Contains 4 accepted taxa overall.
GENTIANA Linnaeus, Sp. Pl. 227. 1753.
TYPE: Gentiana lutea Linnaeus Lectotypified by Britton & A. Brown, Ill. Fl. N. U.S., ed. 2. 3: 8. 1913.
Scientific Name | Common Name | Herbarium Specimens | Status | Photos |
Gentiana catesbaei | CATESBY'S GENTIAN | Native OBL (NWPL) FACW (DEP) | ||
Gentiana pennelliana | WIREGRASS GENTIAN | Native Endemic Endangered-State FACW (NWPL) FACW (DEP) | ||
Gentiana saponaria | SOAPWORT GENTIAN; HARVESTBELLS | Native FACW (NWPL) FACW (DEP) | ||
Gentiana villosa | STRIPED GENTIAN | Native |
[Family identification key]
1. Leaves 2-8 mm wide, lacking basal lateral veins; flower solitary; corolla white, externally sometimes suffused with purple, internally with green or yellow in the throat
1. Leaves 7-24 mm wide, usually a pair of basal lateral veins apparent; flowers 1-5; corolla bluish to purplish or white with bluish or purplish coloration
2. Leaves obovate, widest above the middle; corolla appendages obliquely deltoid; seeds not winged
2. Leaves elliptic to ovate, widest near the middle or base; corolla appendages bifid, laciniate; seeds winged
3. Leaves mostly ovate, widest near the base; calyx lobes longer than the tube; corolla lobes spreading usually 2-4 mm longer than the appendages
3. Leaves mostly elliptic, widest near the midde; calyx lobes subequal to shorter than the tube; corolla lobes usually incurved, rarely exceeding the appendages by more than 2 mm
Genus Synonyms
Synonym | Full Citation | Basionym | Type |
Asterias | Asterias Borkhausen, Arch. Bot. (Leipzig) 1(1): 25. 1796. | TYPE: Asterias lutea (Linnaeus) Borkhausen (Gentiana lutea Linnaeus) = Gentiana Linnaeus 1753, by lectotypification. | |
Calathiana | Calathiana Delarbre, Fl. Auvergne, ed. 2. 28. 1800. | TYPE: Calathiana nivalis (Linnaeus) Delarbre (Gentiana nivalis Linnaeus) | |
Chiophila | Chiophila Rafinesque, Fl. Tellur. 3: 23. 1837 ("1836"). | TYPE: Chiophila nivalis (Linnaeus) Rafinesque (Gentiana nivalis Linnaeus) = Calathiana Dlearbre 1800. | |
Chondrophylla | Chondrophylla A. Nelson, Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 31: 245. 1904. | BASIONYM: Based on Gentiana Linnaeus, sect. Chondrophyllae Bunge, Nouv. Mém. Soc. Imp. Naturalistes Moscou 1: 207. 1829. | TYPE: Chondrophylla aquatica (Linnaeus) W. A. Weber 1985. (Gentiana aquatica Linnaeus 1753.) Lectotypified by J. S. Pringle, Sida 7: 238. 1978. |
Ciminalis | Ciminalis Adanson, Fam. Pl. 2: 504. 1763. | TYPE: Ciminalis acaulis (Linnaeus) Borkhausen (Gentiana acaulis Linnaeus) Lectotypified by Holub, Folia Geobot. Phytotax. 8: 161. 1973. | |
Coilantha | Coilantha Borkhausen, Arch. Bot. (Leipzig) 1(1): 25. 1796. | TYPE: Coilantha purpurea (Linnaeus) Borkhausen (Gentiana purpurea Linnaeus) | |
Cruciata | Cruciata Gilib., Fl. Lit. Inch. 1: 36. 1782, non Miller 1754. | TYPE: = Tretorhiza Adanson 1763. | |
Dasystephana | Dasystephana Adanson, Fam. Pl. 2: 502. 1763. | TYPE: Dasystephana asclepiadea (Linnaeus) Borkhausen (Gentiana asclepiadea Linnaeus) | |
Diploma | Diploma Rafinesque, Fl. Tellur. 3: 19, 27. 1837 ("1836"). | TYPE: Non designatus. | |
Ericoila | Ericoila Borkhausen, Arch. Bot. (Leipzig) 1(1): 26. 1796. | TYPE: Non designatus. | |
Eudoxia | Eudoxia G. Don, Gen. Hist. 4: 174, 202. 1837. | TYPE: Eudoxia formisissima G. Don Lectotypified by Pfeiffer, Nomencl. Bot. 1: 1281. 1874. | |
Gentianodes | Gentianodes Á. Löve & D. Löve, Bot. Not. 125: 256. 1972. | TYPE: Gentianodes frigida (Haenke) Á. Löve & D. Löve (Gentiana frigida Haenke 1789.) | |
Hippion | Hippion F. W. Schmidt, Fl. Boem. 2: 18. 1793. | TYPE: Hippion aestivum F. W. Schmidt, nom. illegit. (Gentiana verna Linnaeus) Lectotypified by Pringle, Sida 7: 241. 1978. | |
Lexipyretum | Lexipyretum Dulac, Fl. Hautes-Pyrénées 449. 1867. | TYPE: Lexipyretum luteum (Linnaeus) Dulac (Gentiana lutea Linnaeus) = Gentiana Linnaeus 1753, by lectotypification. | |
Pneumonanthe | Pneumonanthe Gleditsch, Syst. Pl. Stamin. Situ 238. 1764. | TYPE: Pneumonanthe vulgaris F. W. Schmidt (Gentiana pneumonanthe Linnaeus) Lectotypified by Holub, Folia Geobot. Phytotax. 8: 161. 1973. | |
Ricoila | Ricolia Rafinesque, Fl. Tellur. 3: 23. 1837 ("1836"). | TYPE: Non designatus. | |
Selatium | Selatium D. Don ex G. Don, Gen. Hist. 4: 174, 196. 1837. | TYPE: Selatium thyrsoideum (Hooker) D. Don ex G. Don (Gentiana thyrsoidea Hooker) Lectotypified by Pfeiffer, Nomencl. Bot. 2: 1130. 1874. | |
Tretorhiza | Tretorhiza Adans., Fam. Pl. 2: 503. 1763. | TYPE: Tretorhiza cruciata (Linnaeus) Delarbre (Gentiana cruciata Linnaeus) | |
Ulostoma | Ulostoma D. Don ex G. Don, Gen. Hist. 4: 174, 196. 1837. | TYPE: Ulostoma filamentosa D. Don ex G. Don | |
Varasia | Varasia Philippi, Fl. Atacam. 35. 1860. | TYPE: Varasia podocarpa Philippi | |
Xolemia | Xolemia Rafinesque, Fl. Tellur. 3: 22. 1837 ("1836"). | TYPE: Gentiana saponaria Linnaeus Lectotypified by Garg, Gentian. N.W. Himalayas 84. 1987. |