Contains 4 accepted taxa overall.

Piper L.
PIPER Linnaeus, Sp. Pl. 28. 1753.
TYPE: Piper nigrum Linnaeus 1753. Lectotypified by Hitchcock, Amer. J. Bot. 10: 513. 1923.
Distribution Map Present

This species have been reported in the counties highlighted.

Scientific Name Common Name Herbarium Specimens Status Photos
Piper auritum VERACRUZ PEPPER Not Native
Piper sarmentosum LOLOT PLANT Not Native
Piper umbellatum BAQUINA Not Native
Identification Key
1.  Erect subshrubs, shrubs, to small trees; larger leaf blades 15-40 cm long
1.  Vines or weak subshrubs; larger leaf blades 5-13(15) cm long
2.  Leaf blade elliptic-lanceolate, obliquely rounded to cuneate at the base
2.  Leaf blade ovate to orbicular, obliquely to evenly cordate at the base
3.  Leaf blade pinnately veined; with anise-like odor
3.  Leaf blade mostly palmately veined; without anise-like odor
4.  Stem and petiole glabrate; leaf blade palmately veined, the base of the inner veins often appressed to the midvein; inflorescence of a solitary spike opposite of the leaf
4.  Stem and petiole pubescent; leaf blade usually palmate-pinnately veined, with 2 or more major veins arising from along the midrib; inflorescence of several spikes and axillary
5.  Leaf blade upper side strongly lustrous with impressed cross-veins; inflorescence erect
5.  Leaf blade upper side dull to weakly lustrous, the cross-veins not impressed or weakly so; inflorescence pendulous …
6.  Dioecious; leaf blade base cordate; inflorescence unisexual; infructescence 3-5(7) cm long; fruit embedded in rachis
6.  Monoecious; leaf blade base rounded to cuneate; inflorescence bisexual; infructescence (5)7-10 cm long; fruit not embedded in rachis
Genus Synonyms
Synonym Full Citation Basionym Type
Amalago Amalago Rafinesque, Sylva Tellur. 84. 1838. TYPE: Non designatus.
Artanthe Artanthe Miquel, Bull. Sci. Phys. Nat. Neerl. 1839: 447, 451. 1839; Comment. Phytogr. 32, 40. 1839. TYPE: = Oxodium Rafinesque 1838.
Callianira Callianira Miquel, Syst. Piper. 46. 1843. TYPE: Callianira melastomoides (Schlechtendal & Chamisso) Miquel (Piper melastomoides Schlechtendal & Chamisso)
Carpunya Carpunya C. Presl, Epim. Bot. 228. 1851 ("1849"). TYPE: Non designatus.
Chavica Chavica Miquel, Syst. Piper. 46, 222. 1843. TYPE: Non designatus.
Coccobryon Coccobryon Klotzsch ex Miquel, Syst. Piper. 46. 1843. TYPE: Non designatus.
Cubeba Cubeba Rafinesque, Sylva Tellur. 84. 1838. TYPE: Cubeba officinalis Rafinesque (Piper cubeba Linnaeus f.)
Enckea Enckea Kunth, Linnaea 13: 590. 1840. TYPE: Enckea unguiculata (Ruiz Lopez & Pavon) Kunth (Piper unguiculatum Ruiz Lopez & Pavon) = Gonistum Rafinesque 1838.
Gonistum Gonistum Rafinesque, Sylva. Tellur. 85. 1838. TYPE: Gonistum unguiculatum (Ruiz López & Pavón) Rafinesque (Piper unguiculatum Ruiz López & Pavón)
Heckeria Heckeria Kunth, Linnaea 13: 564. 1840, non Rafinesque 1838. TYPE: = Pothomorphe Miquel 1839 = Lepianthes Rafinesque 1838, by lectotypification.
Lepianthes Lepianthes Rafinesque, Sylva Tellur. 84. 1838. TYPE: Lepianthes umbellata (Linnaeus) Rafinesque ex Ramamoorthy 1976. (Piper umbellatum Linnaeus 1753.) Lectotypified by R. A. Howard, J. Arnold Arbor. 54: 380. 1973.
Macropiper Macropiper Miquel, Bull. Sci. Phys. Nat. Neerl. 1839: 447, 449. 1839. TYPE: Macropiper latifolium (Linnaeus f.) Miquel (Piper latifolium Linnaeus f.) Lectotypified by A. C. Smith, Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 72: 3. 1975.
Muldera Muldera Miquel, Bull. Sci. Phys. Nat. Neerl. 1839: 447, 448. 1839; Comment. Phytogr. 32, 34. 1839. TYPE: Non designatus.
Nematanthera Nematanthera Miquel, Linnaea 18: 606. 1845 ("1844"). TYPE: Nematanthera guianensis Miquel
Oxidium Oxodium Rafinesque, Sylva Tellur. 85. 1838. TYPE: Oxodium callosum (Ruiz López & Pavón) Rafinesque (Piper callosum Ruiz López & Pavón)
Peltobryon Peltobryon Klotzsch ex Miquel, Syst. Piper. 46, 369. 1843. TYPE: Non designatus.
Peperidia Peperidia Kosteletzky, Allg. Med.-Pharm. Fl. 2: 455. 1833, non Reichenbach 1828. TYPE: Non designatus.
Piperiphorum Piperiphorum Necker ex Rafinesque, Sylva Tellur. 84. 1838. TYPE: Non designatus.
Pothomorphe Pothomorphe Miquel, Sci. Phys. Nat. Neerl. 2: 447, 450. 1839. TYPE: Pothomorphe umbellata (Linnaeus) Miquel 1840. (Piper umbellatum Linnaeus 1753.) Lectotypified by Britton & P. Wilson, Bot. Porto Rico 5: 229. 1924. = Lepianthes Rafinesque 1838, by lectotypification.
Quebitea Quebitea Aublet, Hist. Pl. Guiane 838. 1775. TYPE: Quebitea guianensis Aublet
Rhyncholepis Rhyncholepis Miquel, Syst. Piper. 46, 282. 1843. TYPE: Non designatus.
Schilleria Schilleria Kunth, Linnaea 13: 676. 1840 ("1839"), non Schillera Reichenbach 1828. TYPE: Schilleria callosa (Ruiz López & Pavón) Kunth (Piper callosum Ruiz López & Pavón) = Oxodium Rafinesque 1838.
Schizonephos Schizonephos Griffith, Notul. Pl. Asiat. 4: 383. 1854. TYPE: Schizonephos glaucescens Griffith
Serronia Serronia Gaudichaud-Beaupré ex Guillemin, in Delessert, Icon. 3: 54, t. 90. 1838 ("1837"). TYPE: Serronia jaborandi (Vellozo) Guillemin (Piper jaborandi Vellozo)
Sphaerostachys Sphaerostachys Miquel, Syst. Piper. 46, 375. 1843. TYPE: Sphaerostachys humboldtii Miquel, nom. illegit. (Piper piluliferum Kunth)
Steffensia Steffensia Kunth, Linnaea 13: 609. 1840 ("1839"), non Goeppert 1836. TYPE: Non designatus.