Selected Herbarium Specimen Details (68) Download

Family Name:Cyperaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Bulbostylis warei (C. B. Clarke) Torr. - Determined By: C. vanHoek, 2018
Locality:USA. Florida. De Soto Co.: FL 665.
Habitat:Live oak [Quercus virginiana] area.
Reproductive State:Bud
Collector:C. F. Caudle 3405
  with M. L. Gilbert, M. S. Tisdale
Date:02 Jul 1963
Accession No:303726

Family Name:Cyperaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Bulbostylis warei (Torr.) C. B. Clarke - Determined By: D. B. Ward, Oct 1977
Locality:USA. Florida. Marion Co.: Between Ocala and Whittlecouchy [Withlacoochee] River.
Reproductive State:Fertile
Collector:F. I. X. Rugel 229
Date:Jul 1848
Accession No:305638

Family Name:Cyperaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Bulbostylis warei (Torr.) C. B. Clarke - Determined By: D. B. Ward, 1977
Locality:USA. Florida. Manatee Co.: Manatee [River area].
Reproductive State:Fertile
Collector:F. I. X. Rugel s.n.
Accession No:305635

Family Name:Cyperaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Bulbostylis warei (Torr.) C. B. Clarke
Locality:USA. Florida. Escambia Co.: S of Gongora Drive, E of the intersection with Perdido Key Drive, Perdido Key. 30º 18’ 29” N 87º 25’ 37” W
Habitat:Opensandflat in woods remnant; with Opuntia pusilla, Cassia fasciculata [Chamaecrista fasciculata], Polypremum procumbens, and Diodia teres [Hexasepalum teres].
Reproductive State:Fertile
Collector:J. R. Burkhalter 26368
Date:03 Aug 2017
Accession No:299201

Family Name:Cyperaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Bulbostylis warei (Torr.) C. B. Clarke
Locality:USA. Florida. Polk Co.: Crooked Lake Sandhill. 27º 48’ 47” N 81º 33’ 4” W
Habitat:Open sandy area in sandhill.
Reproductive State:Fertile
Collector:J. R. Campbell 27
Date:04 Jul 2015
Accession No:283923

Family Name:Cyperaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Bulbostylis warei (Torr.) C. B. Clarke
Determination History: Bulbostylis ciliatifolia (Elliott) Fernald
Locality:USA. North Carolina. Brunswick Co.: Roadside near the sound in Long Beach.
Reproductive State:Fertile
Collector:T. R. Bradley 3400
  with J. Stevenson
Date:07 Aug 1966
Accession No:78356

Family Name:Cyperaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Bulbostylis warei (Torr.) C. B. Clarke - Determined By: A. E. Radford
Locality:USA. South Carolina. Jasper Co.: Sand Hill, 7.9 mi. NW of Tillman, 3.2 mi. SE of railroad.
Reproductive State:Fertile
Collector:H. E. Ahles 18206
  with C. R. Bell
Date:09 Sep 1956
Accession No:15612

Family Name:Cyperaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Bulbostylis warei (Torr.) C. B. Clarke - Determined By: S. R. Hill, Jun 1991
Locality:USA. South Carolina. Aiken Co.: Sand Hills; Bettis Academy Road, 2.0 mi. S of Aiken County Airport.
Habitat:Sand hills, turkey oak/longleaf pine assocation, roadside; disturbed sand.
Reproductive State:Fertile
Collector:S. R. Hill 22381
  with J. Wilson
Date:23 Jun 1991
Accession No:203874

Family Name:Cyperaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Bulbostylis warei (Torr.) C. B. Clarke
Locality:USA. Georgia. Appling Co.: Ten Mile Creek, ENE of Baxley.
Habitat:Dry turkey oak sandhill.
Reproductive State:Fertile
Collector:S. B. Jones 15104
  with D. Blake
Date:19 Aug 1967
Accession No:82560

Family Name:Cyperaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Bulbostylis warei (Torr.) C. B. Clarke
Locality:USA. Florida. Hillsborough Co.: University of South Florida Ecological Research Area. Ca. 0.5 km ENE of the junction of Fletcher Avenue (C-582A) and 56th Street (Fl 583); NNW of E gate; burn plot CE-2. 28º 4’ 21” N 82º 23’ 21” W
Description:Sedge with leaves ca. 20 cm tall; bloom spike ca. 41 cm tall. 
Habitat:Unburned sandhill.
Reproductive State:Fertile
Collector:A. C. Schmidt 19
Date:27 Aug 2001
Accession No:279669

