Selected Herbarium Specimen Details (15) Download

Family Name:Fagaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Quercus pagoda - Determined By: R. R. Haynes, 15-Jul-1997
Locality:USA. Alabama. Fayette Co.: S arm of Fayette Co., Public Lake, ca. 6 mi. due SE of Fayette; T16S, R12W, Sec. 24. 33º 38’ 47” N 87º 44’ 37” W
Description:Tree ca. 6 in. DBH, 25 ft. tall. 
Habitat:Edge of deciduous forest; moist soil near edge of lake.
Reproductive State:Flower
Collector:R. R. Haynes 
Date:09 Jul 1997
Accession No:234705

Family Name:Fagaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Quercus pagoda Raf. - Determined By: R. P. Wunderlin, 1986
Determination History: Quercus falcata Michx. var. pagodifolia Elliott - Determined By: C. H. Muller
Locality:USA. Florida. Gadsden Co.: US 90 at Apalachicola River bridge; E shore, S of bridge. 29º 43’ 32” N -84º -58’ -59” W
Description:Tree 20 m tall, 50 cm DBH; bark light colored and flaking. 
Collector:W. D. Reese 1052
Date:01 Jul 1956
Accession No:1928

Family Name:Fagaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Quercus pagoda Raf.
Locality:USA. Florida. Gadsden Co.: River landing at Chattahoochee, just below US 90 bridge. 30º 42’ 18” N -84º -50’ -34” W
Reproductive State:Fruit
Collector:S. B. Jones 23610
  with J. Stutts, A. Gholson
Date:05 Sep 1979
Accession No:163620

Family Name:Fagaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Quercus pagoda Raf. - Determined By: R. P. Wunderlin, 1986
Determination History: Quercus falcata Michx. var. pagodifolia Elliott
Locality:USA. Louisiana. Vernon Par.: Burr Ferry, NW.
Habitat:Seepage bog.
Collector:Cooley & Brass 3851
Date:26 Apr 1955
Accession No:1930

Family Name:Fagaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Quercus pagoda Raf. - Determined By: R. P. Wunderlin, 1986
Determination History: Quercus falcata Michx. var. pagodifolia Elliott
Locality:USA. Louisiana. Vernon Par.: 5.6 mi. on road to Camp Polk.
Habitat:Mixed wood.
Collector:Cooley & Brass 3701
Date:25 Apr 1955
Accession No:1929

Family Name:Fagaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Quercus pagoda Raf. - Determined By: R. P. Wunderlin, 1986
Determination History: Quercus falcata Michx. var. pagodifolia Elliott
Locality:USA. South Carolina. Allendale Co.: Savannah River, end of S-3-41, 1.3 mi. W of junction with S-3-26.
Habitat:Floodplain and adjacent slope.
Reproductive State:Fruit
Collector:A. E. Radford 11425
  with J.R. Bozeman & J.S. Radford
Date:08 Sep 1967
Accession No:82213

Family Name:Fagaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Quercus pagoda Raf. - Determined By: R. P. Wunderlin, 1986
Determination History: Quercus falcata Michx. var. pagodifolia Elliott
Locality:USA. Mississippi. Wilkinson Co.: 18 mi. S of Natchez.
Habitat:Moist slopes on loessal bluffs, mixed hardwood canopy.
Reproductive State:Fruit
Collector:J. D. Ray, Jr. 5534
Date:12 Aug 1955
Accession No:43615

Family Name:Fagaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Quercus pagoda Raf. - Determined By: R. P. Wunderlin, 1986
Determination History: Quercus falcata Michx. var. pagodifolia Elliott - Determined By: W. D. Reese, 1964
Locality:USA. Louisiana. Lafayette Par.: SW side of Lafayette.
Description:Leaves dark glossy green above, dull below; tree ca. 100 ft. tall, nearly 4 ft. in diameter near the base, forking at 3 feet above the ground into two trucks, each of these showing ca. 60 annual rings near its base; from tree blown down by Hurricane Hilda. 
Reproductive State:Fruit
Collector:J. W. Thieret 18468
Date:04 Oct 1964
Accession No:62010

