Selected Herbarium Specimen Details (3) Download

Family Name:Orobanchaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Aphyllon uniflorum (L.) Torr. & A. Gray - Determined By: L. C. Noel, 04-Apr-2017
Determination History: Orobanche uniflora L.
Locality:USA. Florida. Holmes Co.: Along US 90, 2.8 mi. E of Washington Co. Line, W of Bonifay. 30º 47’ 30” N -85º -40’ -46” W
Description:Whole plant including corolla white; common; parasitizing the roots of large sterile rosettes of some unidentified herb, possibly belonging to Asteraceae. 
Habitat:Margin of sandy pine woods.
Reproductive State:Flower
Collector:T. G. Lammers 10895
  with M. A. Vincent
Date:14 Mar 2000
Accession No:238822

Family Name:Orobanchaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Aphyllon uniflorum (L.) Torr. & A. Gray - Determined By: S. Kazim, 28-Mar-2018
Determination History: Orobanche uniflora L. var. uniflora - Determined By: J. W. Thieret, 1972
Orobanche uniflora L.
Locality:USA. North Carolina. Moore Co.: Horseshoe bend of Deep River; 3.5 mi. SE of Glendon.
Habitat:Alluvial woods on N-facing slope.
Reproductive State:Flower
Collector:D. F. Houck 87
Date:17 Apr 1955
Accession No:14456

Family Name:Orobanchaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Aphyllon uniflorum (L.) Torr. & A. Gray - Determined By: S. Kazim, 28-Mar-2018
Determination History: Orobanche uniflora L. var. uniflora - Determined By: J. W. Thieret, 1972
Orobanche uniflora L.
Locality:USA. South Carolina. McCormick Co.: On Stevens Creek, 1.5 mi. NE of Clarks Hill.
Habitat:Mixed deciduous forest, N-facing slope.
Reproductive State:Flower
Collector:J. R. Bozeman 8855
  with S. Spongberg, D. Culwell, J. Logue
Date:16 Apr 1967
Accession No:296748

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