Family Name:Cyperaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Bulbostylis warei (Torr.) C. B. Clarke
Locality:USA. Florida. Taylor Co.: Steinhatchee Wellfield; 1.2 km W of FL 51, 2.5 km N of Steinhatchee. 29º 41’ 56” N 83º 22’ 16” W
Reproductive State:Fertile
Collector:A. R. Franck 3615
  with P.J. Simoes
Date:28 Sep 2014
Accession No:276002

Family Name:Cyperaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Bulbostylis warei (Torr.) C. B. Clarke
Locality:USA. Florida. Polk Co.: Ca. 0.1 mi. S of Oak Street and 0.1 mi. W of Jennings Road, in gridded subdivision W of Sun Air, ca. 1.1 mi. S of main county road at a point 5 mi. E of Lake Hamilton. T28S, R28E, Sec. 29, NW¼. 28º 1’ 32” N 81º 32’ 19” W
Habitat:Xeric overgrown longlef pine sandhill; community dominated by Pinus palustris, Quercus geminata, Q. virginiana, and Q. myrtifolia. Soils - Astatula (Typic Quartzipsamments).
Reproductive State:Fertile
Elevation:95 to 100 ft
Collector:S. L. Orzell 18800
  with E.L. Bridges
Date:30 Oct 1991
Accession No:275329

Family Name:Cyperaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Bulbostylis warei (Torr.) C. B. Clarke
Locality:USA. Florida. Highlands Co.: Along W side of US 27; 2.4 mi. NNW of Lake Placid; overlooking Lake June-in-Winter. T36S, R29E, Sec. 25, NW¼ of NE¼. 27º 55’ 34” N -82º -30’ -53” W
Habitat:Oak scrub with scattered Pinus clausa.
Reproductive State:Fertile
Collector:B. F. Hansen 6427
  with R.P. Wunderlin, D. Richardson
Date:25 Sep 1979
Accession No:144875

Family Name:Cyperaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Bulbostylis warei (Torr.) C. B. Clarke
Locality:USA. Florida. Sarasota Co.: Oscar Scherer State Park. Burn zone 14b S. T38S, R18E, Sec. 12, SW¼ of SE¼ of SE¼ of SE¼ of SW¼.
Description:Occasional erect sedge to 40 cm height. 
Habitat:Scrubby flatwoods.
Reproductive State:Fertile
Collector:S. Cole OS0265
Date:27 Aug 1994
Accession No:214066

Family Name:Cyperaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Bulbostylis warei (Torr.) C. B. Clarke
Locality:USA. Florida. Osceola Co.: Ca. 1.8 air mi. NE of the FL 532 bridge over the Econlockhatchee River Swamp (just E of Storey Bend), ca. 11 air mi. ENE of St. Cloud. T25S, R32E, Sec. 22, NE¼ of NE¼. 28º 18’ 3” N 81º 5’ 48” W
Habitat:Sclerophyllous oak scrub.
Reproductive State:Fertile
Elevation:70 to 75 ft
Collector:S. L. Orzell 15420
  with W. Baker
Date:17 Sep 1990
Accession No:210879

Family Name:Cyperaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Bulbostylis warei (Torr.) C. B. Clarke
Locality:USA. Florida. Gilchrist Co.: E of unnumbered sand road, ca. 1.7 mi. N of C-232 at a point ca. 2.9 mi. E of FL 47, ca. 10 air mi. E of Bell. T8S, R16E, Sec. 34, SW¼ of NE¼. 29º 44’ 55” N 82º 41’ 54” W
Habitat:Mature open, fire-maintained sandhill dominated by Pinus palustris - Quercus laevis - Aristida stricta. Soils - Penney (Typic Quartzipsamments).
Reproductive State:Fertile
Elevation:75 to 100 ft
Collector:S. L. Orzell 14500
  with E.L. Bridges
Date:02 Aug 1990
Accession No:210900

Family Name:Cyperaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Bulbostylis warei (Torr.) C. B. Clarke
Locality:USA. Florida. Manatee Co.: S of FL 62 and Duette. T34S, R22E, Sec. 6. 27º 34’ 59” N -82º -7’ 0” W
Habitat:Dry turkey oak [Quercus laevis] - sand live oak [Q. geminata] - Chapman's oak [Q. chapmanii] - palmetto dominated scrub.
Reproductive State:Fertile
Collector:A.G. Shuey 1743
Date:14 Sep 1976
Accession No:261404