Family Name:Fagaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Quercus pagoda Raf. - Determined By: R. P. Wunderlin, 1986
Determination History: Quercus falcata Michx. var. pagodaefolia Elliott
Locality:USA. Mississippi. Wilkinson Co.: 18 mi. S of Natchez
Habitat:Moist slopes in loessal bluffs, mixed hardwood canopy.
Collector:J. D. Ray, Jr. 5534
Date:12 Aug 1955
Accession No:44121

Family Name:Fagaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Quercus pagoda Raf. - Determined By: R. P. Wunderlin, 1986
Determination History: Quercus falcata var. pagodifolia Elliott
Locality:USA. Louisiana. Lafayette Par.: At W.D. Reese home, ca. 6 mi. SW of Lafayette.
Description:Fallen branch from canopy of large (ca 1 m dbh) tree. 
Habitat:Along the Vermilion River.
Reproductive State:Flower
Collector:W. D. Reese 14107
Date:07 Sep 1980
Accession No:164023

Family Name:Fagaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Quercus pagoda Raf. - Determined By: R. P. Wunderlin, 1986
Determination History: Quercus falcata Michx.
Locality:USA. Alabama. St. Clair Co.: S of Pell City; C-27 and junction of creek, ca. 3 mi. N of county line.
Collector:R. D. Whetstone 13066
  with K.E. Landers, C.M. De Fiori.
Date:05 May 1983
Accession No:186076

Family Name:Fagaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Quercus pagoda Raf. - Determined By: H. R. Totten
Locality:USA. South Carolina. Berkeley Co.: C- 4 mi SW of junction Co. 16 and SC. 6 on Co. 16, then 0.5 mi. W NW.
Habitat:Low woods; dirt Rd.
Reproductive State:Flower
Collector:H. E. Ahles 35477
Accession No:41843

Family Name:Fagaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Quercus pagoda Raf.
Locality:USA. Illinois. Williamson Co.: S side of E Herrin Road, S of Chittyville Road, at bend in gravel drive; 1.5 mi. due ENE of Herrin; vicinity of reclaimed Consolidated Coal Company mine; Johnson City 7.5' quadrangle. T8S, R2E, NW¼, NE¼, Sec 21. 37º 49’ 0” N 88º 59’ 20” W
Description:Locally common forest tree ca. 15 m tall, leaves dark green above, pale and pubescent beneath; with very young fruit. 
Habitat:Dry area, disturbed sandy loam with coal gravel; soil probably acidic; margin of oak forest and gravel road with Nyssa sylvatica, Acer rubrum, Quercus imbricaria, Quercus stellata.
Reproductive State:Immature Fruit
Elevation:400 ft
Collector:S. R. Hill 34700
Date:05 Jun 2002
Accession No:266772

Family Name:Fagaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Quercus pagoda Raf.
Locality:USA. Illinois. Alexander Co.: E side of IL 127, 0.5-0.6 mi. N of junction with IL 3; Cache River floodplain; Tamms quad. T16S, R2W, SW¼, SE¼, NE¼, Sec 12. 37º 14’ 6” N -89º -16’ -12” W
Description:Rather common tree ca. 40-50 ft. tall; leaves soft pubescent beneath. 
Habitat:Floodplain forest margin; bordered by cropland; floodplain forest and roadside.
Reproductive State:Immature Fruit
Collector:S. R. Hill 31790
Date:23 Jun 1999
Accession No:234394

Family Name:Fagaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Quercus pagoda Raf.
Locality:USA. Illinois. Union Co.: Ware (S), IL 3 (FAP 312), E side, N side of bridge over Running Lake Ditch, 1.9 mi. S of junction with IL 146; Mississippi River floodplain; Ware 7.5' USGS quadrangle. 37º 26’ 52” N -89º -23’ -38” W
Description:Large tree, perhaps boundary tree, ca. 20 m tall, 1 m DBH. 
Habitat:Alluvial soil modified by forest, loamy sand; floodplain forest upland forest mix, including Acer negundo, Celtis laevigata, Quercus spp., Gymnocladus, Campsis radicans, Ampelopsis spp. Ulmus; conspicuous at junction of 2 old roads W of raised abandonded railroad bed.
Elevation:340 to 350 ft
Collector:S. R. Hill 34411
  with J. A. Koontz
Date:26 Oct 2001
Accession No:267991

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