Contains 33 genera and 66 accepted taxa overall.

This family is completely databased for all specimens.

Distribution Map Present

This species have been reported in the counties highlighted.

Genus Common Name Taxa Count Herbarium Specimens Photos
Allamanda ALLAMANDA 2
Alstonia ALSTONIA 2
Amsonia BLUESTAR 2
Apocynum DOGBANE 1
Araujia 1
Asclepias MILKWEED 22
Calotropis 1
Carissa CARISSA 2
Catharanthus PERIWINKLE 1
Chthamalia 1
Cryptostegia RUBBERVINE 2
Echites ECHITES 1
Funastrum TWINEVINE 1
Gonolobus GONOLOBUS 2
Leptadenia 1
Matelea MILKVINE 4
Metastelma 2
Orthosia 1
Pattalias 1
Pentalinon PENTALINON 1
Rauvolfia DEVIL'S-PEPPER 1
Rhabdadenia RHABDADENIA 1
Tabernaemontana MILKWOOD 2
Thevetia THEVETIA 1
Thyrsanthella CLIMBING DOGBANE 1
Trachelospermum TRACHELOSPERMUM 1
Vallesia VALLESIA 1
Identification Key
1.  Flower without a corona, without a gynostegium, stamens distinct; pollen free, sometimes in tetrads; fruits follicles, capsules, drupes, or berries
1.  Flower with a corona of 5 hoods each with an appendage-like horn and with the 5 anthers fused to the stigma as a column-like gynostegium; pollen massed into rigid pollinia; fruits follicles
1.  Leaves alternate, pseudowhorled, or rarely subopposite
1.  Leaves opposite or whorled
2.  Leaves whorled, 3 or more leaves at least at some nodes
2.  Leaves opposite, rarely whorled
3.  Erect to decumbent stiff herbs, shrubs, or trees
3.  Twining, scrambling, or clambering vines, or weak trailing herbs
4.  Flower to 100 mm long, without a corona, without a gynostegium, stamens distinct; pollen free, sometimes in tetrads; fruits follicles
4.  Flower to 13 mm wide or long, with a corona of 5 hoods each with an appendage-like horn and with the 5 anthers fused to the stigma as a column-like gynostegium; pollen massed into rigid pollinia; fruits follicles, capsules, drupes, or berries
1.  (Key A) Herbs
1.  Shrubs to trees
2.  Inflorescence racemose; flower without a corona, without a gynostegium; seed lacking coma (tuft of hairs)
2.  Inflorescence umbelliform; flower with a corona of 5 hoods each with an appendage-like horn and with the 5 anthers fused to the stigma as a column-like gynostegium; seed with a coma (conspicuous tuft of hairs)
3.  Stems stout, 5-20 mm wide near the apex; leaves usually clustered near the stem apex
3.  Stems slender to moderately thick, 1-6 mm wide near the apex; leaves usually scattered along the distal portion of the stem
4.  Leaf blades linear to linear-oblanceolate, attenuate towards the base, the petiole indistinct, the blade mostly 9-12 cm long; corolla 5-7 cm long
4.  Leaf blades elliptic to obovate, acute to rounded at the base with a distinct petiole, the blade 3-7 cm long; corolla 0.6-1 cm long
1.  (Key B) Herbs; leaves 0.5-6 mm wide
1.  Woody vines, shrubs, or trees; leaves (some or all) 6-50 mm wide
2.  Corolla 4-12 cm long, yellow to red-violet; fruit spiny
2.  Corolla 0.4-6 cm long; fruit not spiny
3.  Fruit a follicle
3.  Fruit a drupe
4.  Leaf blade secondary veins 1-15 mm apart; corolla lobes 3-7 mm long
4.  Leaf blade secondary veins 0.5-1.5 mm apart; corolla lobes 15-25 mm long
5.  Leaf coriaceous, the blade secondary veins numerous and dense, straight or nearly so; fruit 3-4 cm long, red
5.  Leaf chartaceous, the blade secondary veins several but widely spaced, curvaceous; fruit 0.5-1 cm long, red maturing black
1.  (Key C) Herbs, or <1.2 m tall if shrubby
1.  Shrubs to trees, >1 m tall when mature
2.  Flower with a corona of 5 hoods each with an appendage-like horn and with the 5 anthers fused to the stigma as a column-like gynostegium
2.  Flower without a corona, without a gynostegium
3.  Leaf blades 2-10 mm wide; corolla yellow to yellowish white