Family Name:Cyperaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Bulbostylis warei (Torr.) C. B. Clarke - Determined By: R. J. Eaton, Mar 1968
Determination History: Bulbostylis warei (Torr.) C. B. Clarke
Locality:USA. Florida. Levy Co.: Gulf Hammock. 29º 57’ 0” N -85º -12’ 0” W
Habitat:Weedy clearing in swamp pasture under Quercus michauxii and Acer.
Reproductive State:Fertile
Collector:G. R. Cooley 7177
  with R.J. Eaton, J.D. Ray, Jr.
Date:22 Sep 1959
Accession No:9966

Family Name:Cyperaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Bulbostylis warei (Torr.) C. B. Clarke
Locality:USA. Florida. Martin Co.: Outskirts of Stuart at Smith-Meninger Nursery. 27º 11’ 51” N -80º -15’ -10” W
Description:One tuft noted. 
Habitat:Weedy, grassy margin of disturbed Pinus clausa scrub.
Reproductive State:Fertile
Collector:J. D. Ray, Jr. 11089
  with O. Lakela
Date:27 Jun 1962
Accession No:53359

Family Name:Cyperaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Bulbostylis warei (Torr.) C. B. Clarke
Locality:USA. Florida. Collier Co.: NW of Naples, Little Hickory Pass. 26º 8’ 31” N -81º -47’ -41” W
Habitat:White sand; mangrove shores, bayhead, pineland, and glade; Ceratiola - Quercus scrub.
Reproductive State:Fertile
Collector:R. W. Long 27984
  with F.C. Craighead, O. Lakela
Date:04 Dec 1964
Accession No:62357

Family Name:Cyperaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Bulbostylis warei (Torr.) C. B. Clarke
Locality:USA. Florida. Pasco Co.: 5 mi. S of Brooksville off US 41. 28º 33’ 18” N -82º -23’ -16” W
Habitat:Secondary longleaf pine [Pinus palustris], oak sandy wood with Liatris, Eriogonum, Elephantopus, etc.
Reproductive State:Fertile
Collector:J. D. Ray, Jr. 9888
  with O. Lakela, J. Patman
Date:09 Aug 1960
Accession No:19606

Family Name:Cyperaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Bulbostylis warei (Torr.) C. B. Clarke - Determined By: B. F. Hansen, 1999
Determination History: Rhynchospora pusilla Chapm. ex M. A. Curtis
Locality:USA. Florida. Manatee Co.: Wingate Creek State Preserve. T35S, R22E, Sec. 7, SE¼ of SE¼ of NW¼.
Reproductive State:Fertile
Collector:C. Becker WC0365
Date:18 Dec 1997
Accession No:224211

Family Name:Cyperaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Bulbostylis warei (Torr.) C. B. Clarke
Locality:USA. Florida. Sumter Co.: NW side of FL 44, 1.6 km W of junction with FL 475, ca. 9 km ENE of the Withlacoochee River (where FL 44 crosses it) and 9.6 km W of Wildwood. 28º 51’ 54” N -82º -2’ -20” W
Habitat:Longleaf pine [Pinus palustris] - turkey oak [Quercus laevis] sandhills.
Reproductive State:Fertile
Collector:M. T. Strong 2496
Date:28 Aug 2000
Accession No:227088

Family Name:Cyperaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Bulbostylis warei (Torr.) C. B. Clarke
Locality:USA. Florida. Manatee Co.: Wingate Creek State Preserve. T35S, R22E, Sec. 7, NE¼ of SW¼ of NW¼.
Habitat:Scrub/mesic flatwoods.
Reproductive State:Fertile
Collector:C. Becker WC0314
  with R. Hattaway
Date:10 Sep 1997
Accession No:229236

Family Name:Cyperaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Bulbostylis warei (Torr.) C. B. Clarke
Locality:USA. Florida. Highlands Co.: E of Grassy Pond, ca. 4 mi. SE of Avon Park. T33S, R29E, Sec. 34, S½.
Habitat:Sand pine [Pinus clausa] scrub, white sand; associate voucher for Crotalaria recurvistylis.
Reproductive State:Fruit
Collector:K. R. DeLaney 1704
Date:25 Apr 1988
Accession No:197057

Family Name:Cyperaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Bulbostylis warei (Torr.) C. B. Clarke
Locality:USA. Florida. Polk Co.: Lake Iris, Hesperides. 27º 52’ 59” N -81º -27’ 0” W
Habitat:Sandhill, oak - pine cover.
Reproductive State:Fertile
Collector:O. K. Lakela 23290
Date:04 Sep 1960
Accession No:20330

