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Family Name:Fabaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Phaseolus polystachios (L.) Britton et al. var. sinuatus (Nutt. ex Torr. & A. Gray) Marechal et al. - Determined By: B. F. Hansen, 1991
Determination History: Phaseolus sinuatus Nutt. ex Torr. & A. Gray - Determined By: R. F. Daubenmire, 1988
Locality:USA. Florida. Lake Co.: Lake Sumter Community College campus. 28º 42’ 0” N -82º -4’ -59” W
Reproductive State:Flower
Collector:R. F. Daubenmire s.n.
  with J. Daubenmire
Date:9 Sep 1988
Accession No:201629

Family Name:Fabaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Phaseolus polystachios (L.) Britton et al. var. sinuatus (Nutt. ex Torr. & A. Gray) Marechal et al. - Determined By: B. F. Hansen, 1991
Determination History: Phaseolus sinuatus Nutt. ex Torr. & A. Gray - Determined By: D. Isely, 1985
Locality:USA. Florida. Citrus Co.: End of Trail ca. 1.2 mi. from the junction with FL 48.
Description:Stems trailing over grasses. 
Habitat:Margin of cleared area in upland hardwood association of Quercus sp. and Sabal palmetto with Centrosema abundant over tall plants of Eupatorium; sandy soil dominated by herbs.
Reproductive State:Bud, Flower
Collector:O. K. Lakela 25277
Date:26 Aug 1962
Accession No:52057

Family Name:Fabaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Phaseolus polystachios (L.) Britton et al. var. sinuatus (Nutt. ex Torr. & A. Gray) Marechal et al. - Determined By: B. F. Hansen, 1991
Determination History: Phaseolus sinuatus Nutt. ex Torr. & A. Gray - Determined By: P. O. Schallert, 1963
Locality:USA. Florida. Seminole Co.: Altamonte Springs. My home. 28º 39’ 39” N -81º -21’ -56” W
Reproductive State:Flower
Collector:P. O. Schallert 27082
Date:15 Sep 1963
Accession No:66590

Family Name:Fabaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Phaseolus polystachios (L.) Britton et al. var. sinuatus (Nutt. ex Torr. & A. Gray) Marechal et al. - Determined By: B. F. Hansen, 1994
Determination History: Phaseolus sinuatus Nutt. ex Torr. & A. Gray - Determined By: W. S. Judd, 1992
Locality:USA. Florida. Columbia Co.: Ichetucknee Springs State Park. 4.5 mi. NW of Fort White off of US 27; ca. 0.25 mi. NE of S Entrance; S of maintenance shop in section 1B. T6S, R15E, Sec. 24.
Description:Vining herb; leaflets tri-lobed; flowers purple and pink, keel strongly incurved with spiraled style. Frequent
Habitat:Former pine plantation and disturbed sandhill community with Bidens alba and Eupatorium compositifolium; burned in April 1992.
Reproductive State:Flower, Immature Fruit
Collector:B. J. Herring 808
  with D. Herring
Date:29 Jun 1992
Accession No:210316

Family Name:Fabaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Phaseolus polystachios (L.) Britton et al. var. sinuatus (Nutt. ex Torr. & A. Gray) Marechal et al. - Determined By: B. F. Hansen, 1991
Determination History: Phaseolus sinuatus Nutt. ex Torr. & A. Gray - Determined By: R. A. Hilsenbeck, 1974
Locality:USA. Florida. Hillsborough Co.: Lot at NE corner of 15th Street and 109th Avenue.
Habitat:Sandy woods, sandhill association, with Croton argyranthemus, Pinus palustris, Asclepias tuberosus, and Sporobolus junceus.
Reproductive State:Flower
Collector:R. A. Hilsenbeck 426
  with P. Hilsenbeck
Date:27 Feb 1974
Accession No:109259

Family Name:Fabaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Phaseolus polystachios (L.) Britton et al. var. sinuatus (Nutt. ex Torr. & A. Gray) Marechal et al. - Determined By: J. Weber, 1992
Locality:USA. Florida. Sarasota Co.: Oscar Scherer State Recreation Area. Burn Zone 6A. T38S, R18E, Sec. 13.
Description:Vine up to 1 m+ long; flowers deep rose, borne on axillary stalks; fruit [a] legume. Occasional
Habitat:Scrubby flatwoods.
Reproductive State:Flower, Immature Fruit
Collector:J. Weber OS0086
Date:28 Sep 1992
Accession No:210069

Family Name:Fabaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Phaseolus polystachios (L.) Britton et al. var. sinuatus (Nutt. ex Torr. & A. Gray) Marechal et al. - Determined By: B. F. Hansen, 1994
Determination History: Rhynchosia minima (L.) DC. - Determined By: J. Weber, 1991
Locality:USA. Florida. Sarasota Co.: Oscar Scherer State Park. N side of Park Drive, in ruderal area. T38S, R18E, Sec. 14.
Description:Vine to 4 m length; flower yellowish, papilionaceous; fruit [a] legume. Occasional
Habitat:[Ruderal area in] mesic flatwoods.
Reproductive State:Flower, Fruit
Collector:J. Weber OS0096
Date:12 Sep 1991
Accession No:208879

Family Name:Fabaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Phaseolus polystachios (L.) Britton et al. var. sinuatus (Nutt. ex Torr. & A. Gray) Marechal et al. - Determined By: B. F. Hansen, 1991
Determination History: Phaseolus sinuatus Nutt. ex Torr. & A. Gray - Determined By: K. Holland, 1990
Locality:USA. Florida. Highlands Co.: SW intersection of Lundsford Road and US 27 on S side of Lunsford Road, 1 mi. N of the intersection of US 27 and US 98.
Habitat:In small patch of scrub.
Reproductive State:Bud, Flower
Collector:K. Holland s.n.
  with R. Mears
Date:2 Sep 1990
Accession No:201939

Family Name:Fabaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Phaseolus polystachios (L.) Britton et al. var. sinuatus (Nutt. ex Torr. & A. Gray) Marechal et al. - Determined By: B. F. Hansen, 1993
Determination History: Phaseolus sinuatus Nutt. ex Torr. & A. Gray - Determined By: J. Weber, 1992
Locality:USA. Florida. Sarasota Co.: Oscar Scherer State Recreation Area. Burn Zone 6A. T38S, R18E, Sec. 13.
Description:Vine up to 1 m+ long; flowers deep rose, borne on axillary stalks; fruit [a] legume. Occasional
Habitat:Scrubby flatwoods.
Reproductive State:Flower
Collector:J. Weber OS0086
Date:28 Sep 1992
Accession No:206633

Family Name:Fabaceae
Currently Accepted Name:Phaseolus polystachios (L.) Britton et al. var. sinuatus (Nutt. ex Torr. & A. Gray) Marechal et al. - Determined By: B. F. Hansen, 1991
Determination History: Phaseolus sinuatus Nutt. ex Torr. & A. Gray
Locality:USA. Florida. Hernando Co.: McKethan Park. Between stations 11-12.
Description:Rosy-pink flowers. 
Habitat:Oak/hickory woods.
Reproductive State:Flower
Collector:S. Petty s.n.
  with C. vanHoek
Date:06 May 1990
Accession No:201563

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