Selected Herbarium Specimen Details (13) Download

Family Name:Malvaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Melochia nodiflora Sw.
Locality:USA. Florida. Miami-Dade Co.: "Hole-in-the-Donut" restoration project, Everglades National Park. 25º 57’ 17” N -80º -44’ -40” W
Description:Large shrub; base to 4 cm; flowers pink. 
Habitat:Dry, disturbed soil mounds.
Reproductive State:Flower, Fruit
Collector:J. Sadle 548
Date:05 Dec 2007
Accession No:246418

Family Name:Malvaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Melochia nodiflora Sw.
Locality:Jamaica. Middlesex Co. St. Catherine Par.: Near Ewarton. 18º 10’ 33” N -77º -5’ -9” W
Reproductive State:Fertile
Collector:W. H. Harris 6615
Date:24 Nov 1896
Accession No:243123

Family Name:Malvaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Melochia nodiflora Sw.
Locality:Puerto Rico. Comerío Mun.: Rio La Plata, 2 mi. NE of Comerío, at the junction of highways 156 and 781; around roadside and bridge.
Description:Flowers yellow. 
Reproductive State:Flower
Collector:B. F. Hansen 9358
  with R. P. Sauleda, M. E. Ragan, & J. Lopez
Date:25 Nov 1981
Accession No:166974

Family Name:Malvaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Melochia nodiflora Sw.
Locality:Puerto Rico. Humacao Mun.: Palmas del Mar, large resort area along SE coast, ca. 1.5 mi. N of Punta Guayanés.
Description:Shrub 1 m tall; flowers light lavender. 
Habitat:Disturbed coastal scrub on hillsides.
Reproductive State:Flower
Collector:B. F. Hansen 9557
  with R. P. Sauleda, M. E. Ragan, & J. Lopez
Date:01 Dec 1981
Accession No:166446

Family Name:Malvaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Melochia nodiflora Sw. - Determined By: N. Chevalier
Locality:Cayman Islands. Grand Cayman Island. Smith Road vicinity, George Town.
Description:Small shrub; corolla white containing red lines; 1 m. 
Reproductive State:Flower
Collector:N. Chevalier 212
Date:14 Dec 1971
Accession No:103450

Family Name:Malvaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Melochia nodiflora Sw. - Determined By: M. Nee, 1993
Locality:Puerto Rico. Añasco Mun.: Bo. Caguabo, highway 115, 2 km W of junction with highway 402; above the Caribbean Sea. 18º 18’ N 67º 13’ W
Description:Shrublets to 2 m tall; branches arching; leaves distichous; flowers pale pink. 
Habitat:S-facing slope.
Elevation:20 m
Collector:M. Nee 44163
Date:09 Nov 1993
Accession No:258030

Family Name:Malvaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Melochia nodiflora Sw.
Locality:Dominican Republic. La Altagracia Prov. Half-way between Boca del Yuma town and El Caracol (old bridge over Río Duey, N of town). 18º 23’ N 68º 37’ W
Description:1 m tall with 1 stem; calyx maroon; corolla pink. 
Habitat:Former farm fields, on upland and edge of limestone humid forest.
Reproductive State:Flower
Elevation:20 to 60 m
Collector:T. A. Zanoni 10744
  with M. Mejía & C. Ramirez
Date:05 Feb 1981
Accession No:179849

Family Name:Malvaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Melochia nodiflora Sw. - Determined By: N. Chevalier
Locality:Cayman Islands. Grand Cayman Island. Smith Road vicinity; George Town.
Description:Small shrub; corolla white containing red lines; 1 m. 
Reproductive State:Flower
Collector:N. Chevalier 224
Date:14 Dec 1971
Accession No:103458

Family Name:Malvaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Melochia nodiflora Sw.
Locality:St. Vincent & the Grenadines. St. Vincent. St. George Par.: Rose Cottage area.
Description:Shrub or tree; 3 m tall; flowers appear to be pale purplish-pink, Munsell hue 2.5 RP8/5; petals with pink forked veins. 
Habitat:In thickets at margin of beach.
Reproductive State:Flower
Collector:G. R. Cooley 8151
Date:13 Jan 1962
Accession No:53806

Family Name:Malvaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Melochia nodiflora Sw. - Determined By: R. L. Liesner, Mar 1977
Locality:Belize. Orange Walk Distr. W edge of San Antonio village on side of road to Santa Cruz.
Description:Small shrub or tree, white petals with red veination. 
Reproductive State:Flower
Collector:P. W. Leino 7629
Date:25 Nov 1976
Accession No:236099

Family Name:Malvaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Melochia nodiflora Sw.
Locality:Mexico. Jalisco. W end of Sierra de Manantlan, with cultivated land and induced chaparral meeting forest at Potrero el Tepejilote, 4 km (airline) ENE of Zapotillo, 5.5 km (by air) NE of Casimiro Castillo. 19º 38’ 16” N 104º 24’ 45” W
Description:Very low, spreading shrub; flowers pink with darker pink (almost maroon) center; probably weedy. 
Habitat:Very disturbed (through grazing and other uses) remnants of "bosque tropical subcaducifolio", the trees and shrubs of both primary and secondary communities; undulating terrain with deep soil, lower SW-facing slopes.
Reproductive State:Flower
Elevation:470 m
Collector:T. S. Cochrane 12321
  with F. J. Santana M. & L. Guzmán H.
Date:17 Jan 1990
Accession No:203101

Family Name:Malvaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Melochia nodiflora Sw. - Determined By: R. L. Liesner
Locality:Panama. Coclé Prov. Banks of Rio Grande.
Description:Shrub to 4 ft.; flowers very pale pink (almost white). 
Reproductive State:Flower
Collector:D. Burch 1161
  with R. L. Oliver & K. R. Robertson
Date:23 Dec 1966
Accession No:113324

Family Name:Malvaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Melochia nodiflora Sw. - Determined By: G. G. Robinson
Locality:Mexico. Oaxaca. San Cristóbal Amatlán Mun.: 16º 19’ 36” N 96º 22’ W
Reproductive State:Flower
Notes:Nombre Zapoteco: lalaz chin.
Collector:J. Santiago Martínez 380
Date:13 Dec 1995
Accession No:220953

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