Family Name:Cyperaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Bulbostylis warei (Torr.) C. B. Clarke - Determined By: R. K. Godfrey
Locality:USA. Florida. Franklin Co.: 10 mi. S of Sopchoppy. 30º 3’ 35” N -84º -29’ -19” W
Habitat:Longleaf pine [Pinus palustris] - turkey oak [Quercus laevis] sand ridge.
Reproductive State:Fertile
Collector:R. K. Godfrey 53764
Date:07 Sep 1955
Accession No:729

Family Name:Cyperaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Bulbostylis warei (Torr.) C. B. Clarke
Locality:USA. Florida. Charlotte Co.: Along FL 775, 2.7 mi. NW of junction with FL 771, ca. 3 mi. NW of Placida. T41S, R20E, Sec. 34, SE¼ of SW¼. 26º 49’ 0” N -82º -15’ 0” W
Habitat:Dry pine flatwoods.
Reproductive State:Fertile
Collector:B. F. Hansen 6834
  with D. Richardson
Date:16 Oct 1979
Accession No:145537

Family Name:Cyperaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Bulbostylis warei (Torr.) C. B. Clarke
Locality:USA. Florida. Hillsborough Co.: University of South Florida Campus. N side; Tampa. 27º 56’ 51” N -82º -27’ -30” W
Reproductive State:Fertile
Collector:O. K. Lakela 23364
Date:18 Sep 1960
Accession No:20429

Family Name:Cyperaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Bulbostylis warei (Torr.) C. B. Clarke
Locality:USA. Florida. Polk Co.: Avon Park Bombing Range. Along hiking trail, 0.5 mi. S of Turpentine camp. T32S, R30E, Sec. 5.
Habitat:Transition area between sandhill, sand pine [Pinus clausa] scrub, and south Florida flatwoods communities.
Reproductive State:Fertile
Collector:D. R. Lindsey 968
  with S. Upchurch
Date:04 Aug 1981
Accession No:168379

Family Name:Cyperaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Bulbostylis warei (Torr.) C. B. Clarke
Locality:USA. Florida. Highlands Co.: Highlands Hammock State Park. CARL addition, near rosemary [Ceratiola ericoides] scrub. T35S, R28E, Sec. 16, NE¼ of NW¼ of SE¼ of SW¼ of SE¼. 27º 22’ 0” N -81º -21’ 0” W
Description:Common erect sedge to 20 cm height. 
Reproductive State:Fertile
Collector:S. Cole HH0097
Date:23 Aug 1994
Accession No:211907

Family Name:Cyperaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Bulbostylis warei (Torr.) C. B. Clarke - Determined By: R. B. Huck
Locality:USA. Florida. Collier Co.: TP Scrubs (Coll28). T48S, R25E, Secs. 2, 3, and 10.
Habitat:Remnant white sand scrubs surrounded by development and Pinus elliottii flatwoods; scrubs dominated by Ceratiola - Serenoa - Quercus geminata with many terrestrial lichens.
Reproductive State:Fertile
Collector:R. B. Huck 3924
  with H.A. Miller
Date:30 Mar 1986
Accession No:224656

Family Name:Cyperaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Bulbostylis warei (Torr.) C. B. Clarke
Locality:USA. Florida. Highlands Co.: E of Central Boulevard, 0.3 mi. S of C-17, ca. 1.5 mi. WSW of Sebring Air Terminal; ca. 5.5 mi. SE of Sebring. T35S, R29E, Sec. 12, SW¼ of NE¼ and NW¼ of SE¼. 27º 29’ 44” N -81º -26’ -27” W
Habitat:Scrub on rolling hills; associate in type locality of Dicerandra sp. nov.
Reproductive State:Fertile
Collector:B. F. Hansen 11659
  with R.P. Wunderlin, K. DeLaney, R. Huck
Date:10 Sep 1987
Accession No:192512

Family Name:Cyperaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Bulbostylis warei (Torr.) C. B. Clarke
Locality:USA. Florida. Lake Co.: 2 mi. W of Alexander Springs.
Reproductive State:Fertile
Collector:R. F. Daubenmire s.n.
  with J. Daubenmire
Date:15 Aug 1988
Accession No:201630

