Currently Accepted Name: | Quercus shumardii Buckley |
Locality: | USA. South Carolina. Calhoun Co.: Cave Hall; area behind Spring Water Bottling Plant. 34º N 81º W |
Habitat: | Marl Forest with two spring heads in the limestone outcrop and numerous seeps in the revine; dominant trees in the ravine were Fraxinus americana, Carya cordiformis, Fagus grandifolia, Morus rubra, Ulmus americana, Liriodendron; on side slopes and slope crest - Quercus alba, Q. muehlenbergii, Q. rubra, Carya glabra, Q. tomentosa, Fagus grandifolia. |
Collector: | A. B. Pittman 09130113 with A.R. Darr |