Viola affinis var. chalcosperma
| Viola affinis Leconte, var. chalcosperma (Brainerd) Griscom, Rhodora 38: 49. 1936. | BASIONYM: Viola chalcosperma Brainerd 1910. | |
Viola chalcosperma
| Viola chalcosperma Brainerd, Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 37: 523. 1910. | | TYPE: FLORIDA: Duval Co.: Near Jacksonville, 9 Apr 1909, Brainerd 25 (lectotype: PH; isolectotypes: GH, NO, NY). Lectotypified by H. E. Ballard et al., J. Bot. Res. Inst. Texas 14: 220. 2020. |
Viola congener
| Viola congener Leconte, Ann. Lyceum Nat. Hist. New York 2: 140. 1828, nom. illegit. | BASIONYM: Viola triloba Schweinitz 1822. | |
Viola cucullata var. palmata
| Viola cucullata Aiton, var. palmata (Linnaeus) A. Gray, Manual, ed. 2. 43. 1856. | BASIONYM: Viola palmata Linnaeus 1753. | |
Viola edulis
| Viola edulis Spach, Hist. Nat. Vég. 5: 508. 1836. | BASIONYM: Viola heterophylla Muhlenberg ex LeConte 1828, non Poiret 1808, nec Bertoloni 1810; Viola palmata Linnaeus, var. heterophylla Elliott 1817. | |
Viola esculenta
| Viola esculenta Elliott ex Greene, Pittonia 3: 314. 1898. | BASIONYM: Viola heterophylla Muhlenberg ex Leconte 1828, non Poiret 1808, nec Bertoloni 1810; Viola palmata Linnaeus, var. heterophylla Elliott 1817. | |
Viola heterophylla
| Viola heterophylla Muhlenberg ex Leconte, Ann. Lyceum Nat. Hist. New York 2: 139. 1828, non Poiret 1808, nec Bertoloni 1810. | BASIONYM: Viola palmata Linnaeus, var. heterophylla Elliott 1817. | |
Viola insignis
| Viola insignis Pollard, Bot. Gaz. 26: 344. 1898, non K. Richter 1886. | | TYPE: FLORIDA: Duval Co.: |
Viola palmata subsp. triloba
| Viola palmata Linnaeus, subsp. triloba (Schweinitz) W. Stone, Pl. S. New Jersey 566. 1912 ("1911"). | BASIONYM: Viola triloba Schweinitz 1822. | |
Viola palmata var. dilatata
| Viola palmata Linnaeus, var. dilatata Elliott, Sketch Bot. S. Carolina 1: 300. 1817. | | TYPE: "Georgia and Carolina", |
Viola palmata var. esculenta
| Viola palmata Linnaeus, var. esculenta Elliott ex D. B. Ward, Phytologia 88: 244. 2006, nom. illegit. | BASIONYM: Viola esculenta Elliott ex Greene 1898; Viola palmata Linnaeus, var. heterophylla Elliott 1817. | |
Viola palmata var. heterophylla
| Viola palmata Linnaeus, var. heterophylla Elliott, Sketch Bot. S. Carolina 1: 300. 1817. | | TYPE: GEORGIA: River swamps, Ogeechee (River), Apr, Elliott(?) s.n. (holotype: CHARL). |
Viola palmata var. triloba
| Viola palmata Linnaeus, var. triloba (Schweinitz) Gingins de la Sarraz, in de Candolle, Prodr. 1: 292. 1824. | BASIONYM: Viola triloba Schweinitz 1822. | |
Viola palmata var. vulgaris
| Viola palmata Linnaeus, var. vulgaris Elliott, Sketch Bot. S. Carolina 1: 300. 1817, nom. inadmiss. | BASIONYM: Viola palmata Linnaeus 1753. | |
Viola septemloba
| Viola septemloba Leconte, Ann. Lyceum Nat. Hist. New York 2: 141. 1828. | | |
Viola triloba
| Viola triloba Schweinitz, Amer. J. Sci. Arts 5: 57. 1822. | | TYPE: NORTH CAROLINA: Forsyth Co.: Salem, s.d., Schweinitz s.n. (holotype: PH). |
Viola triloba forma dilatata
| Viola triloba Schweinitz, forma dilatata (Elliott) E. J. Palmer & Steyermark, Brittonia 10: 115. 1958. | BASIONYM: Viola palmata Linnaeus, var. dilatata Elliott 1817. | |
Viola triloba var. dilatata
| Viola triloba Schweinitz, var. dilatata (Elliott) Brainerd, Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 37: 587. 1910. | BASIONYM: Viola palmata Linnaeus, var. dilatata Elliott 1817. | |
Viola vicinalis
| Viola vicinalis Greene, Pittonia 4: 4. 1899. | BASIONYM: Viola insignis Pollard 1898, non K. Richter 1886. | |
Viola angellae
| Viola angellae Pollard, Torreya 2: 24. 1902. | | TYPE: NEW JERSEY: Essex Co.: Orange, May 1900, Angell s.n. (holotype: US). |
Viola atlantica
