Contains 1 accepted taxa overall.

Clusia L.
CLUSIA Linnaeus, Sp. Pl. 509. 1753.
TYPE: Clusia major Linnaeus Lectotypified by Britton & Millspaugh, Bahama Fl. 281. 1920.
Distribution Map Present

This species have been reported in the counties highlighted.

Scientific Name Common Name Herbarium Specimens Status Photos
Identification Key
1.  Leaf blade lanceolate to oblanceolate, mostly widest near the middle, the apex bluntly acute (cultivated)
1.  Leaf blade spatulate, widest near the apex, the apex rounded
2.  Bracteoles subtending flower 6-14(30); petals 4; ovary and fruit 10-14(16)-locular (cultivated)
2.  Bracteoles subtending flower 2-4; petals 5-8; ovary and fruit 5-9-locular
3.  Petals 5; ovary and fruit 5-locular (cultivated)
3.  Petals 6-8; ovary and fruit 6-9-locular
Genus Synonyms
Synonym Full Citation Basionym Type
Androstylium Androstylium Miquel, Stirp. Surinam. Sel. 93. 1851. TYPE: Androstylium fockeanum (Miquel) Miquel (Clusia fockeana Miquel)
Arrudea Arrudea Cambessedes, in A. Saint-Hilaire, Fl. Bras. Merid. 1: 318, t. 66. 1828. TYPE: Arrudea clusioides Cambessedes
Asthotheca Asthotheca Miers ex Planchon & Triana, Ann. Sci. Nat., Bot., ser. 4. 14: 254. 1860. TYPE: Non designatus.
Birolia Birolia Rafinesque, Sylva Tellur. 163. 1838, non Bellardi 1809. TYPE: Birolia alba (Jacquin) Rafinesque (Clusia alba Jacquin)
Cahota Cahota H. Karsten, Linnaea 28: 448. 1857. TYPE: Cahota carachensis H. Karsten
Cochlanthera Cochlanthera Choisy, Mem. Soc. Phys. Geneve 12: 426, t. 3. 1851. TYPE: Cochlanthera lanceolata Choisy
Decaphalangium Decaphalangium Melchior, Notizbl. Bot. Gart. Berlin-Dahlem 10: 946, f. 16. 1930. TYPE: Decaphalangium peruvianum Melchior
Elwertia Elwertia Rafinesque, Sylva Tellur. 163. 1838. TYPE: Elwertia retusa (Poiret) Rafinesque (Clusia retusa Poiret)
Firkea Firkea Rafinesque, Sylva Tellur. 163. 1838. TYPE: Non designatus.
Havetia Havetia Kunth, in Humboldt et al., Nov. Gen. Sp. 5: 203, t. 462. 1822. TYPE: Havetia laurifolia Kunth
Icostegia Icostegia Rafinesque, Sylva Tellur. 163. 1838. TYPE: Icostegia flava (Jacquin) Rafinesque (Clusia flava Jacquin)
Lipophyllum Lipophyllum Miers, Trans. Linn. Soc. London 21: 251. 1855. TYPE: Lipophyllum latum Miers
Oxystemon Oxystemon Planchon & Triana, Ann. Sci. Nat., Bot., ser. 4. 13: 314. 1860. TYPE: Oxystemon nervosum Planchon & Triana
Polythecandra Polythecandra Planchon & Triana, Ann. Sci. Nat., Bot., ser. 4. 13: 314. 1860. TYPE: Non designatus.
Renggeria Renggeria Meisner, Pl. Vasc. Gen. 1: 42. 1837. TYPE: Renggeria comans (Martius) Meisner ex Engler (Schweiggera comans Martius). Substitute name for Schweiggera Martius 1832, non Schweiggeria Sprengel 1820.
Schweiggera Schweiggera Martius, Nov. Gen. Sp. Pl. 3: 166. 1832, non Schweiggeria Sprengel 1820. TYPE: Schweiggera comans Martius = Renggeria Meisner 1837.
Triplandron Triplandron Bentham, Bot. Voy. Sulphur 73, t. 28. 1844. TYPE: Triplandron lineatum Bentham