Selected Herbarium Specimen Details (23) Download

Family Name:Ericaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Agarista populifolia (Lam.) Judd - Determined By: R. P. Wunderlin, 1986
Determination History: Leucothoe populifolia (Lam.) Dippel
Locality:USA. Florida. Lake Co.: Alexander Springs.
Reproductive State:Flower, Fruit
Collector:R. F. Daubenmire s.n.
  with J. Daubenmire
Date:17 Apr 1978
Accession No:178378

Family Name:Ericaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Agarista populifolia (Lam.) Judd - Determined By: R. P. Wunderlin, 1980
Determination History: Leucothoe populifolia (Lam.) Dippel - Determined By: O. K. Lakela
Locality:USA. Florida. Seminole Co.: S of Sanford on FL 429. 28º 48’ 1” N -81º -16’ -23” W
Description:Tall, leaning, sprawling shrub, host to Smilax; corollas white, waxlike. 
Habitat:Wet hammock.
Reproductive State:Bud
Notes:Sheet 2 of 2.
Collector:G. R. Cooley 7585
  with R.J. Eaton, J.D. Ray, Jr.
Date:03 May 1960
Accession No:19938

Family Name:Ericaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Agarista populifolia (Lam.) Judd - Determined By: R. P. Wunderlin, 1980
Determination History: Leucothoe populifolia (Lam.) Dippel
Locality:USA. Florida. Seminole Co.: S of Sanford on FL 429. 28º 48’ 1” N -81º -16’ -23” W
Description:Tall, leaning, sprawling shrub, host to Smilax; corollas white, waxlike. 
Habitat:Wet hammock.
Reproductive State:Flower, Immature Fruit
Notes:Sheet 1 of 2.
Collector:G. R. Cooley 7585
  with R.J. Eaton, J.D. Ray, Jr.
Date:03 May 1960
Accession No:18757

Family Name:Ericaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Agarista populifolia (Lam.) Judd - Determined By: R. P. Wunderlin, 1980
Determination History: Leucothoe populifolia (Lam.) Dippel
Locality:USA. Florida. Putnam Co.: Cross Florida Barge Canal Lands. Tilden property. T11S, R24E, Sec. 1, center. 28º 0’ 0” N -82º 0’ 0” W
Habitat:Bayhead with Fraxinus sp., Nyssa biflora, Sabal palmetto, Magnolia virginiana, Quercus laurifolia, Rhododendron viscosum, Myrica cerifera, Liriodendron seedlings, and Chamaecyparis thyoides (few trees present).
Reproductive State:Fruit
Collector:S. T. Cooper 697
  with D.L. Martin
Date:24 Jun 1975
Accession No:121122

Family Name:Ericaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Agarista populifolia (Lam.) Judd - Determined By: R. P. Wunderlin, 1980
Determination History: Leucothoe populifolia (Lam.) Dippel - Determined By: W. S. Judd
Locality:USA. Florida. Putnam Co.: FL 100; Rice Creek Swamp.
Description:Fruit green, small; 6 ft. tall. 
Habitat:Shady woods near creek.
Reproductive State:Immature Fruit
Collector:L. Baltzell 1178
Date:23 May 1969
Accession No:147114

Family Name:Ericaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Agarista populifolia (Lam.) Judd
Locality:USA. Florida. Marion Co.: Ocala National Forest. Along Juniper Spring Run. 29º 11’ 13” N -82º -8’ -24” W
Description:Shrub or tree to 6 m tall. 
Collector:D. S. Correll 52883
  with H.B. Correll, R.K. Godfrey
Date:07 Oct 1981
Accession No:167214

Family Name:Ericaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Agarista populifolia (Lam.) Judd
Locality:USA. Florida. Marion Co.: Ocala National Forest. Along Orange Creek on FL 21 near Orange Springs. 29º 11’ 13” N -82º -8’ -24” W
Description:Large, slender shrubs. 
Habitat:Swampy forest; bottomland woods.
Reproductive State:Fruit
Collector:R. F. Thorne 57931
  with W. Judd
Date:07 Jun 1984
Accession No:188135

Family Name:Ericaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Agarista populifolia (Lam.) Judd
Locality:USA. Florida. Clay Co.: 1.9 mi. S of Middleberg. T55S, R24E, Sec. 24.
Reproductive State:Fruit
Collector:R. C. Callahan s.n.
Date:10 Dec 1983
Accession No:178630

