Selected Herbarium Specimen Details (4) Download

Family Name:Isoetaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Isoetes appalachiana D.F.Brunton & D.M.Britton - Determined By: D. F. Brunton, Aug 1997
Determination History: Isoetes appalachiana D.F.Brunton & D.M.Britton
Locality:Florida, Holmes Co., Contact USF Herbarium if additional information is required.
Habitat:Swampy woods; Isoetes hyemalis nearby.
Reproductive State:Fertile
Collector:J. R. Allison 9905a
  with J. MacDonald
Date:14 Jun 1997
Accession No:223476

Family Name:Isoetaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Isoetes appalachiana D.F.Brunton & D.M.Britton
Locality:Florida, Gadsden Co., Contact USF Herbarium if additional information is required.
Description:One large patch, leaves sprawling across mud. 
Habitat:In 1-10 cm deep water in shallow pools in unvegetated areas of fine sand and silty sand (pH 6.2) in deep shade under bridge.
Reproductive State:Fertile
Collector:D. F. Brunton 11816
  with K.L. McIntosh
Date:18 Mar 1994
Accession No:221889

Family Name:Isoetaceae
Currently Accepted Name:ISOTYPE of  Isoetes appalachiana D.F.Brunton & D.M.Britton - Determined By: D. M. Britton, Sep 1995
Locality:Pennsylvania, Blair Co., Contact USF Herbarium if additional information is required.
Description:Common; 2n=44. 
Habitat:Shallow (15-100 cm deep), fresh, clear water in coarse sand and silt over heavy clay amongst scattered shale boulders; dominated by Isoetes applachiana, with Juncus canadensis, Sparganium sp., Eleocharis palustris.
Reproductive State:Fertile
Collector:D. F. Brunton 12274
  with K.L. McIntosh
Date:06 Aug 1995
Accession No:221897

Family Name:Isoetaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Isoetes appalachiana D.F.Brunton & D.M.Britton - Determined By: D. F. Brunton, Mar 1999
Locality:USA. South Carolina. Oconee Co.: Mountain Rest, private property, N ide Galloway Road, W side West Village Creek. 34º 52’ N 83º 11’ W
Habitat:Forest boundary; gneissic shists; mucky sand in spring seep, mostly shaded; base buried 10 cm; with red maple [Acer rubrum], Viburnum udum, Lindera benzoin, Alnus.
Elevation:1600 to 1800 ft
Collector:S. R. Hill 30634
Date:13 Aug 1998
Accession No:275769

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