Contains 8 accepted taxa overall.

Dalea L.
DALEA Linnaeus, Opera Var. 244. 1758, nom. cons. vs. Dalea Miller 1754.
TYPE: Dalea alopecuroides Willdenow (Psoralea dalea Linnaeus)
Distribution Map Present

This species have been reported in the counties highlighted.

Scientific Name Common Name Herbarium Specimens Status Photos
Dalea adenopoda SUMMER FAREWELL Native Endemic
Dalea carnea var. albida WHITETASSELS Native
Dalea carnea var. carnea WHITETASSELS Native FACW (NWPL)
Dalea carnea var. gracilis WHITETASSELS Native
Dalea floridana FLORIDA PRAIRIECLOVER Native Endemic Endangered-State
Dalea pinnata var. pinnata SUMMER FAREWELL Native
Dalea pinnata var. trifoliata SUMMER FAREWELL Native
Identification Key
1.  Shrubs; leaflets 15-25 (as few as 5-13 next to inflorescence); stamens 10
1.  Herbs; leaflets 3-13; stamens 5
2.  Inflorescence spike involucrate, subtended by a pseudowhorl of bracts; calyx lobes filiform-plumose
2.  Inflorescence spike compact, but not involucrate, not subtended by bracts; calyx lobes deltoid to lancoleate
3.  Stem tuberculate, especially towards the apex; leaflets elliptical
3.  Stem not or only slightly tuberculate; leaflets linear to filiform
4.  Leaflets mostly 5-9(-15) on the upper portion of the stem
4.  Leaflets mostly 3 on the upper portion of the stem
5.  Inflorescence spike globose; bracts shorter than the calyx tube; anthers exserted beyond the petal
5.  Inflorescence spike cylindric to occasionally globose; bracts subequal to longer than the calyx tube; anthers subequal to petals
6.  Stems spreading to decumbent, usually less than 1.1 mm thick at the base; rachis between the last pair of leaflets and the terminal leaflet >0.8 mm; flower buds with bract tips recurved; peduncles short, often <5 cm long with bracts <2 mm long
6.  Stems erect or ascending, usually greater than 1.1 mm thick at the base; rachis between the last pair of leaflets and the terminal leaflet <0.8 mm long; flower bud bracts straight to upcurved or occasionally some recurved; peduncles usually >5 cm long with bracts usually >2 mm long
7.  Leaflets 3-7, often 5; corolla white
7.  Leaflets 5-11, often more than 5; corolla pink
Genus Synonyms
Synonym Full Citation Basionym Type
Asagraea Asagraea Baillon, Adansonia 9: 232. 1870, non Lindley 1839. TYPE: Asagraea spinosa (A. Gray) Baillon (Dalea spinosa A. Gray)
Cylipogon Cylipogon Rafinesque, J. Phys. Chim. Hist. Nat. Arts 89: 97. 1819. TYPE: Non designatus.
Jamesia Jamesia Rafinesque, Atl. J. 145. 1832, nom. rej. vs. Jamesia Torrey & A. Gray 1840. TYPE: Jamesia obovata Rafinesque, nom. illegit. (Psoralea jamesii Torrey)
Kuhnistera Kuhnistera Lamarck, Encycl. 3: 370. 1792, nom. rej. vs. Petalostemon Michaux 1803. TYPE: Kuhnistera caroliniensis Lamarck
Parosela Parosela Cavanilles, Descr. Pl. 185, 620. 1802. TYPE: Parosela obovatifolia (Ortega) Cavanilles (Dalea obovatifolia Ortega) Lectotypified by Britton & A. Brown, Ill. Fl. N. U.S., ed. 2. 2: 366. 1913.
Petalostemon Petalostemon Michaux, Fl. Bor.-Amer. 2: 48. 1803, as 'Petalostemum'; corr. Persoon, Syn. Pl. 2: 268. 1806, orth. cons. et nom. cons. vs. Kuhnistera Lamarck 1792. TYPE: Petalostemon candidum (Willdenow) Michaux (Dalea candida Willdenow)
Thornbera Thornbera Rydberg, J. New York Bot. Gard. 20: 66. 1919. TYPE: Thornbera albiflora (A. Gray) Rydberg (Dalea albiflora A. Gray)