Contains 9 accepted taxa overall.

Baptisia Vent.
BAPTISIA Ventenat, Dec. Gen. Nov. 9. 1808.
TYPE: Baptisia alba (Linnaeus) Ventenat (Crotalaria alba Linnaeus) Lectotypified by Britton & A. Brown, Ill. Fl. N. U.S., ed. 2. 2: 344. 1913.
Distribution Map Present

This species have been reported in the counties highlighted.

Scientific Name Common Name Herbarium Specimens Status Photos
Baptisia alba WHITE WILD INDIGO Native FACU (NWPL)
Baptisia albescens SPIKED WILD INDIGO Native
Baptisia calycosa FLORIDA WILD INDIGO Native Endemic Endangered-State
Baptisia hirsuta HAIRY FLORIDA WILD INDIGO Native Threatened-State
Baptisia lanceolata GOPHERWEED Native
Baptisia lecontei PINELAND WILD INDIGO Native
Baptisia megacarpa APALACHICOLA WILD INDIGO Native Endangered-State
Baptisia perfoliata CATBELLS Native
Baptisia simplicifolia SCAREWEED Native Endemic Threatened-State
Identification Key
1.  Stipules absent; leaves 1-foliolate
1.  Stipules present, 0.1-15 mm long (deciduous or persistent); leaves 3-foliolate (distal ones sometimes 1- or 2-foliolate)
2.  Leaves perfoliate; flowers axillary, solitary
2.  Leaves sessile; flowers numerous in a raceme to 20 cm long
3.  Pedicels 1-4 cm long, with bracteoles above the middle, subtended by a bract 3-25 mm long; corolla 10-14 mm long
3.  Pedicels 0.3-1.3 cm long, without bracteoles, subtended by a bract to 5 mm long or the bract absent; corolla (11-)13-24 mm long
4.  Pedicel bracteoles 2-5(-11) mm long; calyx 5-7(-9) mm long, the lobes subequal to shorter than the calyx tube
4.  Pedicel bracteoles 10-16 mm long; calyx 9-13 mm long, the lobes much longer than the tube
5.  Plant glabrate
5.  Plant hirsute
6.  Corolla white
6.  Corolla yellow
7.  Corolla 20-25 mm long; fruit 10-25(-30) mm wide, black when mature
7.  Corolla 14-18 mm long; fruit 7-9 mm wide, yellow-brown when mature
8.  Petioles 4-12 mm long; leaflets narrowly oblanceolate to obovate, mostly 2.5-4.5 times long as wide; flowers often solitary and axillary, and racemose; fruit woody, 1-2.5 cm long, 1-1.2 cm wide
8.  Petioles 15-20 mm long; leaflets broadly elliptic to broadly obovoate, mostly 2-2.5 times long as wide; flowers racemose; fruit coriaceous, 3-4 cm long, 1.8-2.5 cm wide
Genus Synonyms
Synonym Full Citation Basionym Type
Eaplosia Eaplosia Rafinesque, New Fl. 2: 51. 1837 ("1836"). TYPE: Non designatus.
Lasinia Lasinia Rafinesque, New Fl. 2: 48. 1837 ("1836"). TYPE: Non designatus.
Pericaulon Pericaulon Rafinesque, New Fl. 2: 50. 1837 ("1836"). TYPE: Non designatus.
Ripasia Ripasia Rafinesque, New Fl. 2: 48. 1837 ("1836"). TYPE: Ripasia coerulea (Moench) Rafinesque, nom. illegit. (Sophora coerulea Moench, nom. illegit.; Sophora australis Linnaeus)