Selected Herbarium Specimen Details (19) Download

Family Name:Asteraceae
Currently Accepted Name:Eupatorium leucolepis (DC.) Torr. & A. Gray - Determined By: R. K. Godfrey
Locality:USA. Florida. Franklin Co.: Ca. 2.5 mi. N of Carrabelle along FL 67. 29º 51’ 11” N -84º -39’ -51” W
Description:Seem extraordinarily large perhaps owing to release of wiregrass competition. 
Habitat:Plowed and recently planted to slash pine [Pinus elliottii] flatwoods.
Reproductive State:Flower
Collector:R. K. Godfrey 67903
Date:12 Jul 1968
Accession No:99597

Family Name:Asteraceae
Currently Accepted Name:Eupatorium leucolepis (DC.) Torr. & A. Gray - Determined By: K. C. Siripun, May 2004
Determination History: Eupatorium mohrii Greene - Determined By: R. P. Wunderlin, 1980
Eupatorium recurvans Small
Locality:USA. Florida. Clay Co.: E side of FL 21, 1.5 mi. S of junction with FL 215; 3 mi. N of FL 16; 3.5 mi. S of Middleburg. T5S, R24E, Sec. 33, SE¼ of NE¼. 30º 4’ 7” N -81º -51’ -37” W
Habitat:Seepage area on roadbank, very acid.
Reproductive State:Flower
Collector:B. F. Hansen 6588
  with R.P. Wunderlin, R.P. Sauleda, D. Richardson
Date:12 Oct 1979
Accession No:144449

Family Name:Asteraceae
Currently Accepted Name:Eupatorium leucolepis (DC.) Torr. & A. Gray
Locality:USA. Florida. Clay Co.: Jennings [State] Forest - Black Creek Wildlife Management Area. Ca. 1 air mi. S of Duval Co. line and ca. 0.7 air mi. W of Yellow Water Creek, ca. 8.1 air mi. NW of Middleburg. T4S, R24E, Sec. 6, SE¼ of SE¼ of SE¼ of SE¼. 30º 10’ 20” N 81º 55’ 59” W
Habitat:Dry - mesic longleaf pine [Pinus palustris] flatwoods/sandhill transition. Soils - Albany (Grossarenic Paleudults).
Reproductive State:Flower
Elevation:80 to 89 ft
Collector:S. L. Orzell 20591
  with E.L. Bridges
Date:03 Sep 1992
Accession No:225516

Family Name:Asteraceae
Currently Accepted Name:Eupatorium leucolepis (DC.) Torr. & A. Gray
Locality:USA. Florida. Bradford Co.: Junction of NW C-200A (sand road) and NW 210 Street (paved road), just NW of US 301, 7.5 km N of FL 16 in downtown Starke, and ca. 2.5 km SW of Lawtey. 30º 2’ 38” N -82º -4’ -18” W
Description:Corollas white. 
Habitat:Sandy seepage area bordering cutover pineland.
Reproductive State:Bud
Collector:M. T. Strong 2125
Date:29 Aug 1999
Accession No:225217

Family Name:Asteraceae
Currently Accepted Name:Eupatorium leucolepis (DC.) Torr. & A. Gray - Determined By: K. C. Siripun, May 2004
Determination History: Eupatorium leucolepis (DC.) Torr. & A. Gray
Locality:USA. Florida. Walton Co.: SW of De Funiak Springs, off C-280 where Bullhide and Alaqua Crees join.
Reproductive State:Flower
Collector:G. Wilhelm 11782
Date:17 Aug 1983
Accession No:180856

Family Name:Asteraceae
Currently Accepted Name:Eupatorium leucolepis (DC.) Torr. & A. Gray - Determined By: K. C. Siripun, May 2004
Determination History: Eupatorium leucolepis (DC.) Torr. & A. Gray
Locality:USA. Florida. Duval Co.: Along US 301, ca. 4 mi. N of Baldwin. 30º 18’ 9” N -81º -58’ -31” W
Habitat:Edge of low pine woods.
Reproductive State:Flower
Collector:D. S. Correll 53016
  with H.B. Correll
Date:31 Oct 1981
Accession No:165796

