Contains 1 accepted taxa overall.

Pouteria Aubl.
POUTERIA Aublet, Hist. Pl. Guiane 85, pl. 33. 1775.
TYPE: Pouteria guianensis Aublet
Distribution Map Present

This species have been reported in the counties highlighted.

Scientific Name Common Name Herbarium Specimens Status Photos
Pouteria campechiana EGG FRUIT; CANISTEL Not Native
Identification Key

No identification key is available for this family.

Genus Synonyms
Synonym Full Citation Basionym Type
Barylucuma Barylucuma Ducke, Arch. Jard. Bot. Rio de Janeiro 4: 161. 1925. TYPE: Barylucuma decussata Ducke
Caramuri Caramuri Aubreville & Pellegrin, Adansonia, ser. 2. 1: 13. 1961. TYPE: Caramuri opposita (Ducke) Aubreville & Pellegrin (Glycoxylon oppositum Ducke)
Chaetocarpus Chaetocarpus Schreber, Gen. Pl. 75. 1789, nom. rej. vs. Chaetocarpus Thwaites 1854. TYPE: = Pouteria Aublet 1775.
Discoluma Discoluma Baillon, Hist. Pl. 11: 290. 1891. TYPE: Discoluma gardneri (Martius & Eichler ex Miquel) Baillon (Chrysophyllum gardneri Martius & Eichler ex Miquel)
Eglerodendron Eglerodendron Aubreville & Pellegrin, Adansonia, ser. 2. 1: 167. 1961. TYPE: Eglerodendron pariry (Ducke) Aubreville & Pellegrin (Lucuma pariry Ducke)
Englerella Englerella Pierre, Not. Bot. 46. 1891. TYPE: Englerella macrocarpa Pierre
Eremoluma Eremoluma Baillon, Hist. Pl. 11: 291. 1891. TYPE: Eremoluma sagotiana Baillon
Franchetella Franchetella Pierre, Not. Bot. 24. 1890. TYPE: Franchetella tarapotensis (Eichler ex Pierre) Pierre (Lucuma tarapotensis Eichler ex Pierre)
Gayella Gayella Pierre, Not. Bot. 26. 1890. TYPE: Gayella valparadisaea (Molina) Pierre (Lucuma valparadisaea Molina)
Gomphiluma Gomphiluma Baillon, Hist. Pl. 11: 285. 1891. TYPE: Gomphiluma martiana Baillon, nom. illegit. (Lucuma gomphiaefolia Martius ex Miquel)
Guapeba Guapeba Gomes, Observ. Bot.-Med. Nonnulli Bras. 1: 19, pl. 2. 1803. TYPE: Guapeba laurifolia Gomes 1803.
Ichthyophora Ichthyophora Baehni, Arch. Sci. 17: 77. 1964. TYPE: Ichthyophora leptocarpa (Miquel) Baehni (Oxythece leptocarpa Miquel) = Neoxythece Aubreville & Pellegrin 1961.
Krugella Krugella Pierre, Not. Bot. 50. 1891. TYPE: Krugella hartii Pierre
Labatia Labatia Swartz, Prodr. 2, 32. 1788, nom. cons. vs. Labatia Scopoli 1777. TYPE: Labatia sessiliflora Swartz
Leioluma Leioluma Baillon, Hist. Pl. 11: 285. 1891. TYPE: Leioluma lucens (Martius ex Miquel) Baillon (Lucuma lucens Martius ex Miquel)
Lucuma Lucuma Molina, Sag. Stor. Nat. Chili 186, 352. 1782. TYPE: Lucuma bifera Molina Lectotypified by Britton & Millspaugh, Bahama Fl. 322. 1920.
Microluma Microluma Baillon, Hist. Pl. 11: 290. 1891. TYPE: Microluma parviflora (Bentham ex Miquel) Baillon (Lucuma parviflora Bentham ex Miquel)
Myrtiluma Myrtiluma Baillon, Hist. Pl. 11: 283. 1891. TYPE: Myrtiluma eugeniifolia (Pierre) Baillon ex Aubreville & Pellegrin (Micropholis eugeniifolia Pierre)
