Contains 3 accepted taxa overall.

Atriplex L.
ATRIPLEX Linnaeus, Sp. Pl. 1052. 1753, nom. cons.
TYPE: Atriplex hortensis Linnaeus 1753, typ. cons.
Distribution Map Present

This species have been reported in the counties highlighted.

Scientific Name Common Name Herbarium Specimens Status Photos
Atriplex pentandra CRESTED SALTBUSH Native FAC (NWPL)
Atriplex rosea TUMBLING SALTWEED Not Native FACU (NWPL)
Atriplex tatarica TATARIAN ORACHE Not Native
Identification Key
1.  Larger leaf blades 3-15 mm wide, entire or some with few teeth; fruiting bracteoles 2-5 mm wide or long
1.  Larger leaf blades 10-80 mm wide, usually with several teeth; fruiting bracteoles (3)4-8(10) mm wide or long
2.  Plants erect; leaf blade ovate to lanceolate, with Kranz anatomy
2.  Plants decumbent; leaf blade ovate to deltate, without Kranz anatomy
Genus Synonyms
Synonym Full Citation Basionym Type
Armola Armola Friche-Joset & Montandon, Syn. Fl. Jura 261. 1856. TYPE: Non designatus.
Endolepis Endolepis Torrey, in A. Gray, Rep. Explor. Railroad Pacif. Ocean 12(2): 47, pl. 3. 1860, non Schleiden 1846. TYPE: Endolepis suckleyi Torrey 1860.
Halimione Halimione Aellen, Verh. Naturf. Ges. Basel 49: 121. 1938. TYPE: Halimione pedunculata (Linnaeus) Aellen 1938. (Atriplex pedunculata Linnaeus 1755.) Substitute name for Halimus Wallroth 1822, non P. Browne 1756.
Halimus Halimus Wallroth, Sched. Crit. 117. 1822, non P. Browne 1756. TYPE: Halimus pedunculatus (Linnaeus) Wallroth 1822. (Atriplex pedunculata Linnaeus 1755.) = Halimione Aellen 1938.
Obione Obione Gaertner, Fruct. Sem. Pl. 2: 198. 1791. TYPE: Obione muricata Gaertner 1791, nom. illegit. (Atriplex sibirica Linnaeus 1763; Obione sibirica (Linnaeus) Fischer 1808.)
Pterochiton Pterochiton Torrey & Fremont, Rep. Expl. Exped. 318. 1845. TYPE: Pterochiton occidentale Torrey & Fremont 1845.
Schizotheca Schizotheca (C. A. Meyer) Lindley, Veg. Kingd. 513. 1846, non Ehrenberg 1834. BASIONYM: Atriplex Linnaeus, sect. Schizotheca C. A. Meyer, in Ledebour, Fl. Altaica 4: 306. 1833. TYPE: Non designatus.
Theleophyton Theleophyton (Hooker f.) Moquin-Tandon, in de Candolle, Prodr. 13(2): 44, 115. 1849. BASIONYM: Atriplex L., (unranked) Theleophyton Hook.f., London J. Bot. 6: 279. 1847. TYPE: Theleophyton billardieri (Moquin-Tandon) Moquin-Tandon 1849. (Obione billardieri Moquin-Tandon 1840.)