYPE: NEW HAMPSHIRE: Grafton Co.: Rocks of the Flume, near Lincoln,
Agrostis scabriuscula Agrostis scabriuscula Buckley, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia 14: 90. 1862. TYPE: OREGON: "Columbia Plains", without data, Nuttall s.n. (holotype: PH).
Agrostis torreyi Agrostis torreyi Tuckerman, Mag. Hort. Bot. 9: 143. 1843, non Kunth 1830.BASIONYM: Trichodium montanum Torrey 1823. 
Trichodium album Trichodium album J. Presl, in C. Presl, Reliq. Haenk. 1: 244. 1830. TYPE: CANADA: British Columbia: Nootka Sound, Vancouver Island, s.d., Haenke s.n. (holotype: PR?).
Trichodium montanum Trichodium montanum Torrey, Fl. N. Middle United States 84. 1823. TYPE: NEW YORK: "Summit of the Fishkill Mts.", without data, Torrey (?) s.n. (holotype: NY).


Country State County Date Specimen Notes Image
USA Florida Wakulla Co. 21 Apr 1974 R. K. Godfrey 73414
USA Florida Alachua Co. 15 Mar 2000 W. K. Taylor s.n.
USA Florida Bradford Co. 20 Mar 2003 W. K. Taylor s.n. Sheet 1 of 2.
USA Florida Bradford Co. 20 Mar 2003 W. K. Taylor s.n. Sheet 2 of 2.
USA Florida Putnam Co. 03 May 2003 W. K. Taylor s.n.
USA Florida Jefferson Co. 05 May 1960 R. K. Godfrey 59509
USA North Carolina Cabarrus Co. 21 Sep 1956 H. E. Ahles 19525
USA Georgia Rabun Co. 22 Sep 1960 G. R. Swank 1146
USA Georgia Muscogee Co. 25 Sep 1998 J. R. Allison 11644
USA Georgia Chatham Co. 20 Apr 1959 G. R. Swank 569
USA Virginia Dickenson Co. 14 Sep 1961 R. Kral 14187
USA Massachusetts Middlesex Co. 19 Sep 1965 R. J. Eaton 5859
USA Utah Grand Co. 03 Aug 1965 A. H. Holmgren 2370
USA Minnesota Itasca Co. 08 Jul 1974 K. E. Rogers 9870
USA Utah Garfield Co. 15 Aug 1965 A. H. Holmgren 2472
Canada Ontario Kenora Dist. 27 Aug 1916 O. E. Jennings 11258
Canada Ontario 18 Aug 1917 O. E. Jennings 15013
Canada Ontario 05 Sep 1917 O. E. Jennings 15552
Canada Ontario 01 Aug 1912 O. E. Jennings 1637
Canada Ontario 19 Aug 1914 O. E. Jennings 7147
USA Maine Washington Co. 14 Jul 2001 S. R. Hill 33966
USA Pennsylvania Clinton Co. 05 Jul 2001 S. R. Hill 33910
USA Arizona Coconino Co. 11 Sep 1982 K. Zerba s.n.
USA Virginia 07 Oct 1961 R. Kral 14311
USA West Virginia Tucker Co. 07 Sep 1960 G. B. Rossbach 2319
USA Wisconsin Sawyer Co. 28 Aug 1980 B. F. Hansen 8010
USA New Mexico Otero Co. 18 Aug 1915 A. S. Hitchcock 1409
USA New Hampshire 28 Aug 1917 A. S. Hitchcock 445
USA Colorado 01 Sep 1913 A. S. Hitchcock 355
USA Maine 14 Jul 1908 C. H. Knowlton s.n.
USA New Hampshire Coos Co. 07 Aug 1959 A. S. Pease 39519
Canada Quebec Prov. Yamaska Co. 25 Jun 1944 F. Marie-Victorin 7390
USA Arizona 30 Aug 1973 M. R. Brand s.n.
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