Nymphoides indica

Species:Nymphoides indica (L.)Kuntze
Status:Not Native, OBL (DEP), OBL (NWPL)
Specimen: View details of USF Herbarium specimens

** Not applicable or data not available.


Sub Class
Genus Nymphoides
Species Nymphoides indica (L.)Kuntze - WATER SNOWFLAKE


Citation NYMPHOIDES INDICA (Linnaeus) Kuntze, Revis. Gen. Pl. 2: 429. 1891.
Basionym: Menyanthes indica Linnaeus 1753.
Type: SRI LANKA: Without data, Hermann s.n. (lectotype: BM). Lectotypified by L. H. Cramer, in Dasayanake et al., Rev. Handb. Fl. Ceylon 3: 207. 1981.

** Not applicable or data not available.


CountyHerbariaLiterature Citation (If Applicable)
Lee CONN  
Manatee USF  
Okaloosa USF  
Polk PIHG  


– Denotes synonyms that are applicable to the state. Show these synonyms only

SynonymFull CitationBasionymType
Limnanthemum indicum Limnanthemum indicum (Linnaeus) Grisebach, Gen. Sp. Gent. 343. 1838.BASIONYM: Menyanthes indica Linnaeus 1753. 
Menyanthes indica Menyanthes indica Linnaeus, Sp. Pl. 145. 1753. TYPE: SRI LANKA: Without data, Hermann s.n. (lectotype: BM). Lectotypified by Cramer, in Dasayanake et al., Rev. Handb. Fl. Ceylon 3: 207. 1981.
Villarsia indica Villarsia indica (Linnaeus) Ventenat, Choix Pl. t. 9. 1803.BASIONYM: Menyanthes indica Linnaeus 1753. 
Limnanthemum calycinum Limnanthemum calycinum Miquel, Fl. Ned. Ind. 2: 564. 1857. TYPE: INDONESIA: Java:
Limnanthemum ecklonianum Limnanthemum ecklonianum Grisebach, Gen. Sp. Gent. 346. 1838. TYPE: SOUTH AFRICA:
Limnanthemum fraserianum Limnanthemum fraserianum Grisebach, Gen. Sp. Gent. 346. 1838. TYPE: AUSTRALIA:
Limnanthemum humboldtianum var. parvifolium Limnanthemum humboldtianum (Kunth) Grisebach, var. parvifolium Grisebach, Gen. Sp. Gent. 347. 1838.  
Limnanthemum kleinianum Limnanthemum kleinianum Grisebach, Gen. Sp. Gent. 344. 1838.  
Limnanthemum niloticum Limnanthemum niloticum Kotschy & Peyritsch, Pl. Tinn. 28, t. 9. 1867.  
Limnanthemum orbiculatum Limnanthemum orbiculatum (G. Don) Grisebach, Gen. Sp. Gent. 348. 1838.BASIONYM: Villarsia orbiculata G. Don 1837. 
Limnanthemum senegalense Limnanthemum sensgalense (G. Don) N. E. Brown, in Oliver, Fl. Trop. Africa 4(1): 586. 1904.BASIONYM: Villarsia senegalensis G. Don 1837. 
Limnanthemum thunbergianum Limnanthemum thunbergianum Grisebach, Gen. Sp. Gent. 345. 1838.  
Limnanthemum wightianum Limnanthemum wightianum Grisebach, Gen. Sp. Gent. 344. 1838.  
Nymphoides eckloniana Nymphoides eckloniana (Grisebach) Kuntze, Revis. Gen. Pl. 2; 429. 1891.BASIONYM: Limnanthemum ecklonianum Grisebach 1838. 
Nymphoides orbiculata Nymphoides orbiculata (G. Don) Kuntze, Revis. Gen. Pl. 2: 429. 1891.  
Nymphoides thunbergiana Nymphoides thunbergiana (Grisebach) Kuntze, Revis. Gen. Pl. 2: 429. 1891.BASIONYM: Limnanthemum thunbergianum Grisebach 1838. 
Villarsia eglandulosa Villarsia eglandulosa Griffith, Ic. Pl. Asiat. t. 385. 1854.  
Villarsia glandulosa Villarsia glandulosa Griffith, Not. Pl. Asiat. 4: 89. 1854.  
Villarsia macrophylla Villarsia macrophylla Roemer & Schultes, Syst. Veg. 4: 180. 1819.  
Villarsia nymphaeifolia Villarsia nymphaeifolia Fraser, in Hooker, Bot. Misc. 1: 257. 1830.  
Villarsia orbiculata Villarsia orbiculata G. Don, Gen. Hist. 4: 169. 1837.  
Villarsia rheedei Villarsia rheedei Kosteletzky, Allg. Med.-Pharm. Fl. 3: 1031. 1834. TYPE: INDIA: Kerala: Malabar, without data (holotype: Rheede, Hort. Malab. 11: t. 28. 1692).
Villarsia senegalensis Villarsia senegalensis G. Don, Gen. Hist. 4: 169. 1837.  
Villarsia simsii Villarsia simsii G. Don, Gen. Hist. 4: 169. 1837.  
Villarsia swartzii Villarsia swartzii G. Don, Gen. Hist. 4: 169. 1837.  


Country State County Date Specimen Notes Image
USA Florida Manatee Co. 02 Dec 1983 A.G. Shuey 2585
Dominican Republic Samaná Prov. 21 Mar 1984 T. A. Zanoni 29407
Puerto Rico Manatí Mun. 17 Nov 1981 B. F. Hansen 9029
USA Florida Okaloosa Co. 09 Aug 2016 F. Butera s.n.
Argentina Corrientes Prov. Mburucuyá Dept. 10 Apr 1982 B. Burson 2158
Nicaragua León Dept. 24 Jun 1982 R. R. Haynes 8577
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