Selected Herbarium Specimen Details (2) Download

Family Name:Isoetaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Isoetes hyemalis D. F. Brunton - Determined By: D. F. Brunton, Aug 1997
Determination History: Isoetes hyemalis D. F. Brunton
Locality:Florida, Holmes Co., Contact USF Herbarium if additional information is required.
Habitat:Swampy woods; Isoetes appalachiana nearby.
Reproductive State:Fertile
Collector:J. R. Allison 9905c
  with J. MacDonald
Date:14 Jun 1997
Accession No:223478

Family Name:Isoetaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Isoetes hyemalis D. F. Brunton
Locality:USA. Virginia. Dinwiddie Co.: 6 km. due W of I 95 at unnamed branch of Stony Creek; 80 m. S of SR 666 (Blugh Road); 0.8 km. E of Shady Lane.
Description:Locally common (16 of 26 (73%) plants). 
Habitat:In silty sand of shallow (15-20 cm. deep) ephemeral pool along mostly dry (periodically flooded and fast flowing) run dominated by Isoetes x bruntonii, I. hyemalis, Carex lupuliformis, Panicum comutatum; at edge of mature swamp forest of Quercus phellos, Liquidambar styraciflua, Acer rubrum, Nyssa glabra by logging clearing.
Reproductive State:Fertile
Collector:D. F. Brunton 12557
  with K.L. McIntosh
Date:30 Jun 1996
Accession No:221890

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