3.  Leaf blades 10-60 mm wide, at least the larger ones; corolla white to pink to red
4.  Mature plants usually 0.8-2.5 m tall; corolla 1-7 mm wide; fruit 12-21 cm long; seed with a coma (conspicuous tuft of hairs)
4.  Mature plants 0.2-1 m tall; corolla 1.5-3.5 cm wide; fruit 1-3 cm long; seeds without a coma
5.  Leaf blades 6-14 cm wide
5.  Leaf blades 0.1-6 cm wide
6.  Stems with axillary spines
6.  Stems without spines
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1.  (Key D) Leaf blades <3 cm long, <1 cm wide
1.  Leaf blades (all or some) >3 cm long, >1 cm wide
2.  Corolla pale green, yellowish, to yellow (sometimes with red lines)
2.  Corolla white, pink, bluish, or purplish
3.  Stem and leaves glabrous to densely pubescent; leaves persistent; leaf blade margins often revolute; corolla 3.5-5.5 cm long; fruit 12-18 cm long
3.  Stem and leaves glabrous to sparsely pubescent; leaves deciduous; leaf blade margin plane or not revolute; corolla 0.5-1 cm long; fruit 1-2.3 cm long
4.  Corolla 0.5-3.5 cm long
4.  Corolla 3.5-8 cm long
5.  Leaf blade elliptic to obovate; corolla white; fruit 10-15 cm long
5.  Leaf blade elliptic, lanceolate, to ovate; corolla blue, purple, violet, rarely white; fruit 2-6 cm long
6.  Leaf blade tip obtuse to short-acuminate, without a mucro; pollen shed onto translators; fruit 3-sided, fusiform
6.  Leaf blade tip usually mucronate or apiculate to spinose; translators absent; fruit terete or compressed
7.  Leaf blades elliptic-ovate to orbiculate; calyx lobes 1.5-5 mm long; corolla lobes with a distinct narrow limb at the base and expanded blade at the apex, the limbs not overlapping adjacent limbs or only slightly so, the lobe blade margin often ruffled, undulate, or somewhat irregular
7.  Leaf blades elliptic to oblanceolate or oblong, rarely broadly elliptic-obovate; calyx lobes 5-6 mm long; corolla lobes lacking a distinct limb, basal part of the lobes overlapping adjacent lobes, the lobe margin mostly entire
1.  (Key E) Leaves 1-3 mm wide
1.  Leaves 4-100 mm wide, at least the larger ones
2.  Leaf blade gradually narrowed to the base without a distinct petiole, the base about as thick as the stem (stems usually with leaves); peduncle 1-4 cm long
2.  Leaf blade usually distinct from the petiole, the petiole distinctly thinner than the stem (stems sometimes nearly leafless); peduncle 0-1 cm long
3.  Stems leafy; leaf blade narrowly lanceolate, gradually narrowed towards the apex; peduncle 2.5-10 mm long; corolla lobes pubescent on the inner surface; corona lobes narrow
3.  Stems leafy or nearly leafless; leaf blade linear, rounded to abruptly acuminate or apiculate at the apex; peduncle 0-3 mm long; corolla lobes glabrous on the inner surface; corona lobes broad
4.  Plant with long eglandular and minute glandular trichomes
4.  Plant with eglandular trichomes
5.  Interpetiolar colleters absent; fruit angled, smooth, not muricate
5.  Interpetiolar colleters present; fruit muricate, not angled
6.  Distal leaf blades 3-7 cm wide, conspicuously cordate to lobate or hastate at the base
6.  Distal leaf blades 1.5-4(5.5) cm wide, truncate, rounded, to scarcely subcordate or rarely cordate at the base
7.  Interpetiolar colleters absent; basal leaf blades cordate at the base, distal ones deltate or hastate at the base
7.  Interpetiolar colleters present; leaf blade bases cordate
8.  Stems appearing leafy, with numerous leaves; leaf blades 1-2 cm long
8.  Leaf blades 2-10 cm long
9.  Stems often with few leaves or with long internodes exceeding the leaves; wet habitats
9.  Stems leafy, the internodes generally shorter to slightly exceeding the leaves; upland habitats