Selected Herbarium Specimen Details (34) Download

Family Name:Asteraceae
Currently Accepted Name:Balduina uniflora Nutt. - Determined By: B. R. Keener, 2002
Determination History: Balduina uniflora Nutt.
Locality:USA. Florida. Nassau Co.: Along US 17, 1.2 mi. NW of I-95, 1 mi. N of Gross. T4N, R267E, Sec. 35, SW¼ of NW¼. 30º 42’ 0” N -81º -40’ 0” W
Habitat:Edge of pine flatwoods.
Reproductive State:Bud
Collector:R. P. Sauleda 5891
  with D.K. Sauleda
Date:13 Aug 1981
Accession No:160653

Family Name:Asteraceae
Currently Accepted Name:Balduina uniflora Nutt. - Determined By: B. R. Keener, 2002
Determination History: Balduina uniflora Nutt. - Determined By: R. R. Smith
Locality:USA. Florida. Walton Co.: Ca. 5 mi. E of the junction with FL 285 along C-201; ca. 13 mi. NE of Niceville. T1N, R21W, Sec. 3, 4. 30º 30’ 27” N -86º -28’ -2” W
Description:Flowers yellow. Occasional
Habitat:Area near bog.
Reproductive State:Flower
Collector:C. Chapman (Australia) 1183
  with S. Chapman, R.R. Smith, J. Smith
Date:09 Aug 1966
Accession No:87344

Family Name:Asteraceae
Currently Accepted Name:Balduina uniflora Nutt. - Determined By: B. R. Keener, 2002
Determination History: Balduina uniflora Nutt.
Locality:USA. Florida. Okaloosa Co.: ALong Lanman Road, in Niceville. 30º 30’ 27” N -86º -28’ -2” W
Habitat:Wet ditch.
Reproductive State:Flower
Collector:G. Wilhelm 11679
Date:15 Aug 1983
Accession No:174800

Family Name:Asteraceae
Currently Accepted Name:Balduina uniflora Nutt. - Determined By: B. R. Keener, 2002
Determination History: Balduina uniflora Nutt.
Locality:USA. Florida. Escambia Co.: In and adjacent to pipeline right-of-way, ca. 0.5 mi. NW of Kingsfield Road crossing, ca. 1.2 air mi. WSW of the junction of FL 97 and FL 186, ca. 3.9 air mi. SW of Cantonment. T1N, R31W, Sec. 31, SW¼ of NE¼ 30º 34’ 29” N 87º 22’ 9” W
Habitat:Lower slope hillside seepage bogs. Soils - Plummer (Grossarenic Paleaquults).
Reproductive State:Fertile, Fruit
Elevation:70 to 80 ft
Collector:S. L. Orzell 20874
  with E.L. Bridges
Date:30 Sep 1992
Accession No:228493

Family Name:Asteraceae
Currently Accepted Name:Balduina uniflora Nutt. - Determined By: B. R. Keener, 2002
Determination History: Balduina uniflora Nutt.
Locality:USA. Florida. Clay Co.: Along sand road W of Yellow Water Creek, ca. 1.2 air mi. NNW of the mouth at North Fork Black Creek, ca. 2.5 air mi. S of the Duval County line, ca. 6.7 air mi. NNW of Middleburg; Jennings Forest - Black Creek Wildlife Management Area. T4S, R24E, Sec. 17, NW¼ of SW¼ of NW¼. 30º 9’ 8” N 81º 55’ 43” W
Habitat:Seepy roadside ditch.
Reproductive State:Flower
Elevation:30 to 35 ft
Collector:S. L. Orzell 21176
  with E.L. Bridges
Date:16 Oct 1992
Accession No:228492

Family Name:Asteraceae
Currently Accepted Name:Balduina uniflora Nutt.
Locality:USA. Florida. Nassau Co.: In and just NE of powerline right-of-way, ca. 1 air mi. NW of crossing of Lake Hampton Road (FL 121), ca. 1.4 air mi. NE of Boulogne, just above St. Marys River Floodplain; St. Marys Conservation Area, now called the Ralph E. Simmons State Forest. T4N, R23E, Sec. 41, NW part. 30º 47’ 23” N 81º 57’ 53” W
Habitat:Lower slope herbaceous hillside seepage bog. Soils - Meadowbrook (Grossarenic Ochraqualfs).
Reproductive State:Flower
Collector:S. L. Orzell 23760
  with E.L. Bridges
Date:02 Sep 1995
Accession No:239391

