Selected Herbarium Specimen Details (31) Download

Family Name:Lamiaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Pycnanthemum flexuosum (Walter) Britton et al. - Determined By: B. F. Hansen, 1992
Determination History: Pycnanthemum hyssopifolium Benth.
Locality:USA. Florida. Jefferson Co.: S side of I-10, ca. 1.2 mi. W of intersectino US 19, ca. 0.7 mi. E of C-259 bridge, ca. 7.3 mi. E of intersection FL 59 to Lloyd. T1N, R4E, Sec. 22, NE¼ of NE¼. 30º 28’ 40” N 83º 54’ 36” W
Habitat:Swale in burned, partially cutover, upland longleaf pine [Pinus palustris] savanna. Soils - Dothan (Plinthic Paleudults).
Reproductive State:Fertile
Elevation:180 to 200 ft
Collector:S. L. Orzell 14348
  with E.L. Bridges
Date:16 Jul 1990
Accession No:204867

Family Name:Lamiaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Pycnanthemum flexuosum (Walter) Britton et al.
Locality:USA. Florida. Nassau Co.: Ralph E. Simmons Memorial State Forest. Next to Road No. 2, ca. 1 mi. N of Penny Haddock Road; ca. 5 mi. NE of Boulogne and US 301. T4N, R24E, Sec. 33. 30º 46’ 0” N -81º -58’ 0” W
Habitat:Loblolly pine [Pinus taeda] blackgum [Nyssa] community on seepage slope.
Reproductive State:Fertile
Collector:C. Slaughter 12040
  with M. Minno, S. Meyer
Date:07 Jul 2000
Accession No:227568

Family Name:Lamiaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Pycnanthemum flexuosum (Walter) Britton et al.
Locality:USA. Florida. Levy Co.: N side of FL 24, ca. 1.2 mi. E of Waccasassa River bridge, 4.1 mi. E of junction US 98/19 at Otter Creek, ca. 10.7 air mi. SE of Chiefland; Devils Hammock. T13S, R16E, Sec. 9, SW¼ of SW¼ of NW¼. 29º 22’ 9” N 82º 43’ 22” W
Habitat:Roadside adjacent to hydric hammock.
Reproductive State:Fertile
Elevation:37 ft
Collector:S. L. Orzell 22139
  with E.L. Bridges
Date:24 Jul 1993
Accession No:255420

Family Name:Lamiaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Pycnanthemum flexuosum (Walter) Britton et al.
Locality:USA. Florida. Nassau Co.: St. Marys Conservation Area. Hercules Tract; ca. 0.3 air mi. E of Hawkins Shop Landing on St. Marys River, ca. 2.8 air mi. NNE of Boulogne. T5N, R24E, Sec. 37, NW part. 30º 48’ 35” N 81º 57’ 26” W
Habitat:Recently clearcut clayey wet pine flatwoods. Soils - Meggett (Typic Albaqualfs).
Reproductive State:Fertile
Elevation:20 ft
Collector:S. L. Orzell 19920
  with E.L. Bridges
Date:02 Jul 1992
Accession No:229309

Family Name:Lamiaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Pycnanthemum flexuosum (Walter) Britton et al.
Locality:USA. Florida. Holmes Co.: Sun Lake Longleaf Savanna. E of Bealia Road and W of Sun Lake. ca. 0.6 mi. N of County Line Road and 0.7 mi. W of FL 79, 1.0 air mi. SW of junction FL 79 and I-10, ca. 2.7 air mi. SW of Bonifay. T4N, R15W, Sec. 13, NW¼ of SW¼. 30º 45’ 5” N 85º 41’ 47” W
Habitat:Burned longleaf pine [Pinus palustris] savanna. Soils - Dothan (Plinthic Paleudults).
Reproductive State:Fertile
Elevation:110 to 140 ft
Collector:S. L. Orzell 20857
  with E.L. Bridges
Date:29 Sep 1992
Accession No:229300

Family Name:Lamiaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Pycnanthemum flexuosum (Walter) Britton et al.
Locality:USA. Florida. Madison Co.: Along FL 53, 4.4 mi. N of Lafayette Co. line, ca. 12 mi. S of Madison. T2S, R10E, Sec. 16, NE¼ of SW¼. 30º 28’ 9” N -83º -24’ -46” W
Reproductive State:Fertile
Collector:B. F. Hansen 11521
  with F. Essig
Date:01 Sep 1987
Accession No:192680

