Selected Herbarium Specimen Details (20) Download

Family Name:Apiaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Zizia aurea (L.) K. Koch bis
Locality:USA. Florida. Levy Co.: SE 26th Court, Gulf Hammock. 29º 14’ 36” N 82º 43’ 14” W
Habitat:Hardwood hammock adjacent to road.
Reproductive State:Flower
Collector:S. Dickman 98
Date:22 Mar 2009
Accession No:287843

Family Name:Apiaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Zizia aurea (L.) K. Koch bis - Determined By: C. vanHoek, 2019
Determination History: Zizia aurea (L.) K. Koch bis
Locality:USA. Florida. Alachua Co.: Gainesville.
Habitat:High hammock.
Reproductive State:Fertile
Collector:M. Mulvania s.n.
Date:27 Jun 1929
Accession No:304015

Family Name:Apiaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Zizia aurea (L.) Koch - Determined By: B. F. Hansen, 1993
Determination History: Zizia trifoliata (Michx.) Fernald - Determined By: R. Kral
Locality:USA. Florida. Levy Co.: 0.5 mi. S of Gulf Hammock. 29º 57’ 0” N -85º -12’ 0” W
Habitat:Peaty stream bank.
Reproductive State:Fruit
Collector:R. Kral 6962
  with M. Kral
Date:16 Jun 1958
Accession No:2660

Family Name:Apiaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Zizia aurea (L.) Koch - Determined By: B. F. Hansen, 19983
Determination History: Zizia trifoliata (Michx.) Fernald - Determined By: L. Constance
Locality:USA. Florida. Gadsden Co.: Along small stream along the Apalachicola RIver at Aspalaga, W of Greensboro. 29º 43’ 32” N -84º -58’ -59” W
Habitat:Moist limestone ledges.
Reproductive State:Flower
Collector:R. K. Godfrey 53239
Date:08 May 1955
Accession No:3527

Family Name:Apiaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Zizia aurea (L.) Koch
Locality:USA. Florida. Walton Co.: Tributary to Oak Grove Branch, ca. 0.3 air mi. SE of St. John Church, ca. 0.7 air mi. SE of Douglass Crossroads, ca. 2.7 air mi. NNW of Knox Hill. T3N, R17W, Sec. 8, NW¼ of NW¼ of SW¼. 30º 40’ 48” N 85º 58’ 7” W
Habitat:Cutover N-facing mesic hardwood slope forest. Soils - Bonneau (Arenic Paleudults).
Reproductive State:Flower
Collector:S. L. Orzell 21415
  with E.L. Bridges
Date:08 Apr 1993
Accession No:224916

Family Name:Apiaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Zizia aurea (L.) Koch
Locality:USA. Florida. Gadsden Co.: Unnamed tributary to Apalachicola River, 0.8 air mi. NW of River Hill Cemetery, ca. 2.0 air mi. SW of railroad crossing on C-269, ca. 4 air mi. SW of Chattahoochee. T3N, R6W, Sec. 8, SW¼ of SE¼ of SW¼. 30º 39’ 51” N 84º 51’ 46” W
Habitat:Mesic sandy calcareous stream terrace forest; community dominated by Pinus taeda, Acer barbatum, Viburnum dentatum, and Vaccinium arboreum. Soils - Cuthbert, Boswell, Susquehanna (Hapludults).
Reproductive State:Flower
Elevation:90 to 15 ft
Collector:S. L. Orzell 16319
  with E.L. Bridges
Date:13 Apr 1991
Accession No:226840

Family Name:Apiaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Zizia aurea (L.) Koch
Locality:USA. Florida. Gadsden Co.: Unnamed tributary to Apalachicola River, 0.8 air mi. NW of River Hill Cemetery, ca. 2.0 air mi. SW of railroad crossing on C-269, ca. 4 air mi. SW of Chattahoochee. T3N, R6W, Sec. 8, SW¼ of SE¼ of SW¼. 30º 39’ 51” N 84º 51’ 46” W
Habitat:Mesic sandy calcareous stream terrace forest; community dominated by Pinus taeda, Acer barbatum, Viburnum dentatum, and Vaccinium arboreum. Soils - Cuthbert, Boswell, Susquehanna (Hapludults).
Reproductive State:Immature Fruit
Elevation:90 to 15 ft
Collector:S. L. Orzell 16464
  with E.L. Bridges
Date:02 May 1991
Accession No:214509

Family Name:Apiaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Zizia aurea (L.) Koch - Determined By: B. E. Wofford, May 2007
Determination History: Thaspium barbinode (Michx.) Nutt. - Determined By: R. P. Wunderlin, 2000
Thaspium trifoliatum (L.) A. Gray - Determined By: B. J. Herring
Locality:USA. Florida. Columbia Co.: Ichetucknee Springs State Park. 4.5 mi. NW of Fort White off of US 27; ca. 0.7 mi. NE of South Entrance, N of restrooms at beginning of Dampier's Landing trail in SW portion of section 4E. T6S, R15E, Sec. 13.
Description:Occasional tall herb; flowers yellow, in umbels. 
Habitat:Ruderal spot in upland mixed forest, with Physalis virginiana and Parthenocissus quinquefolia.
Reproductive State:Flower
Collector:B. J. Herring 666
  with D. Herring
Date:12 Apr 1992
Accession No:211400