Nemaluma Nemaluma Baillon, Hist. Pl. 11: 293. 1891. TYPE: Nemaluma engleri (Eyma) Aubreville & Pellegrin (Pouteria engleri Eyma; Chrysophyllum alnifolium Engler 1890, non Baker 1877) Lectotypified by T. D. Pennington, Gen. Sapot. 188. 1991.
Neolabatia Neolabatia Aubreville, in Maguire et al., Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 23: 203. 1972. TYPE: Neolabatia sessiliflora (Swartz) Aubreville (Labatia sessiliflora Swartz) = Labatia Swartz 1788 (nom. cons.).
Neoxythece Neoxythece Aubreville & Pellegrin, Adansonia, ser. 2. 1: 16. 1961. TYPE: Oxythece leptocarpa Miquel Substitute name for Oxythece Miquel 1869, non Oxytheca Nuttall 1848.
Oxythece Oxythece Miquel, in Martius, Fl. Bras. 7: 105, t. 47(2). 1863, non Oxytheca Nuttall 1848. TYPE: Oxythece leptocarpa Miquel Lectotypified by T. D. Pennington, Fl. Neotrop. 52: 247. 1990. = Neoxythece Aubreville & Pellegrin 1961.
Paralabatia Paralabatia Pierre, Not. Bot. 23. 1890. TYPE: Paralabatia dictyoneura (Grisebach) Pierre (Sideroxylon dictyoneurum Grisebach)
Peteniodendron Peteniodendron Lundell, Wrightia 5: 254. 1976. TYPE: Peteniodendron belizense Lundell
Piresodendron Piresodendron Aubreville, Adansonia, ser. 2. 3: 19. 1963. TYPE: Piresodendron ucuqui (Pires & R. E. Schultes) Aubreville (Pouteria ucuqui Pires & R. E. Schultes)
Podoluma Podoluma Baillon, Hist. Pl. 11: 290. 1891. TYPE: Podoluma catocladantha (Eichler) Aubreville (Lucuma catocladantha Eichler) Lectotypified by Baehni, Boissiera 11: 1-262. 1965.
Pseudocladia Pseudocladia Pierre, Not. Bot. 49. 1891. TYPE: Pseudocladia lateriflora (Bentham ex Miquel) Pierre (Lucuma lateriflora Bentham ex Miquel)
Pseudolabatia Pseudolabatia Aubreville & Pellegrin, Adansonia, ser. 2. 1: 159. 1961. TYPE: Pseudolabatia psammophila (Martius) Aubreville (Labatia psammophila Martius)
Pseudoxythece Pseudoxythece Aubreville, in Maguire et al., Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 23: 219. 1972. TYPE: Pseudoxythece ambelaniifolia (Sandwith) Aubreville (Chrysophyllum ambelaniifolium Sandwith)
Radlkoferella Radlkoferella Pierre, Not. Bot. 21. 1890. TYPE: Radlkoferella multiflora (Alph. de Candolle) Pierre (Lucuma multiflora Alph. de Candolle) Lectotypified by T. D. Pennington, Fl. Neotrop. 52: 247. 1990.
Richardella Richardella Pierre, Not. Bot. 19. 1890. TYPE: Richardella macrophylla (Lamarck) Aubreville (Chrysophyllum macrophyllum Lamarck) Lectotypified by Aubreville & Pellegrin, Adansonia, ser. 2. 1: 175. 1961.
Sandwithiodoxa Sandwithiodoxa Aubreville & Pellegrin, Adansonia, ser. 2. 1: 163. 1961. TYPE: Sandwithiodoxa egregia (Sandwith) Aubreville (Pouteria egregia Sandwith)
Syzygiopsis Syzygiopsis Ducke, Arch. Jard. Bot. Rio de Janeiro 4: 158. 1925. TYPE: Syzygiopsis oppositifolia Ducke
Urbanella Urbanella Pierre, Not. Bot. 25. 1890. TYPE: Urbanella procera (Martius) Pierre (Lucuma procera Martius)