Family Name:Asteraceae
Currently Accepted Name:Balduina uniflora Nutt.
Locality:USA. Florida. Nassau Co.: Along and SW of transmission line right-of-way, ca. 0.8 air mi. NW of its crossing of Lake Hampton Road (FL 121), ca. 1.3 air mi. NE of Boulogne; Hercules Tract, St. Marys Conservation Area, now called the Ralph E. Simmons State Forest. T4N, R23E, Sec. 41, N part. 30º 47’ 15” N 81º 57’ 50” W
Habitat:Mid to lower slope hillside seepage herb bog, site burned 14 Apr 1995; community dominated by Pinus elliottii, Hypericum fasciculatum, and Rhynchospora oligantha.
Reproductive State:Flower
Collector:S. L. Orzell 23756
  with E.L. Bridges
Date:02 Sep 1995
Accession No:239295

Family Name:Asteraceae
Currently Accepted Name:Balduina uniflora Nutt. - Determined By: B. R. Keener, 2002
Determination History: Balduina uniflora Nutt.
Locality:USA. Florida. Jackson Co.: W side of FL 286, ca. 1.1 mi. S of the junction with Shady Grove Road (FL 280), ca. 4.2 mi. S of railroad tracks in Sneads, ca. 1.1 mi. N of the junction with I-10. T3N, R7W, Sec. 16, SW¼ of SE¼ of SW¼. 30º 39’ 5” N 84º 56’ 23” W
Habitat:Burned slash pine [Pinus elliottii] plantation with seepage slopes; community dominated by Scleria reticularis. Soils - Compass (Plinthic Paleudults).
Reproductive State:Flower
Elevation:130 ft
Collector:S. L. Orzell 18097
  with E.L. Bridges
Date:25 Aug 1991
Accession No:216476

Family Name:Asteraceae
Currently Accepted Name:Balduina uniflora Nutt. - Determined By: B. R. Keener, 2002
Determination History: Balduina uniflora Nutt.
Locality:USA. Florida. Duval Co.: Ca. 0.3 air mi. ESE of Old St. Augustine Road bridge over I-95, ca. 1.4 air mi. WSW of Bayard, ca. 18 air mi. SE of Jacksonville; Julington-Durbin Peninsula. T4S, R28E, Sec. 19, W½ of NW¼, Sec. 30, W½ of NW¼. 30º 7’ 56” N 81º 32’ 21” W
Habitat:Powerline right-of-way through seeps. Soils - Pottsburg (Grossarenic Haplaquods).
Reproductive State:Flower
Elevation:10 to 20 ft
Collector:S. L. Orzell 20690
  with E.L. Bridges
Date:05 Sep 1992
Accession No:228657

Family Name:Asteraceae
Currently Accepted Name:Balduina uniflora Nutt. - Determined By: B. R. Keener, 2002
Determination History: Balduina uniflora Nutt.
Locality:USA. Florida. Holmes Co.: Powerline at tributary headwaters NW of Hog Creek, ca. 0.2 air mi. E of FL 10A, ca. 1.2 air mi. NE of the junction of FL 10A and US 90 near Argyle, ca. 7.2 air mi. NW of Ponce de Leon; Holmes Powerline Bog. T3N, R18W, Sec. 22, SW¼ of SE¼. 30º 44’ 7” N 86º 1’ 42” W
Habitat:Peaty high hillside seepage bog. Soils - Plummer (Grossarenic Paleaquults).
Reproductive State:Flower
Elevation:170 to 180 ft
Collector:S. L. Orzell 20778
  with E.L. Bridges
Date:29 Sep 1992
Accession No:228683

Family Name:Asteraceae
Currently Accepted Name:Balduina uniflora Nutt. - Determined By: B. R. Keener, 2002
Determination History: Balduina uniflora Nutt.
Locality:USA. Florida. Calhoun Co.: Along tributary SW of Juniper Creek, ca. 1.0 mi. SW of Juniper Creek at the Bay County line, ca. 2.3 air mi. NNE of FL 20 at the Bay County line, ca. 2.6 air mi. ESE of Fountain; R. E. Powell Fen. T1N, R11W, Sec. 19, SE¼ of SW¼. 30º 28’ 5” N 85º 22’ 40” W
Habitat:Lower slope poor fen (seepage bog).
Reproductive State:Flower
Elevation:144 to 151 ft
Collector:S. L. Orzell 20733
  with E.L. Bridges
Date:13 Sep 1992
Accession No:228495

