Currently Accepted Name: | Drosera intermedia Hayne - Determined By: S. R. Hill, 2001 |
Locality: | USA. Maine. Washington Co.: Steuben; gravel pit, NE base of Eagle Hill, NE corner of the junction of Margador Road (old Dyer Bay Road) and Schooner Point Drive, Humboldt Field Research Institute, 3.75 mi. due SSE of the junction of Smithville Road and US 1, W side of Dyer Bay. 44º 27’ 48” N 67º 56’ 14” W |
Description: | Locally common red-tinted herb; leaf hairs tipped with sticky droplets; flowers white, larger than those of Drosera rotundifolia, with which it grows. |
Habitat: | Level wet boggy sand where there is little competition, at bottom of sand an grvel quarry, acidic peaty humus, glacier-deposited sand, gravel, granitic-gneissic boulders; disturbed shrubland, fulll sun, dominated by Comptonia peregrina, Alnus, Betula populifolis, Salix spp., Juncus spp., Spiraea, Vaccinium angustifolium, native and exotic weeds. |