Family Name:Lamiaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Pycnanthemum flexuosum (Walter) Britton et al.
Locality:USA. Florida. Wakulla Co.: Just E of Sopchoppy, along FL 319. 30º 3’ 35” N -84º -29’ -19” W
Description:Heads grayish; flowers light-lavender. 
Habitat:Edge of woods.
Reproductive State:Fertile
Collector:D. S. Correll 52286
  with H.B. Correll
Date:28 Jul 1981
Accession No:165888

Family Name:Lamiaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Pycnanthemum flexuosum (Walter) Britton et al. - Determined By: H. L. Chambers, 28-Sep-1973
Locality:USA. Florida. Leon Co.: Vicinity of Tallahassee. 30º 26’ 17” N -84º -16’ -50” W
Reproductive State:Fertile
Collector:D. Laker s.n.
Date:25 Jun 1966
Accession No:89174

Family Name:Lamiaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Pycnanthemum flexuosum (Walter) Britton et al. - Determined By: B. F. Hansen, Oct 2022
Determination History: Hedeoma hispida Pursh - Determined By: C. vanHoek, 2018
Locality:USA. Florida. Taylor Co.: FL 19, 5 mi. W of Perry.
Reproductive State:Fertile
Collector:C. F. Caudle 5489
  with M. L. Gilbert, M. S. Tisdale
Date:10 Jun 1964
Accession No:303741

Family Name:Lamiaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Pycnanthemum flexuosum (Walter) Britton, Sterns & Poggenb. - Determined By: Genelle, P. & Fleming, G.
Locality:USA. South Carolina. Marion Co.: Between West Marion and Laughlin.
Habitat:Powerline right of way.
Reproductive State:Fertile
Collector:D. W. Crewz 1050
  with P. Evans
Date:11 Jul 1977
Accession No:131978

Family Name:Lamiaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Pycnanthemum flexuosum (Walter) Britton, Sterns & Poggenb. - Determined By: H. L. Chambers, Aug 1960
Locality:USA. South Carolina. Allendale Co.: 1.2 mi. SSW of Barton on C-68.
Habitat:Pine savanna.
Reproductive State:Fertile
Collector:H. E. Ahles 15849
  with C.R. Bell
Date:30 Jul 1956
Accession No:37394

Family Name:Lamiaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Pycnanthemum flexuosum (Walter) Britton, Sterns & Poggenb. - Determined By: H. L. Chambers, Aug 1960
Locality:USA. North Carolina. Washington Co.: 4 mi. ENE of Hoke.
Collector:A. E. Radford 35198
Date:15 Jun 1958
Accession No:78213

Family Name:Lamiaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Pycnanthemum flexuosum (Walter) Britton, Sterns & Poggenb. - Determined By: H. L. Chambers, 28-Sep-1973
Determination History: Pycnanthemum flexuosum (Walter) Britton, Sterns & Poggenb.
Locality:USA. North Carolina. Pender Co.: On a road off route 117; ca. 3 mi. N of Burgaw.
Reproductive State:Fertile
Collector:H. A. Heissler s.n.
Date:07 Jun 1965
Accession No:84193

Family Name:Lamiaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Pycnanthemum flexuosum (Walter) Britton, Sterns & Poggenb. - Determined By: H. L. Chambers, 03-Jan-1974
Determination History: Pycnanthemum flexuosum (Walter) Britton, Sterns & Poggenb.
Locality:USA. North Carolina. Pender Co.: Ca. 16 mi. NE of Bergaw: on route 53.
Reproductive State:Fertile
Collector:H. Grier s.n.
  with J. Czikowsky
Date:07 Jul 1965
Accession No:84159

Family Name:Lamiaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Pycnanthemum flexuosum (Walter) Britton, Sterns & Poggenb. - Determined By: H. L. Chambers, 03-Jan-1974
Determination History: Pycnanthemum flexuosum (Walter) Britton, Sterns & Poggenb. - Determined By: R. F. Thorne
Locality:USA. Georgia. Grady Co.: Mitchell Place: near Susina Plantion.
Habitat:Low pineland near pond edge.
Reproductive State:Fertile
Collector:R. A. Norris 204
Date:09 Sep 1964
Accession No:63274