| Viola atlantica Britton, Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 24: 92. 1897, non Pomel 1874. | | TYPE: NEW YORK: Staten Island along Salt Meadows, 8 Jun 1888, Britton s.n. (lectotype: NY). Lectotypified by L. E. McKinney, Sida Misc. 7: 22. 1992. |
Viola baxteri
| Viola baxteri House, New York State Mus. Bull. 254: 500. 1924. | | TYPE: NEW YORK: Ontario Co.: Fishers, 3 Jun 1916, House & Baxter s.n. (lectotype: NY). Lectotypified by H. E. Ballard et al., in Weakley et al., J. Bot. Res. Inst. Texas 14: 219. 2020. |
Viola brittoniana
| Viola brittoniana Pollard, Bot. Gaz. 23: 332. 1898. | BASIONYM: Viola atlantica Britton 1898, non Pomel 1874. | |
Viola digitata
| Viola digitata Pursh, Fl. Amer. Sept. 171. 1814. | | TYPE: VIRGINIA: |
Viola eamesii
| Viola eamesii House, New York State Mus. Bull. 254: 507. 1924, pro hybr. | | TYPE: CONNECTICUT: |
Viola emarginata var. subsinuata
| Viola emarginata (Nuttall) Leconte, var. subsinuata Greene, Pittonia 3: 313. 1898. | | TYPE: TENNESSEE: Cocke Co.: Within 3 mi. Of Wolf Creek Station, 11 Sep 1897, Kearney 615 (lectoype: NDG). Lectotyified by H. E. Ballard et al., in Weakley et al., J. Bot. Res. Inist. Texas 14: 227. 2020.l |
Viola falcata
| Viola falcata Greene, Pittonia 4: 3. 1899. | | TYPE: ILLINOIS: Union Co.: Near Cobden, |
Viola lovelliana
| Viola lovelliana Brainerd, Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 37: 526. 1910. | | TYPE: LOUISIANA: Acadia Par.: Crowley, 25 Mar 1910, Brainerd 77 (lectotype: NY; isolectotypes: K, PH, VT(2 shts)). Lectotypified by H. E. Ballard et al., in Weakley et al., J. Bot. Res. Inst. Texas 14: 223. 2020. |
Viola palmata var. angellae
| Viola palmata Linnaeus, var. angellae (Pollard) W. Stone, Proc. Acad. Nat. Hist. Philadelphia 55: 678. 1903. | BASIONYM: Viola angellae Pollard 1902. | |
Viola palmata var. variabilis
| Viola palmata Linnaeus, var. variabilis (Greene) W. Stone, Proc. Acad. Nat. Hist. Philadelphia 55: 677. 1903. | BASIONYM: Viola variabilis Greene 1902. | |
Viola pectinata
| Viola pectinata E. P. Bicknell, Torreya 4: 129. 1904. | | TYPE: NEW YORK: Nassau Co.: Woodmere, 21 May 1904, Bicknell s.n. (holotype: NY). |
Viola pedatifida subsp. brittoniana
| Viola pedatifida G. Don, subsp. brittoniana (Pollard) L. E. McKinney, Sida Misc. 7: 22. 1992. | BASIONYM: Viola brittoniana Pollard 1898; Viola atlantica Britton 1898, non Pomel 1874. | |
Viola pedatifida var. brittoniana
| Viola pedatifida G. Don, var. brittoniana (Pollard) R. J. Little & L. E. McKinney, J. Bot. Res. Inst. Texas 4: 225. 2010. | BASIONYM: Viola brittoniana Pollard 1898; Viola atlantica Britton 1898, non Pomel 1874. | |
Viola stoneana
| Viola stoneana House, Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 32: 253, pl. 16. 1905. | | TYPE: PENNSYLVANIA: Chester Co.: Near Kennett Square, 7 May 1903, Stone 5113 (holotype: US). |
Viola subsinuata
| Viola subsinuata (Greene) Greene, Pittonia 4: 4. 1899. | BASIONYM: Viola emarginata (Nuttall) Leconte, var. subsinuata Greene 1898. | |
Viola variabilis
| Viola variabilis Greene, Pittonia 5: 90. 1902. | | TYPE: MARYLAND: Ca. half way up Maryland Heights, near Harpers Ferry, 14 May 1898, Greene s.n. (holotype: NDG?). |
Viola viarum
| Viola viarum Pollard, in Britton, Man. Fl. N. States 635. 1901. | | TYPE: MISSOURI: St. Louis Co.: St. Louis, Valley Park, 15 Jul 1899, Norton 3 (lectotype: PH; isolectotypes: MO, NDG, NEB, OS, RM(2 shts), RSA). Lectotypified by H. E. Ballard et al., in Weakley et al., J. Bot. Res. Inst. Texas 14: 228. 2020. |
Viola viarum forma pilifera
| Viola viarum Pollard, forma pilifera E. J. Palemer & Steyermark, Brittonia 10: 116. 1958. | | TYPE: MISSOURI: Gentry Co.: N and E side of Grand River, 1.5-2 mi. S of McFall, T61N, R30W, Sec. 13, 28 Apr 1955, Steyermark 78500 (holotype: F). |