Family Name:Ericaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Agarista populifolia (Lam.) Judd
Locality:USA. Florida. Lake Co.: N edge of Lake Norris. 28º 0’ 7” N -82º -27’ -48” W
Reproductive State:Fruit
Collector:R. F. Daubenmire s.n.
  with J. Daubenmire
Date:27 Feb 1982
Accession No:178226

Family Name:Ericaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Agarista populifolia (Lam.) Judd
Locality:USA. Florida. Lake Co.: Ocala National Forest. Just E of Alexander Springs, N of C-445 ca. 0.5 mi. W of bridge over Alexander Springs Creek, ca. 5 air mi. SSW of Astor Park; Alexander Springs. T16S, R27E, Sec. 39 (land grant). 29º 4’ 55” N 81º 34’ 26” W
Habitat:Seepage-fed hydric hardwood hammock.
Reproductive State:Flower
Elevation:15 ft
Collector:S. L. Orzell 19320
  with E.L. Bridges
Date:06 Apr 1992
Accession No:227658

Family Name:Ericaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Agarista populifolia (Lam.) Judd
Locality:USA. Florida. Clay Co.: Along NE-flowing tributary to North Fork Black Creek, ca. 2.5 air mi. S of Duval Co. line, ca. 1.0 air mi. SE of Long Branch Church, ca. 7.5 air mi. NW of Middleburg. T4S, R23E, Sec. 13, NE¼ of NW¼ of SE¼. 30º 8’ 55” N 81º 57’ 15” W
Habitat:Broadleaf evergreen acid seep forest in ravine bottom. Soils - Ortega (Typic Quartzipsamments).
Reproductive State:Flower
Elevation:30 to 50 ft
Collector:S. L. Orzell 13156
  with E.L. Bridges
Date:17 Apr 1990
Accession No:226824

Family Name:Ericaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Agarista populifolia (Lam.) Judd
Locality:USA. Florida. Marion Co.: Ocala National Forest. S side of Forest Service Road 71 at its crossing of Mormon Branch, ca. 0.4 mi. E of FL 19 at a point ca. 1.3 mi. S of the Juniper Creek bricge and ca. 2.2 mi. N of the intersection with FL 40; Mormon Branch. T15S, R26E, F.M. Arredondo Grant. 29º 11’ 55” N 81º 39’ 4” W
Habitat:White cedar - palm - bay seepage spring swamp forest; community dominated by Chamaecyparis thyoides, Sabal palmetto, and Illicium parviflorum. Soils - Terra Ceia (Typic Medisaprists).
Reproductive State:Flower
Elevation:5 ft
Collector:S. L. Orzell 13225
  with E.L. Bridges
Date:28 Apr 1990
Accession No:226725

Family Name:Ericaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Agarista populifolia (Lam.) Judd
Locality:USA. Florida. Putnam Co.: Dunns Creek State Park. Ca. 5 km SE of the US 17 bridge over Dunns Creek. 29º 33’ 16” N 81º 36’ 49” W
Description:Shrub to ca. 3 m tall. 
Habitat:Small stream at bottom of steephead ravine.
Collector:J. M. Kunzer 2665
Date:20 Nov 2008
Accession No:247490

Family Name:Ericaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Agarista populifolia (Lam.) Judd - Determined By: R. P. Wunderlin, 1980
Determination History: Leucothoe populifolia (Lam.) Dippel
Locality:USA. Florida. Marion Co.: Juniper Springs Creek. Ca. 4.2 mi. downstream from Juniper Springs. T14S, R26E, Sec. 37, F.M. Arredondo Grant. 29º 36’ 17” N -82º -24’ -33” W
Habitat:Low forest along creek bank.
Reproductive State:Flower
Collector:B. F. Hansen 5457
  with D.R. Richardson
Date:04 May 1979
Accession No:141024

Family Name:Ericaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Agarista populifolia (Lam.) Judd
Locality:USA. Florida. St. Johns Co.: Along FL 13, ca. 1 mi. S of Racy Point at MucCulloch Creek; floodplain of St. Johns River.
Description:Shrub ca. 15 ft. tall. 
Habitat:Wet deciduous woods.
Reproductive State:Flower
Collector:B. L. Isaac 3072
  with J.A. Isaac
Date:18 Apr 1990
Accession No:206536

Family Name:Ericaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Agarista populifolia (Lam.) Judd - Determined By: R. P. Wunderlin, 1980
Determination History: Leucothoe populifolia (Lam.) Dippel
Locality:USA. Florida. Marion Co.: Ocala National Forest. 2.5 mi. N of the junction with FL 40 on FL 19, then 0.6 mi. E of National Forest Road 71. T14S, R26E, Sec. 37, F.M. Arredondo Grant. 29º 11’ 13” N -82º -8’ -24” W
Habitat:Low Quercus nigra - Persea palustris woods along small creek, the understory dominated by Illicium parviflorum and Rhapidophyllum hystrix.
Collector:R. P. Wunderlin 6567
  with A.N. Arcuri, B.F. Hansen, D.R. Richardson
Date:18 Dec 1978
Accession No:141938