Family Name:Lamiaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Pycnanthemum flexuosum (Walter) Britton, Sterns & Poggenb.
Locality:USA. South Carolina. Berkeley Co.: Frontage road off Highway 17N; road to Moncks Corner.
Habitat:Sandy soil.
Reproductive State:Fertile
Collector:C. L. Rodgers 75031
  with N.E. Mullens
Date:31 Jul 1974
Accession No:120682

Family Name:Lamiaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Pycnanthemum flexuosum (Walter) Britton, Sterns & Poggenb.
Locality:USA. Mississippi. Tishomingo Co.: Jack Sharp place; 22 mi. NW of Iuka.
Habitat:In pine-mixed hardwood forest.
Reproductive State:Bud
Collector:J. D. Ray, Jr. 6294
Date:13 Jun 1956
Accession No:46320

Family Name:Lamiaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Pycnanthemum flexuosum (Walter) Britton, Sterns & Poggenb. - Determined By: S. R. Hill, Jun 1988
Locality:USA. South Carolina. Colleton Co.: Sullivans Ferry; W side of Edisto River; 1 mi. S of route 17-A.
Description:Flowers white; green-grey herb; 3-4 ft. tall with pleasant mint aroma. 
Habitat:Clearcut pineland along road to river; wet sand.
Reproductive State:Fertile
Collector:S. R. Hill 19645
Date:16 Jun 1988
Accession No:204272

Family Name:Lamiaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Pycnanthemum flexuosum (Walter) Britton, Sterns & Poggenb.
Locality:USA. Mississippi. Jone Co.: 3 mi. SW of Ellisville.
Habitat:Moist: gentle slope in cutover pineland.
Reproductive State:Bud
Collector:J. D. Ray, Jr. 5015
Date:19 Jul 1955
Accession No:43639

Family Name:Lamiaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Pycnanthemum flexuosum (Walter) Britton, Sterns & Poggenb.
Locality:USA. South Carolina. Williamsburg Co.: On S side of C-549; ca. 0.5 mi. W of junction C-315; ca. 3.3 air mi. W of Cades; ca. 1.3 air mi. SW of Clarks Crossroads; ca. 8 mi. N of Kingstree; The Cades; Lake Cuty West 7.5 ft. quadrant. 33º 47’ 7” N 79º 50’ 12” W
Habitat:Burned wet pine-cypress savanna on clay soils.
Reproductive State:Fertile
Collector:S. L. Orzell 24922
  with E.L. Bridges
Date:11 Jul 1996
Accession No:268540

Family Name:Lamiaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Pycnanthemum flexuosum (Walter) Britton, Sterns & Poggenb.
Locality:USA. North Carolina. Cumberland Co.: On S side of Firebank 1 within NEA Commel site; ca. 0.1 mi. S of N base boundary at a point 0.4 mi. W of McCormick Bridge Road; ca. 3.2 air mi. E of Manchester; NEA Commel Savanna NA; Fort Bragg; Manchester 7.5 ft. quadrant. 35º 11’ 55” N 78º 56’ 1” W
Habitat:Slightly seepy pine savanna in shallow basin; community dominated by Pinus palustris, P. serotina, Calamovilfa brevipilis, Ctenium aromaticum.
Reproductive State:Fertile
Collector:S. L. Orzell 24712
  with E.L. Bridges
Date:05 Jul 1996
Accession No:256182

Family Name:Lamiaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Pycnanthemum flexuosum (Walter) Britton, Sterns & Poggenb.
Locality:USA. North Carolina. Moore Co.: On N side of NC 73; ca. 0.9 mi. W of junction NC 1209 (Murdocksville Road); ca. 2.8 mi. W of junction US15/51; ca. 4.3 air mi. N of Pinehurst; NC73 Powerline Clearing; Carthage 7.5 ft. quadrant. 35º 15’ 13” N 79º 29’ 25” W
Habitat:Seepage slopes in powerline right of way.
Reproductive State:Fertile
Collector:S. L. Orzell 24779
  with E.L. Bridges
Date:06 Jul 1996
Accession No:249671

