Contains 5 genera and 28 accepted taxa overall.
This family is completely databased for all specimens.
Genus | Common Name | Taxa Count | Herbarium Specimens | Photos |
Callisia | 6 | |||
Commelina | DAYFLOWER | 9 | ||
Gibasis | BRIDALVEIL | 1 | ||
Murdannia | DEWFLOWER | 3 | ||
Tradescantia | SPIDERWORT | 9 |
Identification Key
1. Inflorescence subtended by conspicuous spathaceous bracts, cupped or folded around the inflorescence base
1. Inflorescence bracts inconspicuous or inflorescence subtended by open, typical leaves
2. Spathaceous inflorescence bracts generally ovate, often strongly folded, distinctly dissimilar from cauline leaves; petals all blue, orange, or 2 blue and 1 white, clawed, blades sometimes unequal, blade of larger petals usually broadly ovate to suborbicular; 3 fertile stamens, 3 staminodes, filaments glabrous
2. Spathaceous inflorescence bracts elongate, the base of the bract cupped at the base of the inflorescence, the bracts very similar to the cauline leaves; petals pink, purple, bluish-pink, bluish-purple, or white, not clawed or rarely so, equal, blade lanceolate, ovate, to broadly ovate; 6 fertile stamens, filaments usually bearded
3. Sepals externally purplish, petaloid; anthers poricidal; seeds arillate
3. Sepal externally green, not petaloid; anthers dehiscing longitudinally; seeds not arillate
4. Flowers sessile or subsessile; ovary and capsule 2–3-locular
4. Flowers distinctly pedicellate; ovary and capsule 3-locular
5. Petals white; fertile stamens 6, staminodes absent
5. Petals pale pink to dark pink; fertile stamens 2-3, staminodes 3-4