Family Name:Apiaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Zizia aurea (L.) Koch - Determined By: B. F. Hansen, 1993
Determination History: Zizia trifoliata (Michx.) Fernald
Locality:USA. Florida. Levy Co.: Along both sides of C-326, 1.7 mi. W of its junction with C-343 and 1.7 mi. NE of kits junction with US 19.
Habitat:Wet ditch.
Reproductive State:Flower
Collector:J. Beckner 2644
Date:11 Mar 1984
Accession No:177592

Family Name:Apiaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Zizia aurea (L.) Koch - Determined By: B. F. Hansen, 1993
Determination History: Zizia trifoliata (Michx.) Fernald
Locality:USA. Florida. Levy Co.: C-326, 1.5 mi. E of US 19, Gulf Hammock. 29º 57’ 0” N -85º -12’ 0” W
Reproductive State:Flower
Collector:N. L. Mawhinney s.n.
  with M. Schmid
Date:07 Apr 1985
Accession No:185113

Family Name:Apiaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Zizia aurea (L.) W. D. J. Koch - Determined By: S. R. Hill, Oct 1998
Locality:USA. Illinois. Champaign Co.: Champaign. 1411 Winding Lane. 40º 6’ 59” N -88º -14’ -36” W
Description:Fruits green, not winged; herb 1-1.5 m tall; flowers were yellow; several stemmed perennial, leaves dark green. 
Habitat:Private residence.
Collector:S. R. Hill 30593
Date:12 Jul 1998
Accession No:282316

Family Name:Apiaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Zizia aurea (L.) W. D. J. Koch
Locality:USA. Arkansas. Polk Co.: Ouachita National Forest.
Description:Flowers yellow. 
Reproductive State:Flower
Collector:G. R. Cooley 4250
  with L. J. Brass, D. Demaree
Date:07 May 1955
Accession No:1399

Family Name:Apiaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Zizia aurea (L.) W. D. J. Koch
Locality:USA. Louisiana. Jackson Par.: Beside Antwine Creek at LA 505 SW of Wyatt. T14N, R3W, Sec. 31.
Reproductive State:Flower
Collector:R. D. Thomas 22714
  with R. Reid
Date:06 Apr 1971
Accession No:115709

Family Name:Apiaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Zizia aurea (L.) W. D. J. Koch - Determined By: R. P. Wunderlin
Locality:USA. Mississippi. Tishomingo Co.: Along Bear Creek; Tishomingo State Park.
Habitat:Low; wet creek margin; sandy alluvium; secondary pine-mixed hardwoods cover; thicket understory.
Reproductive State:Flower
Collector:J. D. Ray, Jr. 6382
Date:15 Jun 1956
Accession No:109735

Family Name:Apiaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Zizia aurea (L.) W. D. J. Koch - Determined By: B. Wofford & D. Estes, May 2007
Determination History: Thaspium barbinode (Michx.) Nutt.
Locality:USA. Alabama. Tuscaloosa Co.: Big Sandy Springs; near Coaling.
Description:Flowers yellow. 
Habitat:Along edge of stream in limestone region.
Reproductive State:Flower
Collector:O. D. Chermock 31
Date:25 Mar 1955
Accession No:1405

Family Name:Apiaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Zizia aurea (L.) W. D. J. Koch
Locality:USA. Tennessee. Davidson Co.: TN 45 at Cumberland River, S of Madison.
Reproductive State:Flower
Collector:K. E. Rogers 41740
Date:22 Jun 1968
Accession No:94383

Family Name:Apiaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Zizia aurea (L.) W. D. J. Koch
Locality:USA. Mississippi. Lee Co.: By US 45; N of Tupelo.
Habitat:In low pasture.
Reproductive State:Flower
Collector:C. Bell 1445
Date:15 Apr 1954
Accession No:56706

Family Name:Apiaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Zizia aurea (L.) W. D. J. Koch - Determined By: R. Kral
Locality:USA. Alabama. Cherokee Co.: Near Pine Grove.
Description:Corolla yellow. 
Habitat:Sandy edge of bottomland hardwoods.
Reproductive State:Flower
Collector:R. Kral 34467
Date:24 Apr 1969
Accession No:118363

Family Name:Apiaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Zizia aurea (L.) W. D. J. Koch
Locality:USA. Illinois. Champaign Co.: 40º 8’ 24” N -88º -11’ -57” W
Reproductive State:Flower
Notes:Sheet 2 of 2.
Collector:H. E. Ahles 7924
Date:30 Apr 1954
Accession No:15512

Family Name:Apiaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Zizia aurea (L.) W. D. J. Koch
Locality:USA. Illinois. Champaign Co.: Mrs. Busey's pasture; Urbana. 40º 6’ 38” N -88º -12’ -26” W
Habitat:Low woodland.
Reproductive State:Flower
Notes:Sheet 1 of 2.
Collector:H. E. Ahles 7924
Date:30 Apr 1954
Accession No:13888

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