Family Name:Cyperaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Bulbostylis warei (Torr.) C. B. Clarke
Locality:USA. Florida. DeSoto Co.: Deep Creek Preserve. W side of Peace River, ca. 4.5 km NE of junction I-75 and Kings Highway (C-769), ca. 12 km NE of Port Charlotte. T39S, R23E, Sec. 28, NE¼. 26º 55’ 0” N -81º -55’ 0” W
Habitat:Scrub - xeric hammock.
Reproductive State:Fertile
Collector:A. R. Franck 1224
Date:27 Apr 2009
Accession No:249420

Family Name:Cyperaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Bulbostylis warei (Torr.) C. B. Clarke
Locality:USA. Florida. Charlotte Co.: Charlotte Harbor Preserve State Park. Near park road, Sargassum Scrub. T42S, R21E, Sec. 9, SE¼ of NW¼ of NW¼. 26º 55’ 0” N -81º -55’ 0” W
Description:Locally abundant. 
Reproductive State:Fertile
Collector:E. Gandy CH0016
Date:18 Oct 2007
Accession No:248297

Family Name:Cyperaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Bulbostylis warei (Torr.) C. B. Clarke
Locality:USA. Florida. Polk Co.: Allen David Broussard Catfish Creek Preserve State Park. Lake Wales Ridge; E and W of Firetower Road, E of Lake Pierce, ca. 11.3 km NE of Lake Wales. 27º 49’ 59” N -81º -58’ 0” W
Habitat:Scrub and sandhill habitats.
Reproductive State:Fertile
Collector:M. T. Strong 3526
  with F.L. Strong
Date:09 Aug 2005
Accession No:242343

Family Name:Cyperaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Bulbostylis warei (Torr.) C. B. Clarke
Locality:USA. Florida. Osceola Co.: Ca. 5 mi. NW of Loughman, ca. 1.3 mi. S of Bunker Hill. 28º 14’ 31” N -81º -34’ 0” W
Habitat:Mostly in open sand; longleaf pine [Pinus palustris] - turkey oak [Quercus laevis] sandhill; with Quercus geminata, Carya floridana, Crataegus, Chrysopsis, Liatris, Aristida, Balduina, Carphephorus, Penstemon, Andropogon, Polygonella, and Pinus clausa.
Reproductive State:Fertile
Collector:J. D. Ray, Jr. 10436
  with O. Lakela, J. Patman
Date:14 Oct 1960
Accession No:22573

Family Name:Cyperaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Bulbostylis warei (Torr.) C. B. Clarke
Locality:USA. Florida. Clay Co.: Ca. 3.5 mi. ENE of the junction of FL 100 and FL 21, ca. 0.25 mi. SSE of Silver Sands Lake (Ten Mile Pond), N side of Overlook Terrace, E of Silver Sands Lake Drive. T8S, R23E, Sec. 14, SW¼. 27º 55’ 34” N -82º -30’ -53” W
Habitat:Relatively undisturbed sandhill with interrupted (discontinued) fire cycle; sporadic residences nearby.
Reproductive State:Fertile
Collector:J. M. Kunzer 710
Date:08 Oct 2004
Accession No:239692

Family Name:Cyperaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Bulbostylis warei (Torr.) C. B. Clarke
Locality:USA. Florida. Franklin Co.: Just N of junction of US 98 along FL 319 to Sopchoppy. 30º 3’ 35” N -84º -29’ -19” W
Description:In clumps. 
Habitat:Sandy soil in open pinelands.
Reproductive State:Fertile
Collector:D. S. Correll 52280
  with H.B. Correll
Date:28 Jul 1981
Accession No:159436

Family Name:Cyperaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Bulbostylis warei (Torr.) C. B. Clarke
Locality:USA. Florida. Lee Co.: Bonita Spring Drive. 27º 58’ 59” N -82º -26’ -27” W
Habitat:White sand with Ceratiola, Pinus, Sabal palmetto, and scrub oaks; pineland.
Reproductive State:Fertile
Collector:O. K. Lakela 29256
Date:07 Oct 1965
Accession No:67213

Family Name:Cyperaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Bulbostylis warei (Torr.) C. B. Clarke
Locality:USA. Florida. Citrus Co.: Fort Cooper State Park. T19S, R20E, Sec. 21, SW¼ of SE¼.
Reproductive State:Fertile
Collector:R. A. Hattaway FC0013
Date:21 Oct 1999
Accession No:235122

Family Name:Cyperaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Bulbostylis warei (Torr.) C. B. Clarke
Locality:USA. Florida. Escambia Co.: At the E edge of Pensacola, off the E side of Scenic Highway at Bayview Memorial Cemetery. 30º 24’ 33” N -87º -12’ -51” W
Habitat:On beach sands.
Reproductive State:Fertile
Collector:G. Wilhelm 11845
Date:20 Nov 1983
Accession No:181036

