Potamogeton berchtoldii
| Potamogeton berchtoldii Fieber, in Berchtold, Oekon.-Techn. Fl. Boehm. 2: 277. 1838. | | |
Potamogeton berchtoldii var. tenuissimus
| Potamogeton berchtoldii Fieber, var. tenuissimus (Mertens & W. D. J. Koch) Fernald, Rhodora 42: 246. 1940. | BASIONYM: Potamogeton pusillus Linnaeus, var. tenuissimus Mertens & W. D. J. Koch 1823. | |
Potamogeton panormitanus
| Potamogeton panormitanus Bivona-Bernardi, in Bivona-Bernardi f., Nuove Piante 6. 1838. | | |
Potamogeton pusillus subsp. tenuissimus
| Potamogeton pusillus Linnaeus, subsp. tenuissimus (Mertens & W. D. J. Koch) R. R. Haynes & Hellquist, Novon 6: 370. 1996. | BASIONYM: Potamogeton pusillus Linnaeus, var. tenuissimus Mertens & W. D. J. Koch 1823. | |
Potamogeton pusillus var. panormitanus
| Potamogeton pusillus Linnaeus, var. panormitanus (Bivona-Bernardi) Morong, Mem. Torrey Bot. Club 3: 46. 1893. | BASIONYM: Potamogeton panormitanus Bivona-Bernardi 1838. | |
Potamogeton pusillus var. tenuissimus
| Potamogeton pusillus Linnaeus, var. tenuissimus Mertens & W. D. J. Koch, in Röhling, Deutschl. Fl. 1: 857. 1823. | | |
Potamogeton pusillus var. typicus
| Potamogeton pusillus Linnaeus, var. typicus Fernald, Mem. Amer. Acad. Arts Sci. 17(1): 81. 1932, nom. inadmiss. | BASIONYM: Potamogeton pusillus Linnaeus 1753. | |
Potamogeton pusillus var. vulgaris
| Potamogeton pusillus Linnaeus, var. vulgaris Fries, Novit. Fl. Suec., ed. 2. 49. 1828, nom. inadmiss. | BASIONYM: Potamogeton pusillus Linnaeus 1753. | |
Potamogeton tenuissimus
| Potamogeton tenuissimus (Mertens & W. D. J. Koch) Reichenbach, Icon. Fl. Germ. Helv. 7: 14. 1845. | BASIONYM: Potamogeton pusillus Linnaeus, var. tenuissimus Mertens & W. D. J. Koch 1823. | |
Spirillus pusillus
| Spirillus pusillus (Linnaeus) Nieuwland, Amer. Midl. Naturalist 3: 18. 1913. | BASIONYM: Potamogeton pusillus Linnaeus 1753. | |
Potamogeton aschersonii
| Potamogeton aschersonii A. Bennett, J. Bot. 31: 294. 1893. | | TYPE: BRAZIL: Rio de Janeiro: Rio de Janeiro, Lac de la Tijuca, 27 Feb 1872, Glaziou 6460 (lectotype: P; isolectotypes: C, S). Lectotypified by R. R. Haynes & Holm-Nielsen, Fl. Neotrop. 85: 14. 2003. |
Potamogeton berchtoldii var. acuminatus
| Potamogeton berchtoldii Fieber, var. acuminatus Fieber, in Berchtold, Oekon- Techn. Fl. Boehm. 2: 277. 1838. | | |
Potamogeton berchtoldii var. colpophilus
| Potamogeton berchtoldii Fieber, var. colpophilus (Fernald) Fernald, Rhodora 42: 246. 1940. | BASIONYM: Potamogeton pusillus Linnaeus, var. colpophilus Fernald 1932. | |
Potamogeton berchtoldii var. lacunatus
| Potamogeton berchtoldii Fieber, var. lacunatus (Hagström) Fernald, Rhodora 42: 246. 1940. | BASIONYM: Potamogeton lacunatus Hagström 1916. | |
Potamogeton berchtoldii var. mucronatus
| Potamogeton berchtoldii Fieber, var. mucronatus Fieber, in Berchtold, Oekon.- Techn. Fl. Boehm. 2: 277. 1838. | | |
Potamogeton berchtoldii var. polyphyllus
| Potamogeton berchtoldii Fieber, var. polyphyllus (Morong) Fernald, Rhodora 42: 246. 1940. | BASIONYM: Potamogeton pusillus Linnaeus, var. polyphyllus Morong 1880. | |
Potamogeton berteroanus
| Potamogeton berteroanus Philippi, Linnaea 30: 200. 1859. | | TYPE: CHILE: O'Higgins: Tagua Tagua, Rancagua, s.d., Bertero s.n. (holotype: SGO; isotypes: GH, P). |
Potamogeton lacunatus