Family Name:Asteraceae
Currently Accepted Name:Balduina uniflora Nutt. - Determined By: B. R. Keener, 2002
Determination History: Balduina uniflora Nutt.
Locality:USA. Florida. Escambia Co.: Along FL 99, 3 mi. S of Bay Springs, 3.5 mi. N of Barrineau Park. T3N, R32W, Sec. 33, NW¼ of NE¼. 30º 12’ 0” N -85º -37’ 0” W
Habitat:Low sandy flat area under small planted Pinus palustris, adjacent to roadside ditch; with Habenaria ciliaris [Platanthera ciliaris], Balduina uniflora, Lilium catesbaei, Eragrostis elliottii, Eriocaulon decangulare, Rhynchospora sp.
Reproductive State:Flower
Collector:B. F. Hansen 3934
Date:20 Aug 1976
Accession No:132393

Family Name:Asteraceae
Currently Accepted Name:Balduina uniflora Nutt. - Determined By: B. R. Keener, 2002
Determination History: Balduina uniflora Nutt. - Determined By: R. P. Wunderlin, 1979
Helianthus simulans E. Watson
Locality:USA. Florida. Walton Co.: US 19, 13 mi. W of the Bay County line. 30º 12’ 0” N -85º -37’ 0” W
Habitat:Pinewoods and moist ditch.
Reproductive State:Flower
Collector:D. W. Crewz 1196
Date:10 Sep 1977
Accession No:128323

Family Name:Asteraceae
Currently Accepted Name:Balduina uniflora Nutt. - Determined By: B. R. Keener, 2002
Determination History: Balduina uniflora Nutt. - Determined By: R. P. Wunderlin, 1981
Helenium pinnatifidum (Nutt.) Rydb. - Determined By: R. P. Wunderlin
Locality:USA. Florida. Liberty Co.: Along FL 65 S of Telogia, just inside Apalachicola National Forest. 29º 43’ 32” N -84º -58’ -59” W
Description:Small colony; disc and rays yellow. 
Habitat:Road bank.
Reproductive State:Fruit
Collector:D. S. Correll 52270
  with H.B. Correll
Date:28 Jul 1981
Accession No:156403

Family Name:Asteraceae
Currently Accepted Name:Balduina uniflora Nutt. - Determined By: B. R. Keener, 2002
Determination History: Balduina uniflora Nutt. - Determined By: R. P. Wunderlin, 1981
Helenium pinnatifidum (Nutt.) Rydb.
Locality:USA. Florida. Gulf Co.: Ca. 12 mi. N of Port St. Joe on FL 71.
Habitat:Wet pineland.
Reproductive State:Flower
Collector:A. N. Arcuri 891
Date:15 Aug 1979
Accession No:143663

Family Name:Asteraceae
Currently Accepted Name:Balduina uniflora Nutt. - Determined By: B. R. Keener, 2002
Determination History: Balduina uniflora Nutt. - Determined By: R. P. Wunderlin, 1976
Endorima uniflora (Nutt.) Barnhart
Locality:USA. Florida. Bay Co.: Along FL 22, 15 mi. W of Wewahitchka. 30º 6’ 45” N -85º -12’ -2” W
Description:Disk and rays yellow. 
Habitat:Sandy soil; low savanna with a few scattered pines.
Reproductive State:Flower
Collector:R. E. Perdue 1642
Date:31 Aug 1954
Accession No:62844

Family Name:Asteraceae
Currently Accepted Name:Balduina uniflora Nutt. - Determined By: M. W. Bierner, 2004
Determination History: Balduina uniflora Nutt. - Determined By: B. R. Keener, 2004
Balduina uniflora Nutt. - Determined By: R. P. Wunderlin, 1989
Locality:USA. Florida. Escambia Co.: Along Edward Ball Nature Trail, ca. 210 ft. past first bridge over Thompson's Bayou, on campus of University of West Florida near Pensacola. 30º 24’ 33” N -87º -12’ -51” W
Description:Colony with mature plants and young seedlings; flowers yellow. 
Habitat:Swamp forest, with Drosera intermedia, Sphagnum sp.
Reproductive State:Flower
Collector:J. R. Burkhalter 10760
Date:03 Oct 1987
Accession No:200789

