Contains 3 accepted taxa overall.

Acanthospermum Schrank
ACANTHOSPERMUM Schrank, Pl. Rar. Hort. Monac. 53. 1820, nom. cons. vs. Centrospermum Kunth 1818.
TYPE: Acanthospermum brasilum Schrank
Distribution Map Present

This species have been reported in the counties highlighted.

Scientific Name Common Name Herbarium Specimens Status Photos
Acanthospermum australe PARAGUAY STARBURR Not Native
Acanthospermum hispidum HISPID STARBURR Not Native
Acanthospermum humile LOW STARBURR Not Native
Identification Key
1.  Fruit 7-10 mm long, with 5-7 ribs, without terminal spines
1.  Fruit 2-6 mm long, with 0-3 ribs, with 2 terminal spines
2.  Leaves 20-70 mm long, sessile or subsessile; fruit lacking distinct ribs, prickles scattered
2.  Leaves 10-35(45) mm long, the blade usually abruptly contracted to a winged petiole; fruit with 3 ribs, prickles mostly along ribs and the apex
Genus Synonyms
Synonym Full Citation Basionym Type
Centrospermum Centrospermum Kunth, in Humboldt et al., Nov. Gen. Sp. 4: 270, pl. 397. 1818, nom. rej. vs. Acanthospermum Schrank 1820. TYPE: Centrospermum xanthioides Kunth, nom. illegit. (Melampodium australe Loefling ex Linnaeus)
Orcya Orcya Vellozo, Fl. Flumin. 344. 1829 ("1825"). TYPE: Orcya adhaerens Vellozo