Indigofera colutea

Species:Indigofera colutea (Burm.f.)Merr.
Status:Not Native
Specimen: View details of USF Herbarium specimens

** Not applicable or data not available.


Sub Class
Genus Indigofera
Species Indigofera colutea (Burm.f.)Merr. - RUSTY INDIGO


Citation INDIGOFERA COLUTEA (Burman f.) Merrill, Philipp. J. Sci. 19: 355. 1921.
Basionym: Galega colutea Burman f. 1768.
Type: INDIA: Without data, Sloane Herb. 95: 185 (lectotype: BM). Lectotypified by de Kort & Thijsse, Blumea 30: 115. 1984.

** Not applicable or data not available.


CountyHerbariaLiterature Citation (If Applicable)
Hillsborough USF  
Manatee USF  
Polk FSU  


– Denotes synonyms that are applicable to the state. Show these synonyms only

SynonymFull CitationBasionymType
Galega colutea Galega colutea Burman f., Fl. Indica 172. 1768. TYPE: INDIA: Without data, Sloane Herb. 95: 185 (lectotype: BM). Lectotypified by de Kort & Thijsse, Blumea 30: 115. 1984.
Tephrosia colutea Tephrosia colutea (Burman f.) Persoon, Syn. Pl. 2: 329. 1807.BASIONYM: Galega colutea Burman f. 1768. 
Anila seticulosa Anila seticulosa (Harvey) Kuntze, Revis. Gen. Pl. 2: 940. 1891.BASIONYM: Indigofera seticulosa Harvey 1862. 
Anila viscosa Anila viscosa Kuntze, Revis. Gen. Pl. 2: 940. 1891.BASIONYM: Indigofera viscosa Lamarck 1789. 
Indigofera brachynema Indigofera brachynema J. B. Gillett, Kew Bull. 24: 487. 1970.BASIONYM: Indigofera colutea (Burman f.) Merrill, var. linearis Baker f. ex J. B. Gillett 1958. 
Indigofera colutea var. dembianensis Indigofera colutea (Burman f.) Merrill, var. dembianensis (Chiovenda) Cufodontis, Bull. Jard. Bot. Etat 25: 263. 1955.BASIONYM: Indigofera viscosa Lamarck, var. dembianensis Chiovenda 1911. 
Indigofera colutea var. grandiflora Indigofera colutea (Burman f.) Merrill, var. grandiflora J. B. Gillett, Kew Bull. 1958(Add. Ser.): 66. 1958. TYPE: KENYA: Lake Elmenteita, s.d., Bogdan 1869 (holotype: K).
Indigofera colutea var. linearis Indigofera colutea (Burman f.) Merrill, var. linearis Baker f. ex J. B. Gillett, Kew Bull. 1958(Add. Ser.): 65. 1958. TYPE: ZIMBABWE: Salisbury Distr., s.d., Eyles 4483 (holotype: BM).
Indigofera colutea var. somalensis Indigofera colutea (Burman f.) Merrill,v ar. somalensis (Baker f.) Cufodontis, Bull. Jard. Bot. Etat 25: 263. 1955.BASIONYM: Indigofera viscosa Lamarck, var. somalensis Baker f. 1903. 
Indigofera consanguinea Indigofera consanguinea Klotzsch, in Peters, Naturw. Reise Mossambique 6: 50. 1861. TYPE: MOZAMBIQUE: Quelimane, s.d., Peters s.n. (holotype: B(destroyed)).
Indigofera dembianensis Indigofera dembianensis (Chiovenda) J. B. Gillett, Kew Bull. 24: 488. 1970.BASIONYM: Indigofera viscosa Lamarck, var. dembianensis Chiovenda 1911. 
Indigofera glutinosa Indigofera glutinosa Perrottet ex de Candolle, Prodr. 2: 227. 1825. TYPE: SENEGAL: Without data, Perrottet 125 (holotype: ?; isotypes: BM, P).
Indigofera graveolens Indigofera graveolens Schrader, Sert. Hannov. 20, pl. 12. 1796.  
Indigofera junodii Indigofera junodii N. Brown, Bull. Misc. Inform. Kew 1925: 147. 1925. TYPE: SOUTH AFRICA: Transvaal: Pietersburg Distr., Shilouvane, s.d. Junod 645 (holotype: K).
Indigofera lateritia Indigofera lateritia Willdenow, Sp. Pl. 3: 1233. 1802. TYPE: "Guinea",
Indigofera masaiensis Indigofera masaiensis J. B. Gillett, Kew Bull. 24: 488. 1970.BASIONYM: Indigofera colutea (Burman f.) Merrill, var. grandiflora J. B. Gillett 1958. 
Indigofera seticulosa Indigofera seticulosa Harvey, Fl. Cap. 2: 196. 1862. TYPE: AUSTRALIA: Without data, Armstrong 385 (holotype: K).
Indigofera viscosa Indigofera viscosa Lamarck, Encycl. 3: 247. 1789.  
Indigofera viscosa var. dembianensis Indigofera viscosa Lamarck, var. dembianensis Chiovenda, Ann. Bot. (Rome) 9: 58. 1911. TYPE: ETHIOPIA: Dembia,
Indigofera viscosa var. somalensis Indigofera viscosa Lamarck, var. somalensis Baker f., J. Bot. 41: 242. 1903. TYPE: SOMALIA: Milmil, 30 Jun 1894, Donaldson-Smith s.n. (holotype: BM).
Indigofera zenkeri Indigofera zenkeri Harms ex Baker f., J. Bot. 41: 241. 1903. TYPE: CAMEROON; Na Finati on Sanaga River, s.d., Zenker 1456 (holotype: BM; isotypes: K, L).
Indigofera zenkeri var. brevifoliolata Indigofera zenkeri Harms ex Baker f., var. brevifoliolata De Wildeman, Bull. Jard. Bot. Etat 8: 185. 1923. TYPE: ZAIRE: Kivu, Rutshuru, s.d., Bequaert 3371 (holotype: BR).


Country State County Date Specimen Notes Image
USA Florida Hillsborough Co. 13 Oct 1988 K. Holland s.n.
USA Florida Manatee Co. 25 Aug 1988 R. Mears s.n.
USA Florida Hillsborough Co. 26 Sep 1988 R. Mears s.n.
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