Contains 2 accepted taxa overall.

Pellaea Link
PELLAEA Link, Filicum Sp. 59. 1841, nom. cons. vs. Platyloma J. Smith 1841.
TYPE: Pellaea atropurpurea (Linnaeus) Link, typ. cons. (Pteris atropurpurea Linnaeus)
Distribution Map Present

This species have been reported in the counties highlighted.

Scientific Name Common Name Herbarium Specimens Status Photos
Pellaea atropurpurea PURPLE CLIFF-BRAKE; HAIRY CLIFF-BRAKE FERN Native Endangered-State
Pellaea viridis GREEN CLIFF-BRAKE Not Native
Identification Key
1.  Petiole and rachis pubescent, dark reddish brown to brownish black, the upper side not grooved
1.  Petiole and rachis glabrate, red-brown to purplish, the upper side grooved
Genus Synonyms
Synonym Full Citation Basionym Type
Ormopteris Ormopteris J. Smith, Hist. Filicum 281. 1875. TYPE: Ormopteris gleichenioides (Hooker) J. Smith (Cassebeera gleichenioides Hooker)
Pellaeopsis Pellaeopsis J. Smith, Hist. Filicum 289. 1875. TYPE: Pellaeopsis articulata (Kaulfuss ex Sprengel) J. Smith (Pteris articulata Kaulfuss ex Sprengel)
Platyloma Platyloma J. Smith, J. Bot. (Hooker) 4: 160. 1841, non Rafinesque 1833, nom. rej. vs. Pellaea Link 1841. TYPE: Platyloma brownii J. Smith, nom. illegit. (Adiantum paradoxum R. Brown)
Pteridella Pteridella Mettenius ex Kuhn, in von der Decken, Reisen Ost-Afr. 3(3): 13. 1879. TYPE: Pteridella doniana (Hooker) Mettenius ex Kuhn (Pellaea doniana Hooker) Lectotypified by C. Christensen, Index Filicum XL. 1906.
Synochlamys Synochlamys Fee, Mem. Soc. Sci. Nat. Strasbourg 5: 35. 1857. TYPE: Synochlamys ambigua Fee