Family Name:Asteraceae
Currently Accepted Name:Balduina uniflora Nutt. - Determined By: B. R. Keener, 2002
Determination History: Balduina uniflora Nutt.
Locality:USA. Florida. Wakulla Co.: US 319, 0.8 mi. N of the junction with FL 299.
Habitat:Moist ditch.
Reproductive State:Flower
Collector:D. W. Crewz 1178
Date:11 Sep 1977
Accession No:128288

Family Name:Asteraceae
Currently Accepted Name:Balduina uniflora Nutt. - Determined By: B. R. Keener, 2002
Determination History: Balduina uniflora Nutt. - Determined By: D. B. Ward
Locality:USA. Florida. St. Johns Co.: FL 206, 9.7 mi. E of Spuds. T9S, R29E, Sec. 1. 29º 43’ 59” N -81º -28’ 0” W
Description:Leaves fleshy but not brittle; rays 3-toothed, bright yellow, disc yellow. Frequent
Habitat:Moist roadside through low pine woods.
Reproductive State:Flower
Collector:D. B. Ward 4097
Date:28 Aug 1964
Accession No:73693

Family Name:Asteraceae
Currently Accepted Name:Balduina uniflora Nutt.
Locality:USA. Florida. Bay Co.: Panama City Airport Site, N of FL 388, ca. 7 mi. W of Vicksburg. 30º 19’ 32” N -85º -39’ -52” W
Reproductive State:Flower
Collector:W. F. Grey s.n.
Date:10 Sep 2001
Accession No:229913

Family Name:Asteraceae
Currently Accepted Name:Balduina uniflora Nutt. - Determined By: B. R. Keener, 2002
Determination History: Balduina angustifolia (Pursh) B. L. Rob.
Physalis angustifolia Nutt. - Determined By: R. K. Godfrey
Locality:USA. Mississippi. Jackson Co.: Horn Island.
Habitat:Sand dunes.
Reproductive State:Flower
Collector:R. K. Godfrey 53711
  with R. B. Channel
Date:29 Jul 1955
Accession No:4125

Family Name:Asteraceae
Currently Accepted Name:Balduina uniflora Nutt. - Determined By: B. R. Keener, 2002
Locality:USA. Mississippi. George Co.: Old-Nyssa Magnolia bay site; 9 mi. SE of Lucedale.
Habitat:Grassy pineline meadow.
Reproductive State:Flower
Collector:J. D. Ray, Jr. 5712
Date:17 Aug 1955
Accession No:18683

Family Name:Asteraceae
Currently Accepted Name:Balduina uniflora Nutt. - Determined By: B. R. Keener, 2002
Determination History: Balduina uniflora Nutt. - Determined By: R. P. Wunderlin, 1981
Locality:USA. Georgia. Charlton Co.: Okefenokee Swamp.
Habitat:In black soil.
Reproductive State:Flower
Collector:R. W. Long s.n.
Date:Oct 1952
Accession No:61277

Family Name:Asteraceae
Currently Accepted Name:Balduina uniflora Nutt. - Determined By: B. R. Keener, 2002
Locality:USA. South Carolina. Jasper Co.: Along CR-87; 1.1 mi. NE of juction of CR-652.
Habitat:Pine savanna.
Reproductive State:Flower
Collector:S. W. Leonard 2774
  with A. E. Radford
Date:24 Sep 1969
Accession No:106447

Family Name:Asteraceae
Currently Accepted Name:Balduina uniflora Nutt. - Determined By: B. R. Keener, 2002
Locality:USA. Georgia. Emanuel Co.: 1.3 km (0.8 mi.) S of I-16 on US 1; N of the city of Oak Park; along Ohoopee River; Altamaha Grit region.
Habitat:Alluvial forest and savanna-like openings.
Collector:D. E. Boufford 21703
  with E. W. Wood, C. I. Peng
Date:28 Aug 1979
Accession No:154969