Family Name:Asteraceae
Currently Accepted Name:Eupatorium leucolepis (DC.) Torr. & A. Gray - Determined By: K. C. Siripun, May 2004
Determination History: Eupatorium leucolepis (DC. ex Collad.) Torr. & A. Gray
Locality:USA. Florida. Holmes Co.: Sun Lake Longleaf Savanna. E of Bealia Road and W of Sun Lake, ca. 0.6 mi. N of County Line Road and 0.7 mi. W of FL 79, 1.0 air mi. SW of junction FL 79 and I-10, ca. 2.7 air mi. SW of Bonifay. T4N, R15W, Sec. 13, NW¼ of SW¼. 30º 45’ 5” N 85º 41’ 47” W
Habitat:Burned upland longleaf pine [Pinus palustris] savanna. Soils - Dothan (Plinthic Paleudults).
Reproductive State:Flower
Elevation:110 to 140 ft
Collector:S. L. Orzell 20854A
  with E.L. Bridges
Date:29 Sep 1992
Accession No:224277

Family Name:Asteraceae
Currently Accepted Name:Eupatorium leucolepis (DC.) Torr. & A. Gray - Determined By: K. C. Siripun, May 2004
Determination History: Eupatorium leucolepis (DC.) Torr. & A. Gray
Locality:USA. Florida. Nassau Co.: St. Marys Conservation Area. Along and SW of transmission line right-of-way, ca. 0.8 air mi. NW Of its crossing of Hampton Lake Road (FL 121), ca. 1.3 air mi. NE of Boulogne; Hercules Tract. T4N, R23E, Sec. 41 (Land Grant), N part. 30º 47’ 15” N 81º 57’ 50” W
Habitat:Mid to lower hillside seepage herb bog. Soils - Meadowbrook (Grossarenic Ochraqualfs).
Reproductive State:Flower
Elevation:25 to 35 ft
Collector:S. L. Orzell 21185
  with E.L. Bridges
Date:17 Oct 1992
Accession No:226601

Family Name:Asteraceae
Currently Accepted Name:Eupatorium leucolepis (DC.) Torr. & A. Gray
Locality:USA. Florida. Clay Co.: Jennings [State] Forest - Black Creek Wildlife Management Area. NE of North Fork Black Creek, S of Long Branch Road, 0.7 mi. SE of State Forest entrance, ca. 7 air mi. NW of Middleburg. T4S, R24E, Sec. 18, NW¼ of NE¼. 30º 9’ 23” N 81º 56’ 33” W
Habitat:Burned seepage slope at headwaters of tributary. Soils - Rutlege (Typic Humaquepts).
Reproductive State:Flower
Collector:S. L. Orzell 25586
  with E.L. Bridges
Date:12 Sep 1999
Accession No:235167

Family Name:Asteraceae
Currently Accepted Name:Eupatorium leucolepis (DC.) Torr. & A. Gray
Locality:USA. Florida. Bradford Co.: Junction of NW C-200A (sand road) and NW 210th Street (paved road), just NW of US 301, 7.6 km N of FL 16 in downtown Starke, and ca. 2.5 km SW of Lawtey. 30º 2’ 38” N -82º -4’ -18” W
Description:Corollas whitish. 
Habitat:Seepy roadbank bordering longleaf pine [Pinus palustris] successional community.
Reproductive State:Bud
Collector:M. T. Strong 3178
  with J. Strong, C. Kelloff
Date:28 Jul 2003
Accession No:238798

Family Name:Asteraceae
Currently Accepted Name:Eupatorium leucolepis (DC.) Torr. & A. Gray - Determined By: K. C. Siripun, May 2004
Determination History: Eupatorium leucolepis (DC.) Torr. & A. Gray
Locality:USA. South Carolina. Allendale Co.: Junction C-23 & 41, W of Barton.
Habitat:Pine savanna.
Reproductive State:Flower
Collector:H. E. Ahles 18410
  with C.R. Bell
Date:11 Sep 1956
Accession No:15257

Family Name:Asteraceae
Currently Accepted Name:Eupatorium leucolepis (DC.) Torr. & A. Gray - Determined By: K. C. Siripun, May 2004
Determination History: Eupatorium leucolepis (DC.) Torr. & A. Gray
Locality:USA. Georgia. Coffee Co.: Ca. 6 mi. W Douglas; S of GA 32, near railroad overpass.
Habitat:Extensive, flat, sandy, cleared area now grown up in various herbs and small shrubs.
Reproductive State:Flower
Collector:R. A. Norris 1323
Date:18 Aug 1969
Accession No:91137