| Potamogeton lacunatus Hagström, Kongl. Svenska Vetenskapsakad. Handl. 55(5): 120. 1916. | | TYPE: MASSACHUSETTS: Middlesex Co.: Ashland, in Lake Wauhakune, s.d., Morong s.n. (lectotype: UPS). Lectotypified by R. R. Haynes, Rhodora 76: 634. 1974. |
Potamogeton panormitanus var. minor
| Potamogeton panormitanus Bivona-Bernardi, var. minor Bivona-Bernardi, in Bivona-Bernardi f., Nuove Piante 6. 1838. | | |
Potamogeton pusillus subvar. interruptus
| Potamogeton pusillus Linnaeus, subvar. interruptus Robbins, in S. Watson, Botany (Fortieth Parallel) 338. 1871. | | TYPE: UTAH: Wasatch Co.: Parleys Park in the Wasatch, Jul 1869, Watson 1137 (holotype: NY; isotypes: GH, US, YU). |
Potamogeton pusillus var. acuminatus
| Potamogeton pusillus Linnaeus, var. acuminatus (Fieber) Graebner, in Engler, Pflanzenr. 4(Heft 31): 115. 1907. | BASIONYM: Potamogeton berchtoldii Fieber, var. acuminatus Fieber 1838. | |
Potamogeton pusillus var. capitatus
| Potamogeton pusillus Linnaeus, var. capitatus A. Bennett, J. Bot. 39: 201. 1901, nom. illegit. | BASIONYM: Potamogeton pusillus Linnaeus, var. elongatus A. Bennett 1890. | |
Potamogeton pusillus var. colpophilus
| Potamogeton pusillus Linnaeus, var. colpophilus Fernald, Mem. Amer. Acad. Arts 17(1): 90. 1932. | | TYPE: CANADA: Quebec: Gaspe Co.: Near the mouth of Dartmouth River, s.d., Collins et al. s.n. (holotype: GH; isotypes: CAN, NY, US). |
Potamogeton pusillus var. cuspidatus
| Potamogeton pusillus Linnaeus, var. cuspidatus G. Fisher, Ber. Bayer. Bot. Ges. 11: 116. 1907. | | |
Potamogeton pusillus var. elongatus
| Potamogeton pusillus Linnaeus, var. elongatus A. Bennett, in Macoun, Cat. Canad. Pl. 5: 371. 1890; J. Bot. 29: 151. 1891. | | TYPE: CANADA: British Columbia: Spullamasheen River at and above Enderby, s.d., Macoun 4140 (holotype: K?; isotype: GH). |
Potamogeton pusillus var. lacunatus
| Potamogeton pusillus Linnaeus, var. lacunatus (Hagström) Fernald, Mem. Amer. Acad. Arts 17(1): 85. 1932. | BASIONYM: Potamogeton lacunatus Hagström 1916. | |
Potamogeton pusillus var. minor
| Potamogeton pusillus Linnaeus, var. minor (Bivona-Bernardi) Fernald, Rhodora 50: 154. 1948. | BASIONYM: Potamogeton panormitanus Bivona-Bernardi, var. minor Bivona- Bernardi 1838. | |
Potamogeton pusillus var. mucronatus
| Potamogeton pusillus Linnaeus, var. mucronatus (Fieber) Graebner, in Engler, Pflanzenr. 4(Heft 31): 115. 1907. | BASIONYM: Potamogeton berchtoldii Fieber, var. mucronatus Fieber 1838. | |
Potamogeton pusillus var. polyphyllus
| Potamogeton pusillus Linnaeus, var. polyphyllus Morong, Bot. Gaz. 5: 51. 1880. | | TYPE: MASSACHUSETTS: Middlesex Co.: South Natick, 29 Aug 1879, Morong s.n. (holotype: NY; isotypes: BM, GH, PH, S. |
Potamogeton tenuifolius
| Potamogeton tenuifolius F. Philippi, Anales Mus. Nac. Santiago de Chile 1891: 95. 1891. | | TYPE: CHILE: Santiago: Del parque Consinto, s.d., Philippi s.n. (holotype: SGO). |
Potamogeton turionifera forma mucronulatus
| Potamogeton turionifera Hagström, forma mucronulatus Hagström, Kongl. Svenska Vetenskapsakad. Handl. 55(5): 91. 1916. | | TYPE: CANADA: Ontario: Brighams Creek, Ottawa, s.d., Macoun s.n. holotype: C; isotypes: C, CAN, GH). |
Potamogeton turionifera forma tenuis
| Potamogeton turionifera Hagström, forma tenuis Hagström, Kongl. Svenska Vetenskapsakad. Handl. 55(5): 91. 1916. | | TYPE: CANADA: Ontario: Algonquin Park, Cache Lake, s.d., Macoun s.n. (lectotype: C; isolectotypes: C, CAN, GH). Lectotypified by R. R. Haynes, Rhodora 76: 634. 1974. |