Contains 2 accepted taxa overall.
COLEUS Loureiro, Fl. Cochinch. 358, 372. 1790.
TYPE: Coleus amboinicus Loureiro 1790.
Scientific Name | Common Name | Herbarium Specimens | Status | Photos |
Coleus australis | LITTLE SPURFLOWER; SWEDISH IVY | Not Native | ||
Coleus scutellarioides | COMMON COLEUS | Not Native FACU (NWPL) |
Identification Key
1. Leaf blade (3.5)5-14 cm long, glabrous to sparsely pubescent, often variegated with red, pink, purple, white, yellow, or light green, uniformly non-green, or green
1. Leaf blade 1-9 cm long, tomentose to glabrate, generally uniformly green or greenish, not variegated
2. Leaf blade 1-3.5(6) cm long
2. Leaf blade 3-9(10) cm long
3. Leaf blade obovate to rhomboid, toothed above the middle
3. Leaf blade lanceolate, ovate, to suborbicular, toothed below the middle
4. Leaf 1-1.5 times as long as wide; corolla light pink to purple, stamens exserted from the lower lip
4. Leaf blade 1.3-2.3 times as long as wide; corolla lavender to bluish or dark purple, stamens included in the lower lip
Genus Synonyms
Synonym | Full Citation | Basionym | Type |
Anisochilus | Anisochilus Wllich ex Bentham, in Lindley, Edwards's Bot. Reg. 15: sub pl. 1300. 1830. | TYPE: Non designatus. | |
Ascocardion | Ascocardion G. Taylor, J. Bot. 69(Suppl. 2): 162. 1931. | TYPE: Ascocardion mirabile (Briquet) G. Taylor 1931. (Coleus mirabilis Briquet 1894.) | |
Briquetastrum | Briquetastrum A. Robyns & Lebrun, Ann. Soc. Sci. Bruxelles, Ser. B. 49: 102. 1929. | TYPE: Briquetastrum africanum (Baker ex Scott Elliot) A. Robyns & Lebrun 1929. (Anisochilus africanus Baker ex Scott Elliot 1894.) | |
Burnatastrum | Burnatastrum Briq., in Engler & Prantl, Nat. Pflanzenfam. 4(3a): 358. 1894. | TYPE: Burnatastrum lanceolatum (Bojer ex Bentham) Briquet 1897. (Plectranthus lanceolatus Bojer ex Bentham 1832.) | |
Capitanya | Capitanya Schweinfurth ex Gürke, Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 21: 105, t. 1. 1895. | TYPE: Capitanya ostostegioides Gürke 1895. | |
Chalcas | Chalcas P. V. Heath, Calyx 5: 160. 1997. | TYPE: Solenostemon latifolius (Hochstetter ex Bentham) J. K. Morton 1962. (Coleus latifolius Hochstetter ex Benthem 1848.) Typified by Codd, Bothalia 11: 438. 1975. | |
Echinostachys | Echinostachys E. Meyer, in E. Meyer & Drège, Comm. Pl. Afr. Austr. 243. 1838. | TYPE: Echinostachys reticulata E. Meyr 1838. | |
Englerastrum | Englerastrum Briquet, Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 19: 178, t. 4(A). 1894. | TYPE: Englerastrum schweinfurthii Briquet 1894. | |
Holostylon | Holostylon A. Robyns & Lebrun, Ann. Soc. Sci. Bruxelles, Ser. B. 49: 103. 1929. | TYPE: Holostylon gracilipedicellatum A. Robyns & Lebrun 1929. | |
Isodictyophorus | Isodictyophorus Briquet, Bull. Soc. Bot. France 61(Mém 8e): 285. 1917. | TYPE: Isodictyophorus chevalieri Briquet 1917. | |
Leocus | Leocus A. Chevalier, J. Bot. (Morot) 22: 125. 1909. | TYPE: Leocus lyratus A. Chevalier 1909. | |
Majana | Majana Kuntze, Revis. Gen. Pl. 2: 523. 1891. | TYPE: = Coleus Loureiro 1790. | |
Neohyptis | Neohyptis J. K. Morton, J. Linn. Soc., Bot. 58: 258. 1962. | TYPE: Neohyptis paniculata (Baker) J. K. Morton 1962. (Geniosporum paniculatum Baker 1900.) | |
Neomuellera | Neomuellera Briquet, Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 19: 186, t. 4(B). 1894. | TYPE: Neomuellera welwitschii Briquet 1894. | |
Pycnostachys | Pycnostachys Hooker, Exot. Fl. 3: t. 202. 1826. | TYPE: Pycnostachys coerulea Hooker 1826. | |
Rabdosiella | Rabdosiella Codd, Bothalia 15: 9, f. 5. 1984. | TYPE: Rabdosiella calycina (Bentham) Codd 1984. (Plectranthus calycinus Bentham 1838.) | |
Solenostemon | Solenostemon Thonning, in Schumacher, Beskr. Guin. Pl. 271. 1827. | TYPE: Solenostemon ocymoides Schumacher 1827. | |
Stiptanthus | Stiptanthus Briq., in Engler & Prangl, Nat. Pflanzenfam. 4(3a): 352. 1894. | TYPE: Stiptanthus polystachyus (Bentham) Briquet 1897. (Anisochhilus polystachyus Bentham 1830.) | |
Symphostemon | Symphostemon Hiern, Cat. Afr. Pl. 1: 867. 1900. | TYPE: Symphostemon insolitus (C. H. Wright) Hiern 1900. (Plectranthus insolitus C. H. Wright 1899.) |