Contains 3 accepted taxa overall.

Prosthechea Knowles & Westcott
PROSTHECHEA Knowles & Westcott, Fl. Cab. 2: 111. 1838.
TYPE: Prosthechea glauca Knowles & Westcott
Distribution Map Present

This species have been reported in the counties highlighted.

Scientific Name Common Name Herbarium Specimens Status Photos
Prosthechea boothiana var. erythronioides DOLLAR ORCHID Native Endangered-State
Prosthechea cochleata CLAMSHELL ORCHID; FLORIDA COCKLESHELL ORCHID Native Endangered-State
Prosthechea pygmaea DWARF BUTTERFLY ORCHID; DWARF EPIDENDRUM Native Endangered-State
Identification Key
1.  Plant with creeping rhizomes, elongate internodes; leaves 2-5.5(8) cm long; inflorescence of 1-3 flowers
1.  Plant cespitose or with short rhizomes, internodes scarcely apparent; leaves 7-45 cm long; inflorescence of 3-12 flowers
2.  Pseudobulb orbicular to broadly ovoid; leaves to 18 cm long; flower resupinate; sepals and petals yellow-green and purplish-spotted throughout, oblanceolate, stiff; lip narrow, yellowish
2.  Pseudobulb ovoid to narrowly elliptic; leaves to 40 cm long; flower not resupinate; sepals and petals yellow-green, with few to no purplish spots, linear-lanceolate, lax; lip broadly flared, with purplish coloration
Genus Synonyms
Synonym Full Citation Basionym Type
Anacheilium Anacheilium Reichenbach f. ex Hoffmannsegg, Preis-Verz. Orch. 21. 1842; Linnaea 16(Lit. Ber.): 229. 1842. TYPE: Anacheilium cochleatum (Linnaeus) Hoffmannsegg (Epidendrum cochleatum Linnaeus)
Epicladium Epicladium (Lindley) Small, Fl. Miami 56. 1913. BASIONYM: Epidendrum Linnaeus, subg. Epicladium Lindley, J. Bot. (Hooker) 3: 81. 1840. TYPE: Epicladium boothianum (Lindley) Small (Epidendrum boothianum Lindley)
Epithecia Epithecia Knowles & Westcott, Fl. Cab. 2: 167. 1839. TYPE: Epithecia glauca (Knowles & Westcott) Knowles & Westcott (Prosthechea glauca Knowles & Westcott) = Prosthechea Knowles & Westcott 1838.
Hormidium Hormidium (Lindley) Heynhold, Nom. Bot. Hort. 1: 888. 1841. BASIONYM: Epidendrum Linnaeus, sect. Hormidium Lindley, J. Bot. (Hooker) 3: 81. 1841. TYPE: Hormidium uniflorum (Lindley) Heynhold (Epidendrum uniflorum Lindley)