Family Name:Asteraceae
Currently Accepted Name:Eupatorium leucolepis (DC.) Torr. & A. Gray - Determined By: K. C. Siripun, May 2004
Determination History: Eupatorium leucolepis (DC.) Torr. & A. Gray
Locality:USA. Mississippi. De Soto Co.: 5 mi. S of Maxie (20 mi. S of Hattiesburg).
Reproductive State:Flower
Collector:K. E. Rogers 42039
  with L. Rogers
Date:28 Aug 1968
Accession No:94295

Family Name:Asteraceae
Currently Accepted Name:Eupatorium leucolepis (DC.) Torr. & A. Gray - Determined By: K. C. Siripun, May 2004
Determination History: Eupatorium leucolepis (DC.) Torr. & A. Gray - Determined By: R. K. Godfrey
Locality:USA. South Carolina. Bamberg Co.: 1.5 miles W of Ehrhardt.
Habitat:Clearing of mixed hardwood stand.
Reproductive State:Flower
Notes:Two plants in the sample; Neither produced pollen (fide V.I. Sullivan).
Collector:R. K. Godfrey 72074
Date:11 Sep 1972
Accession No:105557

Family Name:Asteraceae
Currently Accepted Name:Eupatorium leucolepis (DC.) Torr. & A. Gray - Determined By: K. C. Siripun, May 2004
Determination History: Eupatorium leucolepis (DC.) Torr. & A. Gray - Determined By: R. K. Godfrey, 16 Dec 1971
Eupatorium recurvans Small
Locality:USA. Mississippi. Lamar Co.: 7 mi. N of Purvis, along US 11.
Habitat:Damp grassy slope in cleared pineland.
Reproductive State:Flower
Collector:J. D. Ray, Jr. 5339
Date:06 Aug 1955
Accession No:41140

Family Name:Asteraceae
Currently Accepted Name:Eupatorium leucolepis (DC.) Torr. & A. Gray - Determined By: K. C. Siripun, May 2004
Determination History: Eupatorium leucolepis (DC.) Torr. & A. Gray
Locality:USA. Mississippi. Jackson Co.: Orange Grove; Kreole Post Office.
Habitat:Low moist pine barrens.
Reproductive State:Flower
Collector:D. Demaree 33924
Date:16 Aug 1953
Accession No:13326

Family Name:Asteraceae
Currently Accepted Name:Eupatorium leucolepis (DC.) Torr. & A. Gray - Determined By: K. C. Siripun, May 2004
Determination History: Eupatorium leucolepis (DC.) Torr. & A. Gray
Locality:USA. Alabama. Escambia Co.: About 1.3 mi. E of Rock Creek, off of C-38, near the center. T1N, R13E, Sec. 29, SW¼.
Reproductive State:Flower
Collector:G. Wilhelm 5831
Date:24 Aug 1978
Accession No:151318

Family Name:Asteraceae
Currently Accepted Name:Eupatorium leucolepis (DC.) Torr. & A. Gray - Determined By: K. C. Siripun, May 2004
Determination History: Eupatorium leucolepis (DC.) Torr. & A. Gray
Locality:USA. Mississippi. Harrison Co.: Aloing US 49, 1 mi. S of North Gulfport and junction with I-10.
Reproductive State:Flower
Collector:R. P. Sauleda 6707
  with D.K. Sauleda
Date:13 Sep 1981
Accession No:162001

Family Name:Asteraceae
Currently Accepted Name:Eupatorium leucolepis (DC.) Torr. & A. Gray - Determined By: K. C. Siripun, May 2004
Determination History: Eupatorium leucolepis (DC.) Torr. & A. Gray - Determined By: R. K. Godfrey
Locality:USA. Georgia. Tattnall Co.: Ca. 2 mi. S of Glenville.
Habitat:Clearing of slash pine flatwoods.
Reproductive State:Flower
Notes:Fifteen plants in sample checked for pollen (by VIS); all had normal pollen; a specimen from this collection grown in the greenhouse has chromosomes 2n=20.
Collector:R. K. Godfrey 72099
Date:11 Sep 1972
Accession No:105527

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