Family Name:Cyperaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Bulbostylis warei (Torr.) C. B. Clarke
Locality:USA. Florida. Highlands Co.: Avon Park Air Force Range. T33S, R31E, Sec. 7.
Habitat:Sand pine (Pinus clausa) scrub with an acid seep.
Reproductive State:Fertile
Collector:D. R. Lindsey 905
  with S. Upchurch
Date:10 Jun 1981
Accession No:168941

Family Name:Cyperaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Bulbostylis warei (Torr.) C. B. Clarke
Locality:USA. Florida. Levy Co.: Along FL 24, ca. 3 km SW of the Alachua County line just NW of the intersection with Amelia Drive. T12S, R17E, Sec. 4, NW¼ of SE¼. 29º 45’ 5” N -82º -25’ -29” W
Habitat:Sandhills, with Quercus laevis, Aristida, Ceratiola, Licania, and a small amount of Pinus palustris.
Reproductive State:Fertile
Collector:J. D. Skean, Jr. 811
Date:28 Aug 1982
Accession No:170134

Family Name:Cyperaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Bulbostylis warei (Torr.) C. B. Clarke
Locality:USA. Florida. Polk Co.: Ca. 4.5 mi. SSE of Frostproof; along an old roadway. T32S, R28E, Sec. 14, SW¼. 27º 44’ 45” N -81º -31’ -50” W
Habitat:Scrub forest on white sand; open canopied low forest dominated by Carya floridana and scrub oaks including Quercus laevis; associated with Ziziphus celata.
Reproductive State:Fertile
Collector:B. F. Hansen 11395
  with R.P. Wunderlin, K.R. DeLaney
Date:05 Aug 1987
Accession No:192282

Family Name:Cyperaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Bulbostylis warei (Torr.) C. B. Clarke
Locality:USA. Florida. Pasco Co.: 152 Lakewood Acres, New Port Richey. 28º 13’ 59” N -82º -16’ -59” W
Habitat:Turkey oak [Quercus laevis] scrub.
Reproductive State:Fertile
Collector:K. Zeiler 9
Date:13 Jul 1976
Accession No:127370

Family Name:Cyperaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Bulbostylis warei (Torr.) C. B. Clarke
Locality:USA. Florida. Hernando Co.: Chinsegut National Wildlife Refuge. 6 mi. N of Brooksville. 28º 33’ 18” N -82º -23’ -16” W
Habitat:Dry pinelands, with clumps of Andropogon.
Reproductive State:Fertile
Collector:O. K. Lakela 24495
Date:27 Jul 1961
Accession No:38645

Family Name:Cyperaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Bulbostylis warei (Torr.) C. B. Clarke
Locality:USA. Florida. Gilchrist Co.: 1.8 mi. N of Bell along the E side of US 129. T8S, R14E, Sec. 24, NE¼ of NW¼. 29º 45’ 19” N -82º -51’ -45” W
Habitat:Dry sandhill.
Reproductive State:Fertile
Collector:B. F. Hansen 10885
  with R.P. Wunderlin, C. Vanhoek
Date:25 Oct 1985
Accession No:188574

Family Name:Cyperaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Bulbostylis warei (Torr.) C. B. Clarke
Locality:USA. Florida. Okeechobee Co.: 3.2 mi. N of C-15C on US 441. T34S, R35E, Sec. 3.
Habitat:Oak scrub.
Reproductive State:Fertile
Collector:R. P. Wunderlin 10110
  with B.F. Hansen, C. Vanhoek
Date:26 Sep 1985
Accession No:188734

Family Name:Cyperaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Bulbostylis warei (Torr.) C. B. Clarke
Locality:USA. Florida. Citrus Co.: Withlacoochee State Forest. Citrus Wildlife Management Area, along the Florida Trail. T20S, R19E, Sec. 20. 28º 52’ 0” N -82º -27’ 0” W
Habitat:Sandy pineland.
Reproductive State:Fertile
Collector:C. vanHoek 81
Date:19 Sep 1987
Accession No:192415

Family Name:Cyperaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Bulbostylis warei (Torr.) C. B. Clarke
Locality:USA. Florida. Highlands Co.: Archbold Biological Station. 27º 10’ 0” N -81º -21’ 0” W
Description:In clumps; stamens prominent. 
Habitat:Pine - scrub oak area; sandy soil on Lake Wales Ridge.
Reproductive State:Fertile
Collector:D. S. Correll 52311
  with H.B. Correll
Date:02 Sep 1981
Accession No:160233

