Selected Herbarium Specimen Details (23) Download

Family Name:Urticaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Laportea canadensis (L.) Wedd. - Determined By: D. E. Boufford
Locality:USA. North Carolina. Davie Co.: Dutchmans Creek, 3 mi. SSW of Fork.
Habitat:Alluvial woods.
Reproductive State:Fertile
Collector:J. R. Bozeman 45126
  with G. S. Ramseur, A. E. Radford
Date:09 Sep 1966
Accession No:78396

Family Name:Urticaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Laportea canadensis (L.) Wedd. - Determined By: D. E. Boufford, 1983
Locality:USA. Louisiana. Independence Par.: Beside Cave Creek NE of China Springs. T14N, R6W, Sec. 21.
Reproductive State:Fertile
Collector:R. D. Thomas 8734
  with Bio. 451 Class
Date:17 Jun 1968
Accession No:85844

Family Name:Urticaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Laportea canadensis (L.) Wedd.
Locality:USA. Tennessee. Sevier Co.: Along US 441; 6.5 mi. E of Gatlinburg; Great Smokey Mountains National Park.
Reproductive State:Fertile
Collector:R. P. Sauleda 4550
  with D. K. Sauleda
Date:17 Sep 1980
Accession No:176207

Family Name:Urticaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Laportea canadensis (L.) Wedd. - Determined By: D. E. Boufford, 1983
Locality:USA. Tennessee. Grundy Co.: National Forest System.
Habitat:Rich, rocky woods.
Reproductive State:Fertile
Collector:L. R. Phillippe 3959
  with T. Patrick, D. Wilson-Phillippe, R. Simmers.
Date:23 Jul 1971
Accession No:163049

Family Name:Urticaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Laportea canadensis (L.) Wedd. - Determined By: D. E. Boufford, 1983
Locality:USA. Mississippi. Bolivar Co.: Along Woods trail; near Indian Point, ca. 8 mi. W of Lobdell.
Habitat:In bottomland hardwood forest.
Reproductive State:Fertile
Collector:J. D. Ray, Jr. 6004
Date:16 Oct 1955
Accession No:18673

Family Name:Urticaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Laportea canadensis (L.) Wedd. - Determined By: D. E. Boufford, 1983
Locality:USA. Mississippi. Bolivar Co.: Along Woods trail; near Indian Point, ca. 8 mi. W of Lobdell.
Habitat:In bottomland hardwood forest.
Reproductive State:Fertile
Collector:J. D. Ray, Jr. 6004
Date:16 Oct 1955
Accession No:16738

Family Name:Urticaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Laportea canadensis (L.) Wedd. - Determined By: D. E. Boufford, 1983
Locality:USA. North Carolina. Forsyth Co.: Belews Creek, 0.3 mi. E of town of Belews Creek.
Habitat:Creek bottom.
Reproductive State:Fertile
Collector:H. E. Ahles 51727
  with J. G. Haesloop
Date:23 Oct 1958
Accession No:14292

Family Name:Urticaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Laportea canadensis (L.) Wedd. - Determined By: D. E. Boufford, 1983
Determination History: Urtica dioica L.
Locality:USA. Virginia. Montgomery Co.: 2 mi. SE Ellett.
Habitat:Hemlock-hardwood ravine.
Reproductive State:Fertile
Collector:R. Kral 11167
Date:17 Aug 1960
Accession No:37895

Family Name:Urticaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Laportea canadensis (L.) Wedd. - Determined By: G. R. Cooley, Dec 1960
Determination History: Urticastrum divaricatum (L.) Kuntze
Locality:USA. Massachusetts. Norfolk Co.: Ashfield. 42º 31’ 35” N -72º -47’ -18” W
Habitat:Wet ground of trail.
Reproductive State:Fertile
Collector:F. F. Forbes 1267
Date:25 Aug 1902
Accession No:23233

Family Name:Urticaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Laportea canadensis (L.) Wedd. - Determined By: D. E. Boufford, 1983
Determination History: Laportea canadensis (L.) Wedd.
Locality:USA. Virginia. Clarke Co.: Along Shenandoah River ca. 1.5 mi. N of Warren County on VA 638.
Reproductive State:Fertile
Collector:T. Bradley 13834
  with W. Reay
Date:29 Sep 1977
Accession No:134269

Family Name:Urticaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Laportea canadensis (L.) Wedd. - Determined By: D. E. Boufford, 1983
Determination History: Laportea canadensis (L.) Wedd.
Locality:USA. Virginia. Clarke Co.: Along Shenandoah River ca. 1.5 mi. N of Warren County on VA 638.
Reproductive State:Fertile
Collector:T. Bradley 13834
  with W. Reay
Date:29 Sep 1977
Accession No:134268