Family Name:Ericaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Agarista populifolia (Lam.) Judd - Determined By: R. P. Wunderlin, 1980
Determination History: Leucothoe populifolia (Lam.) Dippel
Locality:USA. Florida. Marion Co.: Juniper Springs Creek. NE of Juniper Springs. 30º 31’ 59” N -84º -45’ 0” W
Description:Arborescent, up to 15 ft. high, branches arch-ascending. 
Habitat:Wet, calcareous hammock.
Collector:R. K. Godfrey 55528
Date:03 May 1957
Accession No:36553

Family Name:Ericaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Agarista populifolia (Lam.) Judd
Locality:USA. Florida. Marion Co.: Ocala National Forest. Silver Glen Springs (W side of Lake George), FL 19 N of junction with FL 40. 29º 11’ 13” N -82º -8’ -24” W
Description:Abundant shrub to small tree to 4-5 m tall; inflorescences just emerging. 
Habitat:Moist forest along small stream.
Reproductive State:Fruit
Collector:W. S. Judd 3230
Date:31 Mar 1983
Accession No:169927

Family Name:Ericaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Agarista populifolia (Lam.) Judd - Determined By: R. P. Wunderlin, 1980
Determination History: Leucothoe acuminta (Aiton) D. Don
Locality:USA. Florida. Lake Co.: About Alexander Springs.
Description:Shrubs to 2.5 m tall, straggly, with post-mature fruits. 
Habitat:Trail margins; overhead mostly of cabbage palm [Sabal palmetto] and live oak [Quercus virginiana].l
Reproductive State:Fruit
Collector:O. K. Lakela 26823
Date:16 Feb 1964
Accession No:59746

Family Name:Ericaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Agarista populifolia (Lam.) Judd - Determined By: R. P. Wunderlin, 1980
Determination History: Leucothoe populifolia (Lam.) Dippel - Determined By: D. B. Ward
Locality:USA. Florida. Clay Co.: S of FL 16, 0.5 mi. E of intersection with FL 21, 5 mi. W of Penney Farms. T6S, R24E, Sec. 15.
Description:Shrub or small tree (to 4 m); occasional. 
Habitat:Stream bottom.
Reproductive State:Fruit
Collector:D. B. Ward 5521
Date:24 Mar 1966
Accession No:77502

Family Name:Ericaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Agarista populifolia (Lam.) Judd - Determined By: J. D. Skean, Jr.
Locality:USA. Florida. Clay Co.: Gold Head Branch State Park. Ca. 0.3 km from beginning along Ravine and Ridge Trail. T7S, R23E, Sec. 36.
Description:Shrub ca. 5 m with cinnamon-colored shreddy bark. 
Habitat:Streamside woods with Persea borbonia, Itea virginica, Aralia spinosa, and Rhapidophyllum hystrix.
Reproductive State:Fruit
Collector:J. D. Skean, Jr. 852
Date:12 Sep 1982
Accession No:169999

Family Name:Ericaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Agarista populifolia (Lam.) Judd - Determined By: S. R. Hill, 2010
Locality:USA. South Carolina. Oconee Co.: W side of West Village Creek below roadcut, N of Galloway Road, Mountain Rest, Hill property. 35º N 83º W
Description:Large evergreen shrub 3 m tall, with old fruit only. 
Habitat:Acidic clay-loam; Stream terrace forest, with Pinus strobus, Halesia, Arundinaria.
Elevation:1680 ft
Notes:CULTIVATED. Planted 5 Nov 1989, from Head-Lee Nursery, Seneca, South Carolina.
Collector:S. R. Hill 38378
Date:10 Apr 2010
Accession No:270949

Family Name:Ericaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Agarista populifolia (Lam.) Judd
Locality:USA. Florida. Hillsborough Co.: Purity Springs Park N side of Hillsborough River, 0.6 km W of I-275. 28º 1’ 19” N 82º 27’ 43” W
Description:Lone shrub. 
Habitat:Hammock, mowed park; gradual W slope toward springs.
Reproductive State:Flower
Notes:CULTIVATED. Presumably planted.
Collector:A. R. Franck 4034
  with K. C. Alexander & P. Alexander
Date:24 Apr 2016
Accession No:287774

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