Family Name:Cyperaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Bulbostylis warei (Torr.) C. B. Clarke - Determined By: R. J. Eaton, 07 Mar 1960
Determination History: Bulbostylis warei (Torr.) C. B. Clarke
Locality:USA. Florida. Hernando Co.: Weeki Wachee Springs.
Habitat:Pinus clausa scrub; in dry sand.
Reproductive State:Fertile
Collector:G. R. Cooley 7030
  with R.J. Eaton, J.D. Ray, Jr.
Date:17 Sep 1959
Accession No:18267

Family Name:Cyperaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Bulbostylis warei (Torr.) C. B. Clarke
Locality:USA. Florida. Lee Co.: Bonita Bay DRI. Ca. 1 air mi. W of US 41 bridge over Spring Creek, ca. 3.2 air mi. NW of downtown Bonita Springs. T47S, R25E, Sec. 20, SE¼. 26º 21’ 42” N 81º 49’ 24” W
Habitat:Scrub and scrubby flatwoods; soils: Satellite (Aquic Quartzipsamments).
Reproductive State:Fertile
Elevation:5 to 10 ft
Collector:S. L. Orzell 20385
  with E.L. Bridges
Date:05 Aug 1992
Accession No:223855

Family Name:Cyperaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Bulbostylis warei (Torr.) C. B. Clarke
Locality:USA. Florida. Highlands Co.: Archbold Biological Station. 8 mi. S of Lake Placid; 0.65 mi. NW of primitive road that is 1 mi. directly N of the W end of paved road at Marker No. 199. 27º 10’ 0” N -81º -21’ 0” W
Habitat:White sand scrub community.
Reproductive State:Fertile
Collector:R. P. Wunderlin 6658
  with A. Arcuri, D. Richardson
Date:16 Jan 1979
Accession No:143443

Family Name:Cyperaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Bulbostylis warei (Torr.) C. B. Clarke
Locality:USA. Florida. Lafayette Co.: Ruth Springs Preserve. N of unnamed road, just E of FL 425, ca. 13 air mi. SE of Mayo; Ruth Springs. T6S, R13E, Sec. 2, NW¼ of NE¼. 29º 59’ 50” N 82º 59’ 40” W
Description:Inflorescence immature. 
Habitat:Recently burned longleaf pine [Pinus palustris] sandhill woodland.
Reproductive State:Fertile
Elevation: to 48 ft
Collector:S. L. Orzell 20043
  with E.L. Bridges
Date:07 Jul 1992
Accession No:223873

Family Name:Cyperaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Bulbostylis warei (Torr.) C. B. Clarke
Locality:USA. Florida. Madison Co.: S side of I-10, ca. 1.7 mi. E of rest area and 1.7 mi. W of Suwannee River bridge and Suwannee County line, at MP 266.8, ca. 0.3 mi. W of River road overpass bridge. T1S, R11E, Sec. 33, NW¼ of NE¼. 30º 21’ 35” N 83º 13’ 17” W
Habitat:Burned, grazed longleaf pine [Pinus palustris] / turkey oak [Quercus laevis] sandhill; soils: Alpin (Typic Quartzipsamments).
Reproductive State:Fertile
Elevation: to 70 ft
Collector:S. L. Orzell 20218
  with E.L. Bridges
Date:10 Jul 1992
Accession No:223872

Family Name:Cyperaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Bulbostylis warei (Torr.) C. B. Clarke
Locality:USA. Florida. Highlands Co.: Josephine Creek, E side of US 27, S of Kuhlman. 27º 22’ 59” N -81º -24’ 0” W
Habitat:In openings of sand; Pinus clausa and Ceratiola scrub, with Sabal etonia, scrub oaks, and Bumelia [Sideroxylon] lacuum.
Reproductive State:Fertile
Collector:O. K. Lakela 25341
Date:02 Sep 1962
Accession No:47602

Family Name:Cyperaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Bulbostylis warei (Torr.) C. B. Clarke
Locality:USA. Florida. Hillsborough Co.: University of South Florida [Tampa] Campus. N side. 28º 0’ 0” N -82º 0’ 0” W
Reproductive State:Fertile
Collector:O. K. Lakela 23364
Date:18 Sep 1960
Accession No:20344

