Selected Herbarium Specimen Details (8) Download

Family Name:Orobanchaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Agalinis aphylla (Nutt.) Raf.
Locality:USA. Florida. Escambia Co.: Ca. 0.5 mi. NW of Kingsfield Road crossing, ca. 1.2 air mi. WSW of the junction of FL 97 and FL 186, ca. 3.9 air mi. SW of Cantonment. T1N, R31W, Sec. 31, SW¼ of NE¼. 30º 34’ 29” N 87º 22’ 9” W
Habitat:Lower slope hillside seepage bogs in and adjacent to pipeline right-of-way. Soils - Plummer (Grossarenic Paleaquults).
Reproductive State:Flower
Elevation:70 to 80 ft
Collector:S. L. Orzell 20893
  with E.L. Bridges
Date:30 Sep 1992
Accession No:240451

Family Name:Orobanchaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Agalinis aphylla (Nutt.) Raf.
Locality:USA. Florida. Clay Co.: Jennings [State] Forest - Black Creek Wildlife Management Area. NE of North Fork Black Creek, S of Long Branch Road, 0.7 mi. SE of State Forest entrance, ca. 7 air mi. NW of Middleburg. T4S, R24E, Sec. 18, NW¼ of NE¼. 30º 9’ 23” N 81º 56’ 33” W
Habitat:Burned seepage slope at headwaters of tributary. Soils - Rutlege (Typic Humaquepts).
Reproductive State:Fertile
Collector:S. L. Orzell 25578B
  with E.L. Bridges
Date:12 Sep 1999
Accession No:235337

Family Name:Orobanchaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Agalinis aphylla (Nutt.) Raf. - Determined By: J. F. Hays, 1998
Determination History: Agalinis aphylla (Nutt.) Raf.
Locality:USA. Florida. Franklin Co.: Edge of Forest Road 135, 1.1 mi. drive E of FL 65, ca. 3 air mi. SSE of Sumatra. T6S, R7W, Sec. 5, SE¼. 30º 1’ 0” N -84º -58’ 0” W
Habitat:Moist sandy soil.
Reproductive State:Flower
Collector:L. C. Anderson 7561
Date:12 Sep 1984
Accession No:196270

Family Name:Orobanchaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Agalinis aphylla (Nutt.) Raf. - Determined By: J. F. Hays, 1998
Determination History: Agalinis aphylla (Nutt.) Raf. - Determined By: K. A. Vincent, 1988
Locality:USA. Mississippi. Hancock Co.: W of MS 603, 5.3 mi. N of MS 43.
Habitat:Pine savanna.
Reproductive State:Bud
Collector:L. J. Musselman 5002
  with C. S. Harris
Date:12 Oct 1976
Accession No:125306

Family Name:Orobanchaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Agalinis aphylla (Nutt.) Raf. - Determined By: J. F. Hays, 1998
Determination History: Agalinis aphylla (Nutt.) Raf. - Determined By: K. A. Vincent, 1988
Locality:USA. Mississippi. Jackson Co.: P. O. Hurley.
Habitat:Low valley land.
Reproductive State:Bud
Collector:D. Demaree 34396
Date:27 Sep 1954
Accession No:184162

Family Name:Orobanchaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Agalinis aphylla (Nutt.) Raf. - Determined By: K. A. Vincent, 1988
Determination History: Agalinis aphylla (Nutt.) Raf. - Determined By: L. J. Musselman, 03 Jan 1975
Gerardia aphylla Nutt.
Locality:USA. North Carolina. Onslow Co.: To E of NC 50, NW of US 17 at Holly Ridge and 1.1 mi. NW of junction with C-1103.
Reproductive State:Bud
Collector:C. R. Bell 17230
Date:30 Oct 1961
Accession No:57800

Family Name:Orobanchaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Agalinis aphylla (Nutt.) Raf. - Determined By: K. A. Vincent, 1988
Determination History: Agalinis aphylla (Nutt.) Raf.
Locality:USA. Georgia. Liberty Co.: Camp Stewart; near Hinesvile.
Reproductive State:Flower
Collector:W. C. Grimm 13281
Date:21 Sep 1943
Accession No:80153

Family Name:Orobanchaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Agalinis aphylla (Nutt.) Raf. - Determined By: K. A. Vincent, 1988
Locality:USA. South Carolina. Horry Co.: 0.3 mi. S of junction of dirt roads; 0.3 mi. S of 544; 3.6 mi. S of junction of 544 and 707.
Habitat:Savanna with Pinus palustris, Quercus pumila, Muhlenbergia expansa, Ctenium aromaticum (in recently burned areas), Sarracenia flava, S. purpurea, S. minor, Chaptalin tomentosa, etc.
Reproductive State:Fruit
Collector:L. J. Musselman 4645
Date:17 Oct 1972
Accession No:116725

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