Family Name:Asteraceae
Currently Accepted Name:Balduina uniflora Nutt.
Locality:USA. Georgia. Turner Co.: 0.6 mi. S of paved road (S1351; CR-249) connecting US 41 and GA 33; ca. 3.2 mi NW of US 41; 1.0 mi. N of center of Ashburn. Ashburn 7.5' Quad. 31º 43’ 42” N 83º 42’ 47” W
Habitat:Mesic longleaf pine savanna; Geology-Neogene undifferentiated; Soils-Alapha (Arenic Plinthic Paleaquults).
Reproductive State:Flower
Elevation:390 to 400 ft
Collector:S. L. Orzell 18404
  with E. L. Bridges
Date:12 Oct 1991
Accession No:273633

Family Name:Asteraceae
Currently Accepted Name:Balduina uniflora Nutt. - Determined By: B. R. Keener, 2002
Locality:USA. Mississippi. Harrison Co.: Along US 49; 1 mi. S of N Gulfport and junction with I-10.
Reproductive State:Flower
Collector:R. P. Sauleda 6727
  with D. K. Sauleda
Date:13 Sep 1981
Accession No:162004

Family Name:Asteraceae
Currently Accepted Name:Balduina uniflora Nutt. - Determined By: B. R. Keener, 2002
Determination History: Balduina uniflora Nutt. - Determined By: R. P. Wunderlin, 1976
Endorima uniflora (Nutt.) Barnhart
Locality:USA. Georgia. Liberty Co.: Camp Steward; near Hinesville.
Reproductive State:Flower
Collector:W. C. Grimm s.n.
Date:20 Aug 1943
Accession No:80333

Family Name:Asteraceae
Currently Accepted Name:Balduina uniflora Nutt. - Determined By: B. R. Keener, 2002
Determination History: Balduina uniflora Nutt.
Locality:USA. Mississippi. Pearl River Co.: MS 43; E of I-59; at Pentacostal Church.
Habitat:Open Sarracenia bog.
Reproductive State:Flower
Collector:C. Hermann 358
Date:28 Jul 1984
Accession No:198403

Family Name:Asteraceae
Currently Accepted Name:Balduina uniflora Nutt.
Locality:USA. Georgia. Ben Hill Co.: Ca. 10 mi. ESE of Fitzgerald; ca. 1.5 mi. NW of Dicksons Mill Pond Road and Gull Road juntion. 31º 44’ 5” N 83º 4’ 52” W
Habitat:In herb-shrub seepage bog; saturated soil with clay below, mapped as Plummer Sand; growing with Ilex glabra, Hypericum fasiculatum, Sarracenia minor, S. flava, Xyris ambigua, Rhexia, Juncus, Fuirena.
Reproductive State:Flower
Collector:R. Chicone 649
Date:11 Sep 2008
Accession No:260375

Family Name:Asteraceae
Currently Accepted Name:Balduina uniflora Nutt. - Determined By: B. R. Keener, 2002
Locality:USA. Georgia. Bulloch Co.: Ca. 6 mi. W of Statesboro.
Habitat:Sandy ridge; open, recently cleared area; moist, sandy soil.
Reproductive State:Flower
Collector:E. S. Parker 1040
Date:06 Sep 1968
Accession No:161749

Family Name:Asteraceae
Currently Accepted Name:Balduina uniflora Nutt. - Determined By: B. R. Keener, 2002
Locality:USA. North Carolina. Bladen Co.: 0.6 mi. SE of Rosindale; on NC 211.
Habitat:Flat pine woods.
Reproductive State:Flower
Collector:H. E. Ahles 33353
  with R. S. Leisner
Date:03 Aug 1957
Accession No:15186

Family Name:Asteraceae
Currently Accepted Name:Balduina uniflora Nutt. - Determined By: B. R. Keener, 2002
Locality:USA. Louisiana. St. Tammany Par.: Along Pine Street Extention; ca. 2 mi. W of Pearl River. T8S, R14E, Sec. 10.
Description:Frequent; yellow rays and discs. 
Habitat:Pine savanna area.
Reproductive State:Flower
Collector:C. E. Allen 9279
  with K. Vincent, L. Erbe
Date:05 Aug 1979
Accession No:164177

Family Name:Asteraceae
Currently Accepted Name:Balduina uniflora Nutt. - Determined By: B. R. Keener, 2002
Locality:USA. South Carolina. Jasper Co.: Along CR-87; 1.1 mi. NE of junction of CR-652.
Habitat:Pine savanna.
Reproductive State:Flower
Collector:S. W. Leonard 2774
  with A. E. Radford
Date:24 Sep 1969
Accession No:89718

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