Family Name:Lamiaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Pycnanthemum flexuosum (Walter) Britton, Sterns & Poggenb.
Locality:USA. North Carolina. Scotland Co.: 0.7 mi. NE of Marston Road and 0.6 mi. SW of Hoffman Road; ca. 0.9 mi. SSE of Camrons Lake dam; ca. 2.5 air mi. E of US 1 at Marston; Sandhills Game Lands; Marston 7.5 ft. quadrant. 34º 59’ 1” N 79º 32’ 24” W
Habitat:Small streamhead seepage slope in burned sandhills on E side of small road.
Reproductive State:Fertile
Collector:S. L. Orzell 24756
  with L. Bridges
Date:06 Jul 1996
Accession No:249670

Family Name:Lamiaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Pycnanthemum flexuosum (Walter) Britton, Sterns & Poggenb.
Locality:USA. Mississippi. Yalobusha Co.: 5 mi. N of Coffeeville.
Habitat:Grassy border of dry secondary deciduous wood.
Reproductive State:Bud
Collector:J. D. Ray, Jr. 6842
Date:11 Jul 1956
Accession No:22432

Family Name:Lamiaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Pycnanthemum flexuosum (Walter) Britton, Sterns & Poggenb.
Locality:USA. South Carolina. Chesterfield Co.: N of uppermost impoundment of Oxpen Branch; ca. 2.7 air mi. W of Ruby Lookout Tower on SC 145; ca. 7.6 air mi. NW of Middendorf; Barefoot Seep; Carolina Sandhills NWR; Middendorf 7.5 ft. quadrant. 34º 36’ 28” N 80º 14’ 54” W
Habitat:Strongly seepy high hillside seepage slope.
Reproductive State:Fertile
Collector:S. L. Orzell 24729
  with E.L. Bridges
Date:06 Jul 1996
Accession No:256260

Family Name:Lamiaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Pycnanthemum flexuosum (Walter) Britton, Sterns & Poggenb.
Locality:USA. Georgia. Berrien Co.: 1.3 mi. W of Ray City alongside GA 37.
Habitat:Moist roadshoulder adjacent to pasture.
Reproductive State:Fertile
Collector:M. Yarbrough 4
Date:24 Sep 1976
Accession No:161566

Family Name:Lamiaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Pycnanthemum flexuosum (Walter) Britton, Sterns & Poggenb.
Locality:USA. Mississippi. Oktibbeha Co.: 6 mi. W of Starkville.
Habitat:Low, young pine-mixed hardwood woods in flatwoods region.
Reproductive State:Flower
Collector:J. D. Ray, Jr. 4738
Date:04 Jul 1955
Accession No:17337

Family Name:Lamiaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Pycnanthemum flexuosum (Walter) Britton, Sterns & Poggenb. - Determined By: Illegible determiner name, 1960
Determination History: Pycnanthemum leptodon A. Gray - Determined By: R. S. Bateman
Locality:USA. Mississippi. Oktibbeha Co.: Longview.
Reproductive State:Flower
Collector:R. S. Bateman s.n.
Date:03 Jul 1951
Accession No:12188

Family Name:Lamiaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Pycnanthemum flexuosum (Walter) Britton, Sterns & Poggenb.
Locality:USA. Mississippi. Chickasaw Co.: Black Prairie Region; 3 mi. S of Okolona.
Description:Local, not common. 
Habitat:Roadside ditch and field margin; black soil over Selma chalk.
Reproductive State:Flower
Collector:J. D. Ray, Jr. 8541
Date:20 Jun 1958
Accession No:18234

Family Name:Lamiaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Pycnanthemum flexuosum (Walter) Britton, Sterns & Poggenb.
Locality:USA. Louisiana. Webster Co.: T22N, R6W, Sec. 27.
Habitat:Moist openings in hardwood bottom.
Reproductive State:Flower
Collector:J. A. Moore 6116
  with J. Moore
Date:18 Jun 1955
Accession No:15908

Family Name:Lamiaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Pycnanthemum flexuosum (Walter) Britton, Sterns & Poggenb. - Determined By: C. vanHoek, 2020
Locality:USA. Florida. Lafayette Co.: North Florida [Methodist] Youth Camp, Mayo.
Reproductive State:Fertile
Collector:C. F. Caudle 5729
  with M. L. Gilbert, M. S. Tisdale
Date:13 Jun 1964
Accession No:303681

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