Contains 8 accepted taxa overall.
DALEA Linnaeus, Opera Var. 244. 1758, nom. cons. vs. Dalea Miller 1754.
TYPE: Dalea alopecuroides Willdenow (Psoralea dalea Linnaeus)
Scientific Name | Common Name | Herbarium Specimens | Status | Photos |
Dalea adenopoda | SUMMER FAREWELL | Native Endemic | ||
Dalea carnea var. albida | WHITETASSELS | Native | ||
Dalea carnea var. carnea | WHITETASSELS | Native FACW (NWPL) | ||
Dalea carnea var. gracilis | WHITETASSELS | Native | ||
Dalea feayi | FEAY'S PRAIRIECLOVER | Native | ||
Dalea floridana | FLORIDA PRAIRIECLOVER | Native Endemic Endangered-State | ||
Dalea pinnata var. pinnata | SUMMER FAREWELL | Native | ||
Dalea pinnata var. trifoliata | SUMMER FAREWELL | Native |
Identification Key
1. Shrubs; leaflets 15-25 (as few as 5-13 next to inflorescence); stamens 10
1. Herbs; leaflets 3-13; stamens 5
2. Inflorescence spike involucrate, subtended by a pseudowhorl of bracts; calyx lobes filiform-plumose
2. Inflorescence spike compact, but not involucrate, not subtended by bracts; calyx lobes deltoid to lancoleate
3. Stem tuberculate, especially towards the apex; leaflets elliptical
3. Stem not or only slightly tuberculate; leaflets linear to filiform
4. Leaflets mostly 5-9(-15) on the upper portion of the stem
4. Leaflets mostly 3 on the upper portion of the stem
5. Inflorescence spike globose; bracts shorter than the calyx tube; anthers exserted beyond the petal
5. Inflorescence spike cylindric to occasionally globose; bracts subequal to longer than the calyx tube; anthers subequal to petals
6. Stems spreading to decumbent, usually less than 1.1 mm thick at the base; rachis between the last pair of leaflets and the terminal leaflet >0.8 mm; flower buds with bract tips recurved; peduncles short, often <5 cm long with bracts <2 mm long
6. Stems erect or ascending, usually greater than 1.1 mm thick at the base; rachis between the last pair of leaflets and the terminal leaflet <0.8 mm long; flower bud bracts straight to upcurved or occasionally some recurved; peduncles usually >5 cm long with bracts usually >2 mm long
7. Leaflets 3-7, often 5; corolla white
7. Leaflets 5-11, often more than 5; corolla pink
Genus Synonyms
Synonym | Full Citation | Basionym | Type |
Asagraea | Asagraea Baillon, Adansonia 9: 232. 1870, non Lindley 1839. | TYPE: Asagraea spinosa (A. Gray) Baillon (Dalea spinosa A. Gray) | |
Cylipogon | Cylipogon Rafinesque, J. Phys. Chim. Hist. Nat. Arts 89: 97. 1819. | TYPE: Non designatus. | |
Jamesia | Jamesia Rafinesque, Atl. J. 145. 1832, nom. rej. vs. Jamesia Torrey & A. Gray 1840. | TYPE: Jamesia obovata Rafinesque, nom. illegit. (Psoralea jamesii Torrey) | |
Kuhnistera | Kuhnistera Lamarck, Encycl. 3: 370. 1792, nom. rej. vs. Petalostemon Michaux 1803. | TYPE: Kuhnistera caroliniensis Lamarck | |
Parosela | Parosela Cavanilles, Descr. Pl. 185, 620. 1802. | TYPE: Parosela obovatifolia (Ortega) Cavanilles (Dalea obovatifolia Ortega) Lectotypified by Britton & A. Brown, Ill. Fl. N. U.S., ed. 2. 2: 366. 1913. | |
Petalostemon | Petalostemon Michaux, Fl. Bor.-Amer. 2: 48. 1803, as 'Petalostemum'; corr. Persoon, Syn. Pl. 2: 268. 1806, orth. cons. et nom. cons. vs. Kuhnistera Lamarck 1792. | TYPE: Petalostemon candidum (Willdenow) Michaux (Dalea candida Willdenow) | |
Thornbera | Thornbera Rydberg, J. New York Bot. Gard. 20: 66. 1919. | TYPE: Thornbera albiflora (A. Gray) Rydberg (Dalea albiflora A. Gray) |