Selected Herbarium Specimen Details (8) Download

Family Name:Cyperaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Carex decomposita Muhl.
Locality:USA. Mississippi. Jefferson Davis Co.: Jeff Davis Community Lake.
Habitat:Common on stumps.
Reproductive State:Fertile
Collector:K. E. Rogers 9140
Date:14 Apr 1973
Accession No:111377

Family Name:Cyperaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Carex decomposita Muhl.
Locality:USA. Mississippi. Jefferson Davis Co.: Jeff Davis Game and Fish Community Lake.
Habitat:Locally abundant on stumps in shallow areas of lake.
Reproductive State:Fertile
Collector:K. E. Rogers 9116
Date:08 Apr 1973
Accession No:111366

Family Name:Cyperaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Carex decomposita Muhl.
Locality:USA. South Carolina. Barnwell Co.: Lake Edgar Brown; just NW of downtown Barnwell.
Habitat:Common along edge of lake.
Reproductive State:Fertile
Collector:C. Aulbach-Smith 1905
  with C.N. Horn
Date:12 Jun 1987
Accession No:205133

Family Name:Cyperaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Carex decomposita Muhl.
Locality:USA. Alabama. Lawrence Co.: On S side of Alternate US 72 ca. 2 mi. W of Courtland, Alabama; city limits sign and just W of railroad tracks.
Habitat:In willow swamp.
Reproductive State:Fertile
Collector:R. Mears 
Date:06 Jun 1993
Accession No:208290

Family Name:Cyperaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Carex decomposita Muhl.
Locality:USA. Mississippi. Rankin Co.: Pearl River Reservoir; E shores and shallows.
Habitat:Growing on stumps and logs; frequent locally.
Reproductive State:Fertile
Collector:K. E. Rogers 46624
Date:11 May 1979
Accession No:163429

Family Name:Cyperaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Carex decomposita Muhl.
Locality:USA. North Carolina. Warren Co.: Near Shocco Creek and US 401, 1.5 mi. SSE of Elberson.
Reproductive State:Fertile
Collector:A. E. Radford 43737
Date:29 May 1961
Accession No:57792

Family Name:Cyperaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Carex decomposita Muhl.
Locality:USA. Tennessee. Robertson Co.: Cedar Hills Swamp.
Habitat:On hummocks in open swamp.
Reproductive State:Fertile
Collector:R. E. Shanks 2830
Date:23 Jul 1944
Accession No:87262

Family Name:Cyperaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Carex decomposita Muhl.
Locality:USA. South Carolina. Laurens Co.: Sumter National Forest, Enoree District; E side of beaver marsh complex along South Fork Duncan Creek, just S of the Palmetto Trail. 34º 29’ 7” N 81º 44’ 22” W
Description:Infrequent; large clumps; spikes nodding. 
Habitat:Hummocks above water level.
Reproductive State:Fertile
Elevation:130 m
Collector:K. A. Bradley 4482
Date:16 May 2016
Accession No:289270

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