Family Name:Cyperaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Bulbostylis warei (Torr.) C. B. Clarke
Locality:USA. Florida. St. Lucie Co.: Along W side of US 1, Indrio. 27º 31’ 29” N 80º 21’ 29” W
Habitat:Sand pine [Pinus clausa] scrub.
Reproductive State:Fertile
Collector:S. Myers 262
Date:11 Aug 2001
Accession No:230602

Family Name:Cyperaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Bulbostylis warei (Torr.) C. B. Clarke
Locality:USA. Florida. St. Lucie Co.: Bluefield (Iglehart) Ranch. Along S edge of property, ca. 3 miles N of Martin County line, ca. 4.65 mi. E of Okeechobee County line. 27º 12’ 46” N 80º 36’ 12” W
Habitat:In Pinus clausa / Ceratiola ericoides.
Reproductive State:Fertile
Collector:K. A. Bradley 1067
  with S. Woodmansee
Date:22 Jul 1998
Accession No:233329

Family Name:Cyperaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Bulbostylis warei (Torr.) C. B. Clarke
Locality:USA. Florida. Volusia Co.: E side of Indian Lake Road, ca. 4.8 mi. N of junction US 92, ca. 0.8 air mi. N of Bennett Field, ca 1.5 air mi. N of Bumcombe Hill, ca. 18 air mi. N of Deland; Rima Ridge. T15S, R31E, Sec. 14, NE¼ of NW¼ of SE¼. 29º 12’ 0” N 81º 10’ 1” W
Habitat:Cutover sand pine [Pinus clausa] - oak scrub; soils: Daytona (Entic Haplohumods).
Reproductive State:Fertile
Collector:S. L. Orzell 22803
  with E.L. Bridges
Date:03 Aug 1994
Accession No:236460

Family Name:Cyperaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Bulbostylis warei (Torr.) C. B. Clarke
Locality:USA. Florida. Hillsborough Co.: University of South Florida [Tampa] Campus. Arboretum area. 28º 0’ 0” N -82º 0’ 0” W
Habitat:Sandhill, partly cleared.
Reproductive State:Fertile
Collector:O. K. Lakela 23346
Date:16 Sep 1960
Accession No:20423

Family Name:Cyperaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Bulbostylis warei (Torr.) C. B. Clarke
Locality:USA. Florida. Hillsborough Co.: University of South Florida [Tampa] Campus. Arboretum area. 28º 0’ 0” N -82º 0’ 0” W
Habitat:Sandhill, partly cleared.
Reproductive State:Fertile
Collector:O. K. Lakela 23346
Date:16 Sep 1960
Accession No:20338

Family Name:Cyperaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Bulbostylis warei (Torr.) C. B. Clarke
Locality:USA. Florida. Martin Co.: Jonathan Dickinson State Park. Tower area.
Habitat:Moist to dry sand scrub habitat.
Reproductive State:Fertile
Collector:R. O. Woodbury s.n.
  with R. Roberts
Date:20 Aug 1987
Accession No:258055

Family Name:Cyperaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Bulbostylis warei (Torr.) C. B. Clarke
Locality:USA. Florida. Marion Co.: SW border of Marion Oaks community, 3.5 km N of Sumter County line and ca. 8 km SW of Pedro. 29º 13’ 59” N -82º -1’ -59” W
Habitat:Longleaf pine [Pinus palustris] / turkey oak [Quercus laevis] sandhills.
Reproductive State:Fertile
Collector:M. T. Strong 2837
Date:30 Aug 2001
Accession No:232114

Family Name:Cyperaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Bulbostylis warei (Torr.) C. B. Clarke
Locality:USA. Florida. Polk Co.: Avon Park Air Force Range. Arnold Hammock; ca. 400 ft. SW of Frostproof Road, at a point ca. 0.7 mi. NW of Willingham Road. T32S, R29E, Sec. 11, SE¼ of NE¼. 27º 44’ 45” N -81º -31’ -50” W
Reproductive State:Fertile
Collector:C. vanHoek 641
  with B. Wargo
Date:10 Aug 1996
Accession No:251047

Family Name:Cyperaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Bulbostylis warei (Torr.) C. B. Clarke
Locality:USA. Florida. Charlotte Co.: Prairie/Shell Creek (Southwest Florida Water Management District property). Ca. 7 km NE of junction I-75 and US 17, ca. 12 km NE of Punta Gorda. T40S, R23E, Sec. 24, NE¼ of NE¼. 28º 0’ 0” N -82º 0’ 0” W
Habitat:Scrub - scrubby flatwoods.
Reproductive State:Fertile
Collector:A. R. Franck 1498
Date:28 Sep 2009
Accession No:251300

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