Family Name:Urticaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Laportea canadensis (L.) Wedd. - Determined By: D. E. Boufford, 1983
Determination History: Laportea canadensis (L.) Wedd.
Locality:USA. Virginia. Tazewell Co.: Laurel Fork Creek; ca. 9 mi. S Tazewell.
Reproductive State:Fertile
Collector:R. Kral 10970
Date:02 Aug 1960
Accession No:41177

Family Name:Urticaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Laportea canadensis (L.) Wedd. - Determined By: D. E. Boufford, 1983
Determination History: Laportea canadensis (L.) Wedd.
Locality:USA. Kentucky. Lewis Co.: 2 mi. SW of Peterville.
Habitat:Mixed-mesophytic woods.
Reproductive State:Fertile
Collector:M. E. Wharton 5455
Date:01 Jul 1940
Accession No:68449

Family Name:Urticaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Laportea canadensis (L.) Wedd.
Locality:USA. Missouri. Jefferson Co.: County Road MM ca. 3 mi. W of MO 21; ca. Otto. 38º 22’ 15” N -90º -30’ -1” W
Reproductive State:Fertile
Collector:W. G. D'Arcy 956
Date:07 Aug 1978
Accession No:182024

Family Name:Urticaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Laportea canadensis (L.) Wedd. - Determined By: D. E. Boufford, 1983
Determination History: Laportea canadensis (L.) Wedd.
Locality:USA. West Virginia. Upshur Co.: Ca. creek, hardwood ravine; Brushe Fork; W of Buckhannon.
Habitat:Moist, rich, semi-shaded ground.
Reproductive State:Fertile
Collector:G. B. Rossbach s.n.
Date:15 Sep 1952
Accession No:47004

Family Name:Urticaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Laportea canadensis (L.) Wedd.
Locality:USA. Ohio. Huron Co.: Ca. Olena. 41º 9’ 0” N -82º -31’ -59” W
Reproductive State:Fertile
Collector:O. E. Jennings s.n.
Date:Aug 1900
Accession No:106514

Family Name:Urticaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Laportea canadensis (L.) Wedd.
Locality:USA. Pennsylvania. Monroe Co.: Back Hill Falls. 41º 27’ 0” N -75º -49’ -59” W
Reproductive State:Fertile
Collector:L. K. Henry s.n.
  with E.H. Graham
Date:01 Jul 1930
Accession No:89108

Family Name:Urticaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Laportea canadensis (L.) Wedd.
Locality:USA. Ohio. Shelby Co.: Private woodlot off 705W; Fort Loramie. T11N, R4E, Sec. 3. 40º 20’ 42” N 84º 25’ 30” W
Habitat:Mesic forest.
Reproductive State:Fertile
Collector:A. R. Franck 548
Date:28 Jul 2007
Accession No:250186

Family Name:Urticaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Laportea canadensis (L.) Wedd. - Determined By: S. R. Hill, Oct 1995
Locality:USA. Illinois. Vermilion Co.: S side of Salt Fork River; E of bridge crossing. T19N, R13W, Sec. 22, SW¼, SW¼, NE¼. 41º 43’ 9” N -88º -10’ -30” W
Description:Locally frequent; 1-1.5 m. tall; stinging hairs. 
Habitat:Sandy floodplain terrace in shade.
Reproductive State:Fertile
Collector:S. R. Hill 27403
Date:06 Sep 1995
Accession No:215653

Family Name:Urticaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Laportea canadensis (L.) Wedd.
Locality:USA. Massachusetts. Worcester Co.: Lancaster. 42º 27’ 20” N -71º -40’ -23” W
Habitat:Wet meadow.
Reproductive State:Fertile
Collector:A. G. Chandler s.n.
Date:29 Jul 1903
Accession No:7648

Family Name:Urticaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Laportea canadensis (L.) Wedd.
Locality:USA. New York. Essex Co.: Westport. 44º 11’ 2” N -73º -26’ -8” W
Reproductive State:Fertile
Collector:M. Rodman s.n.
Accession No:2245

Family Name:Urticaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Laportea canadensis (L.) Wedd. - Determined By: B. N. Gates
Locality:usa. Massachusetts. Worcester Co.: About rocks above brook crossing Mirick Road; Princeton. 42º 25’ 59” N -71º -52’ 0” W
Habitat:Damp roadside in shade.
Reproductive State:Fertile
Collector:B. N. Gates 26263
Date:05 Sep 1951
Accession No:299315

Family Name:Urticaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Laportea canadensis (L.) Wedd. - Determined By: C. vanHoek, 2019
Determination History: Laportea canadensis (L.) Wedd.
Locality:USA. Pennsylvania. Bucks Co.: Nockamixon Rocks. 40º 31’ 46” N -75º -9’ -58” W
Habitat:Loose shale, shady.
Reproductive State:Fertile
Collector:D. E. Dimmick 12
Date:Jul 1952
Accession No:301645

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